Title: 3' Neuron models
1A large scale biologically realistic model of the
neostriatum Ric Wood, Mark Humphries, Kevin
Contact ric.wood_at_sheffield.ac.uk m.d.humphries_at_s
3. Neuron models
1. Morphology
2. Model of connectivity
- The volume data for each cell was used to
calculate the probability of an apposition. - 30 MS dendrograms, and 30 FS dendrograms were
generated. - The mean volume of space occupied by the
dendrites, as a function of distance from the
soma, was calculated. - To obtain a continuous function of the dendritic
volume a truncated power law was fitted to the
data, - where Pv is the proportion of space occupied by
the dendrites, d is the distance from the soma
and a, ß, ? are the free parameters. - The total space was divided up into 1µm3 voxels,
and Pv used to calculate the probability of an
apposition occurring between two processes,
P(Idi), for each voxel i, where - where P(Ddi) and P(Adi) are the probabilities
for the dendrites and axons individually. - with the expected number of appositions given by
- Connection probabilities were calculated for the
MS collaterals, the FS collaterals, the FS to MS
collaterals, and for the gap junctions between
the FS neurons. - The probability functions were used to generate a
network of MS and FS neurons in a 1000 X 1000 X
250 µm space, which included 22800 neurons.
- The MS and FS neurons are modelled using the
Izhikevich formula. Parameters for the models are
based on those published in Izhikevich (in
press). - This class of model was chosen for its
computational efficiency and ability to replicate
membrane properties. - The gap junctions between the FS neurons were
modelled with a time constant, t, a weight, g,
and a notional voltage, V, and the voltages of
the two FS neurons, V1 and V2, where - The currents for each cell are then defined as
I1g(V-V1) and I2g(V-V2) respectively. - A pair of simulated FS neurons, connected with
the gap junction model, was used to fit data from
cortical FS neurons, to obtain values for t and
g. Sinusoidal currents of different amplitudes
are injected into one cell, and the coupling
ratio and phase lag between the two cells
- Introduction
- The basal ganglia is a group of subcortical
nuclei thought to play a central role in action
selection (Redgrave et al., 1999). The
neostriatum forms the major input nucleus of the
basal ganglia, and accounts for approximately 95
of the total neuron population of these
structures in the rat. Within the neostriatum
over 95 of the neurons are medium spiny (MS)
projection cells. The remaining neuron population
comprises several species of interneuron,
including the fast spiking (FS) interneuron. Both
the MS and FS neurons receive direct cortical
inputs. The FS neurons are interconnected via
local GABAergic collaterals, and by a network of
gap junctions. They provide feed forward
inhibition to the MS neurons. The MS neurons are
also interconnected via a network of lateral
collaterals. - Given the prominent position of the striatum
within the basal ganglia it seems reasonable to
assume that it plays a major computational role
in the function of these nuclei. So far,
unravelling the functional organisation of the
striatum has proved difficult. There are many
similarities between the neural circuits of the
striatum and cortex, with both structures showing
a similar range of GABAergic interneurons.
However, unlike the cortex, which has a clear
laminar structure, the striatum forms a
homogenous structure making it hard to unravel
the organization of the micro circuitry. - In order to investigate the functional properties
of the striatum, and its individual components,
we are currently building a biologically
realistic model of the nucleus. It includes
detailed connectivity maps, based on both
anatomical data and the morphology of the neuron
species. This poster outlines the methods used to
construct the model, and gives some initial
simulation results - Biologically realistic connectivity
- Accurate neuroscientific data on the densities of
connections between neural populations is often
incomplete or entirely absent from the
literature, while many published values are
estimates, based on back of an envelope
calculations. This presents a problem for the
modeller when building networks of neurons. One
recently developed method is to estimate the
number of appositions between cells by
reconstructing the morphology of several axonal
and dendritic fields, placing the reconstructions
in the same volume, and then counting the number
of appositions while moving the relative
positions of the two fields. However, detailed
morphological reconstructions are not usually
publicly available, and can be very time
consuming to perform. We have developed an
alternative approach where the number of
appositions is estimated by calculating the
volume of space the axons and dendrites occupy as
they extend away from the soma. The probability
of an apposition can then be calculated as a
function of the distance between the two cells,
and of the volume of space occupied by the
intersecting axonal and dendritic fields. - Network simulation results
- Individual neuron behaviour resembles
electrophysiological data recorded from MS and FS
neurons in vivo. - MS neurons showed a low level of activity, with
most cells silent. - FS neurons are considerably more active, with
most cells showing continuous or periodic
bursting behaviour. - Stimulating small groups of MS neurons allows
them to fire more rapidly, with the surrounding
neurons showing little or no activity. - In contrast, stimulating groups of FS neurons
appeared to have little effect, with some failing
to show significant increases in firing while
surrounding cells continued to fire at high
- A dendrogram model was constructed, using an
algorithm published in Burke et al (1992). - The parameters of the model were fitted, using a
genetic algorithm, to branch order, dendritic
radius, number of terminals, and terminal
diameter data. This was repeated for both the MS
and FS neurons. Dendritic lengths were adjusted
for wiggle. - To accurately estimate the volume of the MS
dendrites, additional volume was added to account
for the dendritic spines. The amount of volume
added was calculated using a spine density
function, which was a piece-wise linear fit to
spine density data published in Wilson et al
(1983), and by assuming a mean spine volume of
0.12 µm3.
- Only very limited data was available for the
axons of the MS and FS neurons. Consequently,
they were each modelled as a single tree, with a
diameter of 0.5µm over the initial 250µm, and
then branching into 4 collaterals with diameters
of 0.25µm. - The MS neuron model accurately predicted
dendritic taper data kindly supplied by Charles
4. Network simulation results
- The response of the MS and FS neurons closely
resembles the responses of real MS and FS
neurons. - Most MS neurons remained quite for the entire
duration of the simulation, and the active MS
neurons fired at low frequencies of up to 10Hz. - Most FS neurons fired periodic bursts of action
potentials at much higher frequencies. - The network of fast spiking neurons showed signs
of synchronised bursts of activity. This was
reflected in the MS network in slightly lower
firing frequencies over the duration of the
synchronised FS activity.
- The model was driven with simulated cortical
input, using a post synaptic current model
published in Destexhe et al (2001)
Membrane potential of a MS neuron from the
Burke, R. E. Marks, W. B. Ulfhake, B. (1992) A
parsimonious description of motoneuron dendritic
morphology using computer simulation. J
Neurosci,, 12, 2403-2416 Destexhe, A. Rudolph,
M. Fellous, J. M. Sejnowski, T. J. (2001)
Fluctuating synaptic conductances recreate in
vivo-like activity in neocortical neurons.
Neuroscience, 107, 13-24 Wilson, C. J. Groves,
P. M. Kitai, S. T. Linder, J. C. (1983)
Three-dimensional structure of dendritic spines
in the rat neostriatum. J Neurosci, 3,
383-388 Izhikevich (in press) Dynamic systems
in neuroscience. Galarreta, M. Hestrin, S.
(2001) Electrical synapses between
GABA-releasing interneurons. Nat Rev Neurosci.
2, 425-433
- Four groups of neurons, each containing 101 MS
neurons and 3 FS neurons, were given twice as
much input. - The groups of MS neurons showed a clear increase
in activity, with firing rates rising up to 30Hz,
while surrounding neurons outside of the groups
showing little or no activation. - The additional input appear to have had little
effect on the groups of FS neurons, with no
change in the firing rates, and some groups
showing less activity than the surrounding cells.
Membrane potential of a FS neuron from the