Title: Algorithmic Game Theory and Internet Computing
1Algorithmic Game Theoryand Internet Computing
On the Spread of Viruses on the Internet
- Information Networks
- MSE 337
- Short introduction on computer viruses and worms
- Models for epidemics
- SIR (susceptible-infected-removed)?
- SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible)?
- SIS model on Scale-free networks
- Virus A self replicating code that spreads by
inserting itself into other codes and documents - Worm Self-contained, does not need to attach
- (both names first appeared in Sci-Fi literature
in 70s When H.A.R.L.I.E. was One by David
Gerrold and The Shockwave Rider by John
Brunner)? - Other commonly used words infection, antidote,
zombie(!), Trojan horse - Examples Elk Coner 82, Brain 86, Melissa,
ILOVEYOU, MyDoom - For more information see Wikipedia
4Modern Viruses
- Use the Internet, WWW, e-mail and file-sharing
to spread - After infection they may
- delete, email or encrypt files
- use computer resources (CPU, memory, network
capacity)? - install a backdoor zombies can be used for
- spamming (mydoom),
- DDOS attacks on a web site
- Open the door for other worms (doomjuice)?
5Modern Viruses
- Use the Internet, WWW, e-mail and file-sharing
to spread - After infection they may
- delete, email or encrypt files
- use computer resources (CPU, memory, network
capacity)? - install a backdoor zombies can be used for
- spamming (mydoom),
- DDOS attacks on a web site
- Open the door for other worms (doomjuice)?
- They can be really costly (mydoom estimated gt
250 million) (reward by Microsoft 250
6The Code-Red Worm
- July 19, 2001 the code-red worm started
infecting unpatched versions of Microsofts IIS
webserver - Worm spread by probing random IP addresses and
infecting vulnerable hosts - infected 359,104 hosts in 13 hours, with the
majority of the infections occurring between
1100 and 1630 - After 1630, the infection rate started to
decrease due to patching, rebooting and/or
7Modern Viruses
- Many of the successful viruses/worms are still
relatively dumb - Polymorphic worms that use the network structure
effectively can be a major threat in the future
8Modern Viruses
- Many of the successful viruses/worms are still
relatively dumb - Polymorphic worms that use the network structure
effectively can be a major threat in the future - Polymorphic (mutating)
- list of vulnerabilities to exploit
- not possible effectively patch against them
- similar to HIV.
- Network structure the traffic will be very hard
to detect
9Modeling Spread of Viruses
- SIR model Susceptible-Infected-Removed
- susceptible infected
at rate ( )? - infected removed
at rate 1 -
10Modeling Spread of Viruses
- SIR model Susceptible-Infected-Removed
- susceptible infected
at rate ( )? - infected removed
at rate 1 -
- removed can be interpreted as either dead or
infected removed
11Analyzing SIR
- Very similar to our earlier analysis of the
branching process - Done in the previous lectures
12Analyzing SIR
- Very similar to our earlier analysis of the
branching process -
13Analyzing SIR
- Very similar to our earlier analysis of the
branching process -
14Analyzing SIR
- Very similar to our earlier analysis of the
branching process -
15Analyzing SIR
- Very similar to our earlier analysis of the
branching process -
The critical parameter the number of neighbors
infected before a node is removed
16Modeling Mutating Worms/Viruses
- SIS model Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible
- infected healthy
at rate 1 - healthy infected
at rate ( )? -
- Known also as Contact Process
- Studied in probability theory, physics,
epidemiology - Kephart and White 93 modeling the spread of
viruses in a computer network
17Epidemic Threshold
- Infinite graphs
- extinction weak survival
strong survival
18Epidemic Threshold
- Infinite graphs
- extinction weak survival
strong survival - Finite graphs
- logarithmic survival time
exponential (super poly)survival time
polynomial survival time
19Epidemic Threshold
- Infinite graphs
- extinction weak survival
strong survival - Finite graphs
- logarithmic survival time
exponential (super poly)survival time
polynomial survival time
20The Internet ?
21The Sex Web
Lilijeros et. al 01
22Epidemic Threshold in Scale-Free Network
23Models Preferential Attachment
One vertex at a time New vertex attaches to
existing vertices
Simon 55, Barabasi-Albert 99, Kumar et
al 00, Bollobas-Riordan 00, Bollobas et al
24Epidemic Threshold in Scale-Free Network
- In Power-law networks both thresholds are zero
almost surely! (Pastor-Satorras,Vespignani 01) - Rigorous proof Berger, Borgs, Chayes, S. 04
25Epidemic Threshold in Scale-Free Network
- In Power-law networks both thresholds are zero
almost surely! (Pastor-Satorras,Vespignani 01) - Rigorous proof Berger, Borgs, Chayes, S. 04
- Idea existence of high degree nodes
(threshold is positive for bounded-degree
graphs)? - high connectivity (high degree
nodes are usually very close)?
26Main Theorem
- Consider a random graph in preferential
attachment model. - Infect vertex v chosen uniformly at random.
- Theorem With probability 1 O(?2), v is such
that the infection survives for super-polynomial
time with probability of order
(gt 0 for all?? gt 0)
The above expression is gt 0 for all ? gt 0 and
therefore ?c 0
27Typical vs. Average Behavior
- Notice that we left out O(?2n) vertices in
Theorem - Q What is the effect of these vertices on the
average survival probability? - A Dramatic
28Theorem 2. (BBCS)?
- Consider the SIS model on a preferential
attachment graph of size n - If the infection starts from a uniformly random
vertex x, then the infection survives a
super-polynomial length of time with probability
of order
29Typical vs. Average Behavior
- The survival probability for an infection
starting from a typical (i.e., 1 O(??)) vertex
is of order - whereas, the average survival probability is of
due to the presence of high-degree hubs
30Key Elements of the Proof
- For the contact process
- if maximum degree ltlt 1/??then infection dies
quickly - On a vertex of degree much more than 1/?2, the
infection lives for a long time in the
neighborhood of the vertex (star lemma)? - For the preferential attachment
- Almost all nodes are close to a high degree node
- There is a sequence of nodes with increasing
degrees from a typical vertex to the core of the
31Star Lemma
- If we start by infecting the centerof a star
with degree k the survival time is more than - whp.
- Idea the center infects a constant fractionof
vertices before becoming healthy.
32Star Lemma
- X the number of infected leaves
- when the center is infected
- X ? X 1 at rate X
- X ? X 1 at rate ?
(k X)? - when the center is not infected
- center infected at rate ?X X ? X
1 at rate X
X ? X Geom(?/(?1))?
33Star Lemma
- Considering only the time when X lt ¼ ? k
- X is dominated by Y
- Y ? Y 1 at
rate ¼ ? k - Y ? Y 1 at
rate ¾ ? k - Y ? Y Geom(?/(?1)) at rate 1
- Which has an exponential survival time.
34Key Elements of the Proof
- For the contact process
- if maximum degree ltlt 1/??then infection dies
quickly - On a vertex of degree much more than 1/?2, the
infection lives for a long time in the
neighborhood of the vertex (star lemma)? - For the preferential attachment
- Almost all nodes are close to a high degree node
- There is a sequence of nodes with increasing
degrees from a typical vertex to the core of the
35Reminder (connection to Polyas urn)?
- The preferential attachment model is equivalent
to the - following model
- uk ?(mmu,2kmkmu) k1,2,,n
36Reminder (connection to Polyas urn)?
- The preferential attachment model is equivalent
to the - following model
37Reminder (connection to Polyas urn)?
- The preferential attachment model is equivalent
to the - following model
- The preferential attachment model is equivalent
to the - following model
- The preferential attachment model is equivalent
to the - following model
40Corollary of Polya Urn Representation I
- Whp. the highest degree in the neighborhood k of
a vertex v is at most - and is at least
- For some constant ?
41Corollary of Polya Urn Representation II
- For the sequence of u1, u2, , uk
- where ui1 is parent of ui we have
- Degree of uj is at least
- ?i
- For some ? gt 1
42Proof of the Theorem
- Let k log (1/?)/loglog(1/?)
- Corollary 1 the ball of radius C1k around vertex
v contains a vertex w of degree larger than - (C1k)!? gt ?-5
- The infection must travel at most C1k to reach w,
which happens with probability at least - ?C1k
- Star lemma the survival time is more than exp(C
?-3 ). - Iterate using corollary 2 until we reach a
vertex z of sufficiently high degree for
exp(n1/10) survival.
Log n steps
43Containment of Epidemics
Question What is the best way to distribute a
fixed amount of antidote to contain the epidemic,
i.e. to raise the epidemic threshold of the SIS
process on preferential attachment (and more
general) graphs? 2005 Borgs, Chayes, Ganesh,
Saberi, Wilson
44Rest of the lecture
- Another look at the definition of standard SIS
model - Find detailed behavior of in ?c terms of ? and
constant recovery rate ? - Now let ? vary from one vertex to the next, but
assume total amount of antidote A ?n is fixed - Q How to distribute A most effectively?
45Standard SIS Model
- Definition of standard SIS model
- infected ! healthy at rate ?
- healthy ! infected at rate ? infected
nhbrs - relevant parameter ?? ?/?
46Details of Theorem 1 ( with ?c ?c /? and ?
- For stars
- ??c ?n?1/2 o(1)?
- , amount of antidote A ?n required to suppress
epidemic is ?n3/2 o(1) , i.e. superlinear in n - For preferential attachment graphs
- ??c ! 0
- , amount of antidote A required to suppress
epidemic is superlinear in n
47Varying Recovery Rates ? ?x
- Assume there is a fixed amount of antidote A
?x?x to be distributed non-uniformly, dynamically - Questions
- What is the best policy for distributing A?
- Is there a way to control the infection (i.e., to
get ?c gt 0) on a star or preferential attachment
graph with A scaling linearly in n?
48Method I Contact Tracing
- Contact tracing is a method in epidemiology to
diagnose and treat the contacts of infected
individuals , cure / infected degree - Theorem 3 (BCGSW) Let ?x ?? ?0ix where ix is
the number of infected neighbors of x. Then the
critical infection rate on the star is - ?????????c ?n?1/3 o(1) ! 0
- Note This is an improvement from the case ?
const - Translation It takes A n4/3 o(1) , i.e. a
superlinear amount, of antidote to control the
virus via contact tracing
49Method II Cure / Degree(vs. contact tracing
with cure / infected degree)?
- Theorem 4 (BCGSW) Let ?x dx, where dx is the
degree of x. If ? lt 1 then the expected survival
time is O(logn)? - Corollary For graphs with a bounded average
degree davg, the total amount of antidote needed
to control the epidemic is ?davgn, i.e. linear in
n - Translation Curing proportional to degree is
enough to control epidemics on general graphs
with bounded average degree, including
preferential attachment graphs
50Q Can we do significantly better? I.e., can we
get ?c! 1 as n ! 1?
- A No, for expanders
- Recall a graph G (V,E) is an (?,?)-expander if
for each subset W of V of size at most ?V, the
number of edges joining W to its complement V\W
is at least ??W - Roughly speaking, an expander has large boundary
to volume, so that quarantine methods dont work
51Expanders (cntd)?
- Theorem 5 (BCGSW) Let ? gt 0, and let Gn be a
sequence of (?,?)-expanders on n nodes. Let ?x
(Xt,t) obey Condition. If ? (1?)davg/(??),
then the survival time of the infection is of
order exp(cnlogn). - Translation For expanders, no other
innoculation scheme can do more than a constant
factor better than innoculating according to
- On preferential attachment graphs, mutating
viruses and worms with any positive rate of
transmission to neighbors, and constant recovery
rate, become epidemic with positive probability - Contact tracing does not control the epidemic in
the sense that it still gives ?c 0 on a star - On general graphs, curing proportional to degree
does control the epidemic in the sense that it
gives ?c gt 0 - For expanders with bounded average degree, no
other innoculation scheme works more than a
constant factor better than curing proportional
to degree, in the sense that nothing gives ?c ! 1
54Epidemic Threshold
- Definition infection becomes epidemic iff the
survival time is super-polynomial in the number
of vertices. - Epidemic Threshold If , the
infection has a constant chance of becoming
55Epidemic Threshold in Scale-Free Network
- In Power-law networks this threshold is zero
almost surely!(Pastarros, Vespignani 01) - First rigorous proof Berger, Borgs, Chayes, S.
04 - Idea existence of high degree nodes
(threshold is positive for bounded-degree
graphs)? - high connectivity (high degree
nodes are usually very close)?
56Lemma 1
- If we start by infecting the centerof a star
with degree k the survival time is more than - whp.
- Idea Look at the random variable Xt of the
number of infected vertices attime t.
57Main Theorem
- Consider a random graph in preferential
attachment model. - Choose one of the vertices uniformly at random.
- There exist C1 s.t. for large enough n and for ?
gt 0 with probability 1 o(1), the graph is such
that with probability larger that - the infection survival time is at least
- For
- Reaches a vertex with degree
Log n steps
59Open Problems
- Routing on Shortest paths
- Low-overhead decentralized mechanisms for
detecting and fixing bad cuts - Effect of selective curing or immunization
- More realistic models for the spread of viruses