Title: Looking Good, Feeling Fit
1Looking Good, Feeling Fit
- Contents
- Reading 1 My Body Image
- Reading 2 My role models and retail therapy
- Presentation some examples (audio and visual)
my possessions and how they define me
3Reading 1 My Body Image
- Where does body image come from? How do we form
a mental image of our physical self, our physical
attributes? - As with self image as a whole, a combination of
factors - feedback from others, comparing ourselves to
others - whether in reality or in the
- media, the looking glass self
- how others react to us.
- Looking at these two photos of
- me, wearing an identical dress
- one purposely made very slim
- and the other larger, I know
- which one I prefer but why?
- Listen to Sarah talking about the
- negative comments she gets
- about being naturally thin.
4Reading 2 My role models and retail therapy
Here is Britney Spears the before and after
rounded and slimmed down. We are constantly
seeing these transformation stories in the press
and are encouraged to transform ourselves.
Weight is closely associated with success and
achievement in Western culture the article this
photo accompanied quotes a source as saying
Britney is getting her life back on
track. However, should Britney be a role model
for me, a woman in her 40s? Is this not
unhealthy to want to look young and slim for
ever? Do all these things that I have bought
communicate the real me? If so, what am I like?
Would I be the same person without them?
The artist Michael Landy, destroyed all his
personal possessions. There was an analysis of
this piece of art in The Daily Telegraph. This is
what a friend of Landy's said about his act of
destruction "What makes this project
particularly poignant is that Michael is part of
a generation of artists who, like Damien Hirst,
has produced so much work and money for
themselves. This is quite a philosophical and
radical work. We are all conditioned that our
material belongings define us in a way, and this
is really the reversal of all that."
5Presentation (audio and visual) my possessions
and how they define me
- How do I define
myself within our - culture, as a
middle-aged mother, - teacher and online
learning adviser, - apart from through
my body? Like - everyone else my
possessions, my - tastes, likes and
dislikes are all part - of what makes me,
me. -
- Click on the image above to launch the viewer and
learn more about them. - Compare my possessions to Miss Peach, a young
woman on the Flickr website.