Title: The Hand of Reality
1Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- The Hand of Reality
- Scripture Focus Daniel 51-9, 17-30
2Writing on the Wall
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What do you think people mean when they use the
phrase the handwriting is on the wall?
3Writing on the Wall
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What would your reaction be if you saw a
disembodied hand appear?
4Writing on the Wall
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- Have you ever felt like God has gone to some
dramatic lengths to get your attention?
5The Elements of Arrogance
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 51-4)
- What things did Belshazzar do in order to impress
people? - What made the goblets from the Temple in
Jerusalem so special?
6When God MakesHimself Known
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 55-9)
- Why did the writing on the wall cause such a
dramatic response from Belshazzar?
7When God MakesHimself Known
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 55-9)
- What does this tell you about his previous show
of confidence? - Why did the incompetence of Babylons experts add
to Belshazzars dilemma?
8Balancing the Scales
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 517-31)
- What is the point of Daniels history lesson?
9Balancing the Scales
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 517-31)
- To whom must Belshazzar ultimately answer?
10Balancing the Scales
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
(Daniel 517-31)
- What is the message of the writing on the wall?
11Impressed by Our World
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What things get your time and attention?
- Why do they capture our attention?
12Impressed by Our World
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What qualities draw us to them?
- What needs might they fulfill in our lives?
13Impressed by Our World
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- Could our interest create problems?
- When do the things of this world become
dangerous, emotionally and spiritually?
14Arrested by Our God
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What might God do today in order to bring us back
to reality?
15Rethinking the Glitter
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- Are the things that impress you day by day really
as important as you think?
16Rethinking the Glitter
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- Has God done something dramatic to get your
attention in this past week?
17Rethinking the Glitter
Daniel Faithfulness in Difficult Times
- What is God asking you to reevaluate in your life?