Analyzing Results of Quantitative Research - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analyzing Results of Quantitative Research


You measure the persuasiveness of the message using a 5-point scale. ... and females were different in how they rated the persuasiveness of the messages. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analyzing Results of Quantitative Research

Analyzing Results of Quantitative Research
Comparative Statistics
  • S. Kathleen Kitao
  • Kenji Kitao

  • Keywords
  • t test
  • chi-square
  • Pearson correlation
  • partial correlation

  • will discuss
  • comparative (or inferential) statistics, which
    you can compare the scores of two different
    groups on the same measure

  • Generally you design a quantitative study so that
    you can compare two or more sets of numbers.
  • The following statistics are ones that you can
    use to compare different things.
  • Using comparative (or inferential) statistics,
    you can compare the scores of two different
    groups on the same measure.

  • Examples
  • You can compare the English proficiency of two
    different groups.
  • You can compare two different scores for the same
    group of people.
  • You can compare a group's scores on English
    proficiency and their grades at an American

Comparative Statistics
  • T Test
  • In some cases, your hypothesis states that one
    group will be higher or lower than the other on a
    certain variable.
  • Example
  • Your hypothesis might be that participants who
    hear Message A will find it more persuasive than
    those who hear Message B.
  • The t test is used to compare two means, that is,
    to see whether the means are significantly
  • If you are comparing two groups, you can use a t

  • One group hears a persuasive message that appeals
    to emotion, and the other group hears a
    persuasive message that appeals to logic.
  • You measure the persuasiveness of the message
    using a 5-point scale.
  • You find that the former group had a mean of 4.5,
    and the latter group had a mean of 3.5.
  • You use a t test to find out whether the
    difference is significant.
  • T will be a positive number greater than one.

  • If you use a computer program to calculate it,
    the print out you get will tell you what the
    probability (p) is, so that you can tell whether
    it is significant.
  • As discussed in the previous chapter, if p is
    less than .05, then the difference is
  • That means that the effect of the persuasive
    message on the two groups was different.
  • You can calculate the t test at

  • Chi-Square
  • Chi-square is a statistic that is used when you
    want to compare the number of items in different
  • Example
  • You might be doing a study comparing three
  • You ask 30 participants to decide which is the
    most persuasive advertisement.

  • The following chart indicates how many
    participants thought each advertisement was most
  • Advertisement A -- 4
  • Advertisement B -- 19
  • Advertisement C -- 7

  • As with the t test, you would calculate
    chi-square and the statistics program would tell
    you whether the difference among the ratings was
  • If the chi-square tells you that there is a
    significant difference, then you will know that
    Advertisement B was the most persuasive.

  • You can also use chi-square when you divide the
    participants into groups.
  • Example
  • if you were interested in whether there were
    differences among men and women in the way they
    rated the advertisements, you could also use

  • In this case, the number of male and female
    participants who liked each advertisement best
    might look like this
  • Female Male
  • Advertisement A -- 1 3
  • Advertisement B -- 12 7
  • Advertisement C -- 2 5
  • Again, you would have calculate chi-square for
    these numbers to see if there is a difference
    among the ratings.

  • You can calculate the chi square at

  • Pearson Correlation
  • In some cases, your hypothesis states that the
    independent variable and the dependent variable
    will go up or down in relation to each other.
  • That is, if the independent variable goes up, the
    dependent variable goes up, and if the
    independent variable goes down, the dependent
    variable goes down (a positive correlation).
  • It can also mean that if the independent variable
    goes up, the dependent variable goes down (a
    negative correlation).

  • Example
  • You might have a hypothesis that, among Japanese
    college students in the US
  • those who rate their English proficiency as being
    higher will have more American friends
  • those who rate their English proficiency as being
    lower will have fewer American friends.
  • The independent variable is self-ratings of
    English proficiency.
  • The dependent variable is the number of American

  • According to the hypothesis,
  • as the independent variable goes up, the
    dependent variable goes up
  • as the independent variable goes down, the
    depependent variable goes down
  • In order to test that hypothesis, you might
  • ask participants to rate their English
  • ask them how many American friends they have
  • Then you would calculate a Pearson correlation
    (r) for the two sets of numbers.

  • A Pearson correlation would tell you whether it
    was true that students who think they speak
    English better have more friends.
  • The value of r ranges from -1.00 to 1.00. If r is
    between .01 and 1.00,
  • If people who rate their English higher have more
    friends, and the variables are said to be
    positively correlated.
  • If p is .05 or less, then the difference you
    found is significant.

  • If, on the other hand, you find that the
    correlation between the two values is between
    -1.0 and -.01, this is called a negative
  • It means that as the independent variable goes
    up, the dependent variable goes down and vice
  • That is (if p is.05 or less), this means that
    people who rate their English as being lower have
    more friends.
  • (If the correlation is 0.00, there is no
    relationship at all between the variables, that
    is, the relationship is completely random.)

  • You have to keep in mind that even if two values
    are correlated, it does not mean that one is the
    cause of the other.
  • Based on a positive correlation in this study,
    you cannot say that better English proficiency
    causes students to have more American friends.
  • It is possible that they have greater confidence
    in their English proficiency as a result of
    making American friends and interacting with
  • You can calculate Pearson correlations at

  • Partial correlation
  • In some cases, two variables will appear to be
    correlated with each other only because they are
    correlated with a third variable.
  • Example
  • If you are studying Japanese students in American
    universities, you might find that their English
    proficiency and their grades are correlated.
  • That is, students with good English proficiency
    also get good grades.

  • However, it might be that both English
    proficiency and grades are correlated with
  • In that case, they are not really correlated with
    each other.
  • If you believe this might be the case, you will
    calculate a partial correlation.
  • To calculate a partial correlation, you would
    measure the Japanese students
  • English proficiency
  • grades
  • intelligence

  • These values are used to calculate a partial
  • Partial correlations are interpreted in the same
    ways as the Pearson correlation.
  • That is, they are between -1.00 and 1.00.
  • You may find, for example, that the correlation
    between English ability and grades is .78,
    between intelligence and grades is .83, and
    between English ability and intelligence is .87,
    all very strong positive correlations.

  • If you calculate the partial correlation for
    English ability and grades, you can find out if
    there is a real correlation, or whether they are
    unrelated to each other, but both related to
  • If you find that the partial correlation for
    English ability and grades is .09 (and p is
    greater than .05, that is, the correlation is not
    significant), this indicates that there is no
    real correlation between English ability and

  • Logical message Emotional
  • Male A B
  • Female C D

  • In this situation, you have two variables (sex
    male or female and message logical or
    emotional). You also have four conditions
  • A. males who listen to logical messages
  • B. males who listen to emotional messages
  • C. females who listen to logical messages
  • D. females who listen to emotional messages

  • ANOVA uses the mean for each variable and for
    each condition
  • males/logical messages
  • males/emotional messages
  • females/logical messages
  • females/emotional messages
  • It determines whether each variable has an effect.

  • Example
  • If you did the calculations and found that the
    means for sex were significantly different (that
    is, if p was less than .05 for sex), that tells
    you that males and females were different in how
    they rated the persuasiveness of the messages.
  • (You look at the means for males and females to
    see whether males or females rated the messages
    as being more persuasive.)
  • If you find a significant difference in the
    ratings for message, then the messages were rated
  • (Similarly, you look at the means for the logical
    and emotional messages to see which was rated

  • Suppose the subjects rated the effectiveness of
    the messages on a five-point scale, and you found
    the following means
  • Logical message Emotional message
  • Male 2.7
  • Female 2.5 4.3

  • In this example, there is an effect for the
    emotional message.
  • In other words, the emotional message was rated
    as being more effective by both males and
  • There was no effect for sex.
  • In other words, men and women did not rate the
    messages differently.

  • In contrast, look at the following results
  • Logical message Emotional message
  • Male 4.5 4.7
  • Female 2.0 2.2

  • In this case, there is an effect for sex.
  • That is, men found the messages more effective,
    whether the messages were logical or emotional.
  • Women found the messages less effective, whether
    the messages were logical or emotional.

  • In addition, you may find that the emotional
    message was rated higher, but only by males.
  • This is called an interaction effect.
  • Males found the emotional message more effective
    than females did, but there was no difference in
    their ratings of the logical message.
  • Two things (being male and an emotional message)
    were necessary for the effect.

  • The following is an example of that interaction
  • Logical message Emotional message
  • Male 2.9
  • Female 2.7 2.6

  • You can calculate ANOVA at http//faculty.vassar.e

  • Reporting Scores
  • After you have calculated the statistics, you
    need to report them in a way that is clear to
    anyone who is reading about them.
  • One way to report them is to use tables.
  • Example
  • If you are reporting means and standard
    deviations for different groups or for different
    variables, a table might look like this.

  • Table 1.
  • Means and standard deviations
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Variable Mean S.D.
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • A 5.23 1.12
  • B 10.21 3.31
  • C 4.43 0.34
  • --------------------------------------------------

  • When you are reporting Pearson correlations, you
    usually make a grid like this
  • Table 2.
  • Pearson correlations
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • A B C
  • A 1.00 .76 .02
  • (p .001) (p .36)
  • B .76 1.00 -.09
  • (p .001) (p .22)
  • C .02 -.09 1.00
  • (p .36) (p .22)
  • --------------------------------------------------

  • If you look at the intersection between A and B,
    you will see that the correlation between these
    two variables is .76, and the probability is
    .001, meaning that the correlation is

  • Another way to report your data is to use graphs.
  • There are several types of graphs, including the
    bar graph and the line graph.
  • You use bars or lines to show the relative size
    of the variables.
  • A bar graph can be used, for example, to show how
    two groups compared on different variables.
  • If you measured the English language proficiency,
    grades, and intelligence of two groups, you could
    show how they compare on a bar graph.

  • A line graph is usually used to show changes over
  • If you want to show how the groups' average score
    on the TOEFL changed over time, you might use a
    line graph.
  • A pie chart can be used to show what percentage
    of participants fall into different categories.
  • You can use Microsoft Excel to make graphs and
    pie charts.

  • In order to compare different groups or
    variables, you use such statistical tests as
  • t test
  • chi-square
  • Pearson correlation
  • When you report the results of the statistical
    tests, you need to use tables and possibly graphs
    to make their meaning clear to the reader.
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