Nigeria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nigeria. The Basics. Location: Western Africa, bordering Gulf of Guinea. Ethnic Groups: 250 different types, Most popular: Fulani 29%, Yoruba 21%, Ibo 18 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nigeria

The Basics
  • Location Western Africa, bordering Gulf of
  • Ethnic Groups 250 different types, Most popular
    Fulani 29, Yoruba 21, Ibo 18 and Ijaw 10
  • Religions Muslim 50, Christian 40, Other 10
  • Languages English (official), Hausa, Yoruba,
    Ibo, Fulani
  • Government Type Federal Republic
  • CapitalAbuja
  • 5th Largest Oil Producer in the World

A Brief History
  • 11th century onwards States, Kingdoms and
    Empires form. Hausa Kingdoms and Borno
    Dynasty-north. Benin and Oyo kingdoms-south.
  • 1472Portuguese reach Nigerian coast
  • 16-18th centuries Slave trade begins Millions
    of Nigerians sent to the Americas.
  • 1861-1914Britain tightens its grasp over the
    Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria governed by
    indirect rule through local leaders
  • 1960Nigerias Independence
  • 1999 Presidential and parliamentary elections,
    Olusegun Obasanjo made President
  • 2003 First civilian-run presidential elections
    since end of military rule. Olusegun Obasanjo
    elected for second term.
  • 2006 April With record oil prices, Nigeria is
    able to pay off its debt to the Paris Club of
    rich lenders they are the first African nation
    to do so
  • 2006 Senate rejects proposed amendments to the
    constitution to allow President Obasanjo to hold
    a third term

Aids Epidemic
  • Nigeria has third highest number of people with
  • First case of Aids prevailed in 1986, emerging
    cases of HIV then rose from 1.8 in 1988 to 5.8
    in 2001
  • 60 of new cases are in the 15-25 year old age
  • Factors contributing to the spread of HIV lack
    of sexual education, poor healthcare and
  • Government spending on AIDS is around
    0.03/person when it should be around 2.00-3.00

Oldest and Youngest Carry the AIDS
  • Kuzonyawo and his wife Tani raised six children
    and three were killed by AIDS
  • When I was still strongI hoped my kids would
    grow up and have good jobs like any other person.
    But things are now upside down. Kuzonyawo
  • Estimated 3.8 million Nigerians have HIV
  • Unicef estimates 1.8 million Nigerian children
    have lost both or one parents from the killer
  • Kuzonyawo is also caring for 10 orphaned children
  • Him and his family live in New Karu, which is a
    HIV hotspot
  • Testing facilities say that 8-10 of the
    community is HIV positive

Role of Media emphasized in the fight against
HIV/AIDS in Asia and Africa
  • A report published by the International
    Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says African and
    Asian media outlets are not playing a big enough
    role in the HIV/AIDS epidemic
  • Say the topic suffers from story fatigue
  • Urges media outlets to create guidelines for
    reporting and to train journalists on appropriate
    HIV/AIDS reporting

What is being done?
  • The US has donated 84 million for HIV/AIDS
    prevention, treatment and care through PEPFAR
    (Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS relief)
  • The Global Fund is providing 28 million over 2
    years, and around 9 million will be given to the
    Nigerian government
  • The World Bank allocated 90.3 million to Nigeria
    in 2002 to support national programs already in
    place to fight aids, but due to delays at the
    local and state level, they may lose some of the
  • People all over the world are joining in the
    against Aids.
  • http//

Nigeria gets 200m to boost ICT in rural areas
  • Nigeria has recently received a 200 million
    dollar soft loan to improve Information and
    Communication Technology (ICT) in rural areas
  • ICT has great potentials to immensely help the
    socio-economic and human development of the
  • General Cleopas Angaye, Director of the National
    Information Technology Development Agency said
    We should be able to come at par with the world
    in ICT development and use it as one of the
    driving forces for increased and sustained
    development of our great nation.
  • The committee chairman, Festus Adegoke, said ICT
    is an area that Nigeria cannot afford to slow
    down as the technology has great potentials to
    create jobs, reduce poverty and transform the

  • slide 2
  • http// slide 3
  • http// slide 4, 7
    and 8
  • slide 5
  • slide 6
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