Title: Genetically Modified Foods
1Genetically Modified Foods
byNoeau Kamakani Steven Keng Philip Titus
2 3Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs)
- Definition food plants that have been
genetically altered by the addition of foreign
genes to enhance a desired trait.
4What Are Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs)?
- Breeding was the traditional way to enhance
desired traits. - Conventional plant breeding methods are usually
too time consuming and not accurate. - Genetic Engineering can create plants with the
desired traits faster and more accurate.
5What Are GMFs (Contd)?
- GMF usually refers to crop plants that are
created using the latest biological techniques
specifically for humans or animals. - Examples The use of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
in corn and other cropsBt Crystal protein genes
enable plants to defend themselves from insects
6Advantages of GMF
- Pest Resistance eliminate the use of chemical
against insect pests and reduce the cost of bring
crops to market - Herbicide Tolerance reduce the cost of removing
weed physically and eliminate the use of
chemicals that might harm the environment. - Disease Resistance
7Advantages of GM Food (Contd)
- Cold Tolerance Planets can survive in extremely
cold temperatures - Nutrition In many third world countries, rice
is the only crop that people can afford.
Genetically modified rice will contain all kinds
of nutrition such as vitamin A.
8Disadvantages of GM Food
- Environment
- Harm to other organisms crops with Bt Toxins
will kill every insect that they have contact
with, instead of just insects that actually cause
harm - Reduce effectiveness insects might develop
resistance to these GM crops.
9Disadvantages of GM Food
- Human
- Allergies Many children have developed
allergies to peanuts and other foods. There is a
chance GM food might introduce new allergies. - Unknown effects
10Governments Role
- In the U.S., three agencies, EPA, USDA, and FDA,
regulate and control GM food - EPA Evaluates GM plants for environmental
safety. - USDA Evaluates whether the plant is safe to
grow. Will the plant becomes dangerous if it
escapes the farm? - FDA Evaluates whether the plant is safe to eat.
11GM Food Label
- The only label on food is GRAS, generally
recognized as safe. - Acceptable limit of GM food contamination in
non-GM food 1
- 54 of all soybeans in 2000 were genetically
modified. - 61 of total cotton crop in 2002 were genetically
modified. - GM corn production increased to 25 in 2000.
13- Starlink Corn Mishapcareful of those tacos
When things went wrong with GMF, but did not have
14GM Example Corn Mishap
- In 2000, genetically engineered Starlink corn
accidentally made it into taco shells - Starlink, a corn that contains a genetically
engineered plant pesticide, marketed by the
biotechnology company Aventis is currently deemed
fit only for animal consumption by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
15GM Example Corn Mishap
- Starlink contains a bacterial gene that poses an
allergy risk to humans - Mishap led to a large scale recall, costing
companies hundreds of millions of dollars - Brought to light the necessity of an ironclad
food handling process for GMF
16 17Professional Issues
- Is it safe for customers?
- Will customers buy it?
- Adulteration
- Countries like Japan will not accept GMF. If it
mixes with regular food -gt lose sales in Japan - Are policies needed to prevent mixture?
18Legal Issues
- Is government regulation needed?
- EPA, FDA, USDA requirements
- International acceptance?
- Eg. Mad cow scare stopped sales to some
19Ethical Issues
- Does GMF put consumers at risk?
- If so, will they be informed of them?
- Can it harm the environment?
- Consumers
- Farmers
- Future generations
- Is GMF good for food supply in the long term?
- Will it lead to an extinction of unmodified
21Possible Actions
- Allow genetic modification of food
- Ban genetic modification of food
22- Ethical Analysis
- Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- Accelerated growth and greater product yield
- Human health impact
- Allergies insulin
- Traditional farmers will be affected financially
- Unintended harm to humans and environment
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- All have the right to safe and nutritious food in
adequate supply - Consumers right to be informed through
consistent labeling - Consumers right to choose GM foods
- Other organisms inadvertent effects
- GM foods may overpower non GM foods in the future
25Fairness / Justice
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- Many international economies will not buy GM
(i.e. Japan) - Farmers have the option of producing GMF
- Accessible technology
- Lack of funds
- Consumers have the option of buying GMF
26Common Good
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- Population is growing and we are at a constant
demand of food - Producing large mass quantities of safe food
would be the common good
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- Must be honest, trustworthy, and have integrity
- GM foods containing lt 1 raw material doesnt
need a label - Risk of exposing customer to a potential risk
- Not enough long term research
- Compassion of knowing or not knowing if there are
hazardous risks to GMF
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- GM producers use consumers as a mean
- Consumers will buy cheaper product
- GM foods are not a universal maxim
- If a maxim is unacceptable as a law of nature,
then it is ethically wrong to act on that maxim
29 30Conclusion
Is it ethical to pursue genetically modified
crops and foods?
- Genetically Modified food has many advantages.
Yet the approach to GM technology is is not
ethically sound based on our ethical analysis - GM foods can be ethical if
- International standardized regulations are
implemented - More research and testing is done
- Consumers are informed through consistent
- Deborah B. Whitman, Genetically Modified Foods
Harmful or Helpful?, Cambridge Scientific
Abstracts, April 2000. http//www.csa.com/hottopi
cs/gmfood/overview.html - http//www.biotechknowledge.monsanto.com/biotech/b
basics.nsf/index.html - http//www.bt.ucsd.edu/
- http//pirg.org/ge/GE.asp?id24780id3ge
- http//www.organicconsumers.org/wheat/wheat_biotec
hnology.cfm - www.foodsubs.com/ Flatbread.html (taco shell