Title: An Efficient Signcryption Scheme with Key Privacy
1An Efficient Signcryption Scheme with Key Privacy
- Speaker Travis Chung Ki Li
- MPhil Student in CS Department
- City University of Hong Kong
- Joint work with Duncan Wong, Guomin Yang,
- Xiaotie Deng, Sherman S.M. Chow
- In IPL 2006 Tan pointed out the signcryption
scheme proposed by Yang, Wong and Deng (ISC 2005)
was flawed - Cannot provide confidentiality and anonymity as
- Tan did not suggest any solutions to fix the
problems - If there exists any anonymous signcryption scheme
secure under Tans attack? - Still not known if the YWD scheme can be improved
to a secure one
- Introduction
- Yang Wong Deng Scheme
- Tans Attack
- Our Construction
- Security Analysis
- Signcryption was introduced by Zheng in 1997
- Combines signature and encryption
- Less computational complexity and lower
communication cost - Suitable for many application using resource
limited devices
- Baek et al. first defined a set of security
notions for Signcryption (2002) - The notions are similar to traditional
Indistinguishable against Chosen Ciphertext
Attacks (IND-CCA2) Existential Unforgeable
against Chosen Message Attacks (EUF-CMA)
J. Beak, R. Steinfeld, and Y. Zheng. Formal
proofs for the security of signcryption. In
PKC02, pages 8098. Springer-Verlag, 2002. LNCS
- An et al. introduced a notion called Insider
Security (2002) - An adversary can access not only the public keys
of both sender and receiver - But also the private key of sender
J. H. An, Y. Dodis, and T. Rabin. On the security
of joint signature and encryption. In Proc.
EUROCRYPT 2002, pages 83107. Springer-Verlag,
2002. LNCS 2332.
- Boyen proposed a new set of signcryption security
model under identity based cryptographic setting
(2003) - One of the them is called Ciphertext Anonymity
X. Boyen. Multipurpose identity-based
signcryption A swiss army knife for
identity-based cryptography. In Proc. CRYPTO
2003, pages 383399. Springer-Verlag, 2003. LNCS
9Ciphertext Anonymity
- An extension of Key Privacy, which introduced
by Bellare et al. (2001) - Ciphertext should hide the identity of both
sender and receiver
M. Bellare, A. Boldyreva, A. Desai, and D.
Pointcheval. Key-privacy in public-key
encryption. In Proc. ASIACRYPT 2001, pages
566582. Springer-Verlag, 2001. LNCS 2248.
10Ciphertext Anonymity
- Libert and Quisquater, proposed a signcryption
scheme (2004) - Claimed to be insider secure under IND-CCA2,
EUF-CMA and Ciphertext Anonymity
B. Libert and J.-J. Quisquater. Efficient
signcryption with key privacy from gap
Diffie-Hellman groups. In PKC04, pages 187200.
Springer-Verlag, 2004. LNCS 2947.
11Libert-Quisquater Scheme
- Tan and Yang et al. independently showed that
Libert and Quisquater scheme is flawed. - Yang et al. also gave a modification (YWD
scheme), which supports parallel processing
C. H. Tan. On the security of signcryption scheme
with key privacy. IEICE Trans. Fundam. Electron.
Commun. Comput. Sci., E88-A(4)10931095, 2005.
G. Yang, D. S. Wong, and X. Deng. Analysis and
improvement of a signcryption scheme with key
privacy. In 8th Information Security Conference
(ISC05), pages 218232, 2005. LNCS 3650.
12YWD Scheme
- Recently, Tan showed that YWD scheme is not
IND-CCA2 secure and does not satisfy Ciphertext
Anonymity (2006) - However, no improvement has been proposed
C. H. Tan. Analysis of improved signcryption
scheme with key privacy. Information Processing
Letters, 99(4)pp. 135138, August 2006.
13Our Result
- We propose a modification of YWD scheme
- Solve the security issues with improved
efficiency - Reduce the number of operations and prove the
scheme with more precise reduction bound
14Security Model for Signcryption
- Confidentiality (SC-IND-CCA)
- Unforgebility (SC-EUF-CMA)
- Ciphertext Anonymity (SC-ANON-CCA)
15Security Model with Key Privacy
- The Challenger C (skR,0, pkR,0) (skR,1,
pkR,1) and gives pkR,0, pkR,1 to Distinguisher D - D adaptively queries to Signcrypt(m, skR,c, pkR)
and Designcrypt(d, skR,c), where pkR?pkR,c, for c
0 or 1 - D outputs two valid and distinct private keys
skS,0 , sk S,1 and a plaintext m - C randomly chooses b, b in 0,1 and sends a
challenge ciphertext d Signcrypt(m, skS,b
pkR,b) to D
16Security Model with Key Privacy
- D makes queries as step 2 except designcrypting
the challenge ciphertextd - D outputs two bits (d, d) and wins the game if
(d, d) (b, b) -
- Advanon-cca(D) Pr(d, d) (b, b) 1/4
17YWD Scheme
18YWD Scheme
19Tans attack against adaptive chosen ciphertext
- Adversary A determines which plaintext (m0,m1) is
encrypted in challenge ciphertext C (U, W,
Z) - A guess m0 is encrypted
- Under the insider security notion
- Reuse the randomness in U
- Form a new C (U, W, Z)
- Recover m from C with the help of
designcryption oracle
20Tans attack against adaptive chosen ciphertext
YS xSP V xSH1(m0, U, YR) V xSH1(m,
U, YR) W (V ? V) ? W Z ((m ? m0)
(YS ? YS)) ? Z C (U, W, Z)
Designcryption Oracle
m YS Z ? H3(U, YR, xRU)
If m m, m0 is used, else m1 is used
21Tans attack against Ciphertext Anonymity
- D distinguishes which private key (xS,0,xS,1) and
public key (YR,0,YR,1) are used in the challenge
ciphertext C (U, W, Z) - D prepares a message m and xS in Zq
- Calculates Ci,j (U, Wi,j, Zi) similar to
CCA2 attack - Submit Ci,j to designcryption oracle
- If the designcrypted message mi,j m then D
can make the correct guess
22Weakness of YWD Scheme
- Since H1 does not involve any secret value
- The component V can be easily reconstructed under
insider security notion - Attack through malleability of W and Z
23Our Construction
24Our Construction
25Security Analysis
- Let k be a security parameter
- Under random oracle model
- If a PPT algorithm which can break the SC-IND-CCA
/ SC-EUF-CMA / SC-ANON-CCA security with
advantage at least ?(k) - There exists a PPT algorithm which can solve the
Gap Diffie-Hellman problem with non-negligible
26Gap Diffie-Hellman Problem
- Decisional Diffie-Hellman problem
- Distinguish the distribution between
ltP,aP,bP,abPgt ltP,aP,bP,cPgt - Computational Diffie-Hellman problem
- Compute abP from ltP,aP,bPgt
- Gap Diffie-Hellman problem
- Solve a CDH problem with DDH oracle
- e(P,cP) e(aP,bP) cP abP
27Proof Sketch
- Prove by contradiction
- There exist an adversary A who wins the
non-negligible advantage - With the help of a DDH solver
- Construct an algorithm B by running A to solve
CDH problem in G1
- Provide a solution to Tans attack
- A signcryption scheme proven secure in
confidentiality, unforgeability, ciphertext
anonymity - Under the assumption of GDH problem in random
oracle model - Efficient and requires even less operations than
YWD scheme
29Thank you!