Title: Measurement
- Research Methods for Promotion of Lung Health
- Cairo, 13-22 October 2002
2Measuring Disease OccurrenceGeneral Principles
- Methods of data collection must be defined
- Criteria for variables entered must be specified
- Methods and criteria must be rigorously applied
3Types of Data Continuous
These are points located on a continuous scale of
values (for example, height or age and some
measures of function such as FEV1 ). The numbers
reflecting continuous data have no discrete
reality and flow into one another along a scale.
4Types of Data Continuous
Although we say someone is 52 years of age, this
is not absolutely accurate. It only
approximates the age, to the nearest year.
Adding decimal points (for example, 52.69 years)
can indicate the actual value more precisely.
Increasing the number of decimal points increases
the precision of the estimate. Because it is
not possible to be absolutely precise, such
measurements are usually recorded within
intervals (that is to say, someone is 52 years
of age, with an age lying between 52.00000.. and
5Types of Data Continuous
Outcomes that are continuous are often
functional measures and are reflections of the
state of health of the individuals studied.
Because they do not identify a state, they are
scales of function or health.
6Types of Data Discrete (Categorical)
These represent groups of unique occurrences.
Information as to whether an individual or object
falls into one or other category is usually
indicated by an answer of yes or no to that
category. There may be more than two discrete but
independent possibilities, for example, number of
children in the family.
7Types of Data Discrete (Categorical)
For gender, one is either male or female there
is no other category. The categories are mutually
exclusive and do not overlap. If you are not
female, you are certain to be male.
8Types of Data Discrete (Categorical)
Outcomes that are measured as discrete variables
are often states (such as death) or
diseases. The actual state being studied may
not always be defined in the same way by
different investigators.
9Types of Data Discrete (Categorical)
It is usually assumed that one either has or has
not got a disease such as asthma or tuberculosis
or pneumonia (i.e. they are discrete data).
However, the boundary between having and not
having any one of them is far from clear and what
one person might call pneumonia another might
10Types of Data Discrete (Categorical)
Categorisation is usually based on arbitrarily
assigned criteria in standard definitions. Strict
definition of these criteria and, when possible,
using standardized criteria is essential.
11Sources of InformationMeasurement Instruments
Routinely-collected information
Clinical charts Standardized records Routine
Specifically-collected information
Questionnaires Data collection forms Physical
12Problems With Measurement
- Ensuring comparability
- Ensuring precision
- Completeness and accuracy of recording
13Problems With MeasurementEnsuring Comparability
- Standardization
- Definitions often from consensus
- Measurement techniques and instruments
- methods precisely defined
- carefully followed
- preferably those universally recommended
14StandardizationTuberculosis examples
- Agreed definitions
- Recommended forms
- Quarterly reports
- Cohort evaluation
15Standardized Definitions
- Tuberculosis case any patient treated for
tuberculosis - Smear positive case a patient with positive
sputum smear, confirmed on a second - Retreated case any patient previously treated
for as much as one month - Extrapulmonary disease outside the lung
16Recommended FormsPrinciples
- Useful for case management
- Clearly laid out
- Minimum necessary information
- Training in use / pilot introduction
- Regular evaluation of accuracy / completeness
17Tuberculosis Treatment Card
No tablets / dose
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14
15 16 1718 19 2021 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31
Enter x on day when medications swallowed under
direct observation
18Evaulation of Measurements
- Precision
- Reliability
- Validity
- Completeness / Accuracy of Reporting
19Sources of Error in Measurement
- Inappropriate tools for measurement
- Lack of standardization of tools
- Lack of training of personnel
- Lack of systematic evaluation
- Lack of monitoring of test results
20Precision of MeasurementsTuberculin Testing,
Djibouti 1994
Per Cent
Excluding 0
Size of induration, mm
21Precision of MeasurementPemba, Mozambique
Tuberculin 1990
Per cent
Induration, mm
22Problems With MeasurementEnsuring Precision
- Causes of errors
- Carelessness of personnel
- Inadequacy of methods and tools
- Failure to follow standardized procedures
23Measurement CharacteristicsReliability
- Ability of the test to give the same result when
repeated on the same subject - Random error reduces reliability and decreases
probability of finding a real difference
24Sputum Smear MicroscopyConcordance of Readings
David et al 1973
25Test CharacteristicsValidity
- Ability of a test to truly identify a condition
or disease - Sensitivity
- Specificity
- Predictive Value
26Test CharacteristicsValidity
- sensitivity, ability of a test to identify
correctly those with a disease - specificity the ability of a test to the ability
identify those without disease - Predictive value ability correctly to predict a
positive or negative result
27Tuberculin Reaction SizeXai Xai, Mozambique 1990
Per cent
Induration, mm
28Results of Tuberculin TestingRoutine Testing,
Alberta Aboriginals
Per Cent
Excluding 0
Size of induration, mm
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 19982S16
29Validity of Tuberculin TestsDisease in
Aboriginals Following Test
Per cent
Years since positive
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 19982S16
30Validity of Tuberculin TestsLong-term Risk of
Annual Case rate
Tuberculin reaction, mm.
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 19982S16
31Accuracy of RecordingGrading Asthma Severity
By Doctor
By Guide
32Problems With MeasurementCompleteness / Accuracy
of Recording
- Causes of errors
- Carelessness of personnel
- Lack of standardized forms
- Imprecision in recording and transcribing
33Error, Bias and Confounding
- Random error
- Systematic error
- Selection bias
- Information bias
34Sources of Selection Bias
- Inappropriate population studied
- Inadequate participation
- Change of classification regarding exposure
- Selection of most accessible or of volunteers
35Minimizing Selection BiasStudy Design
- Appropriate population selection
- High participation rate
- Demonstration of lack of difference between
participants and non participants
36Minimizing Selection BiasAnalysis
- Exclude from numerator and denominator
- Analyze by time at risk
- Worst and best case scenarios
37Source of Information Bias
- Subject variation
- Observer variation
- Technical errors
38Minimizing Information Bias
- Specify criteria in advance
- Analyze directly according to criteria
- Reduce numbers of observers
- Monitor performance of observers
- Use standardized tools for measurement
39ConfoundingA Special Type of Bias
- A factor associated with both the outcome and an
etiological factor - Associated with outcome through its association
with etiological factor
40Tuberculosis and AgeNicaragua 1990
Per 100 000
Age group, years
41Tuberculosis Notification RateNorway, by Age
Per 100 000
Age, years
Nor Fore Lunge 198630
42Impact of Error or Bias
- Random error will obscure a real difference
- Random error will require a larger sample size
- Bias will result in false difference
- It cannot be overcome by statistics if present