Title: Data Structure
1Data Structure
21.5 Algorithm Specification
- Definition
- An algorithm is a finite set of instructions
that, if followed, accomplishes a particular task
and satisfies - Input 0 or more quantities are externally
supplied. - Output At least one quantity is produced.
- Definiteness
- Each instruction must be clear and unambiguous.
- Finiteness
- An algorithm terminates in a finite number of
steps. - Effectiveness
- Every instruction must be basic enough to be
carried out.
3Example 1.2 Selection Sort
- Goal
- To sort a collection of n?1 integers in
non-increasing order. - Idea
- From those integers that are currently unsorted,
find the smallest and place it next in the sorted
4Selection Sort Algorithm
- An algorithm is often written partially in C
and partially in English. - Program 1.7
- Assume integers are initially stored in an array
a, and the length of a is n. - SelectionSort (int a, int n)
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- examine ai to an-1 and suppose the smallest
integer is at aj - interchange ai and aj
5C Implementation of Selection Sort
61.7.1 Performance Analysis
- Priori performance evaluation.
- Space complexity
- The required amount of memory to run a program
- Time complexity
- The required amount of computer time to run a
program. - Instance characteristic
- The number/size/scale of data to be dealt with in
a problem. Space Complexity
- Let S(P) be the space requirement of any program
P. - S(P) c Sp(n)
- c is constant n denotes instance characteristic.
- When analyzing S(P), we concentrate solely on
estimating Sp(n).
8- Program 1.16
- float Abc(float a, float b, float c)
- return abbc(ab-c)/(ab)4.0
- The fixed part
- The space to store a, b, and c, and the return
value. - Sp(n) 0.
9- Program 1.17
- float Sum(float a, const int n)
- float s 0
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- s ai
- return s
- The instance characteristic is n.
- Since a is actually the address of the first
element of a, and n is passed by value, the
space needed by Sum() is constant (Ssum(n)0).
10- Program 1.18
- float RSum(float a, const int n)
- if (n lt 0) return 0
- else return (RSum(a, n-1) an-1)
- Each call requires at least 4 words
- The values of n, a, return value and return
address. - The depth of the recursion is n1.
- The stack space needed is 4(n1).
n1000 Time Complexity
- Let T(P) be the time requirement of any program T
(compile timerun time). - We shall concern ourselves with run time (tp(n)),
where n denote instance characteristic. - Count a particular operation
- Count program steps
- Asymptotic complexity
- Complexity in terms of O, O, and T. Asymptotic Notation
- Comparing the time complexity of two programs, it
is too difficult to determine exact step count. - a step could compound several steps.
- Consider 2n2 and 1000n3
- When n is very large, the factors of coefficients
and constants become less important. - Consider 1000n3 and 2n24
- As n increases, 2n24 grows relatively faster
than 1000n3. - We shall concern ourselves with the relationship
of program to the instance characteristic n.
2n2 1000n3
13Definition Big oh
- f(n) O(g(n)) iff there exist positive constants
c and n0 such that f(n)?cg(n) for all n where
n?n0. - Example 1
- Prove 3n2O(n)
Suppose f(n) 3n2, g(n) n. ?Let c4, n02,
and then for all n?2, 3n2?4n. ?3n2O(n)
14Definition Big oh
- Example 2
- Prove 1000n210n-6O(n2)
- In other words, O(.) denotes an upper bound for
Suppose f(n) 1000n210n-6, g(n) n2. ?Let
c2000, n01, and then for all n?n01,
1000n210n-6 ? n2. ? 1000n210n-6O(n2)
- The coefficient of g(n) is usually 1.
- g(n) should be as the smallest function for f(n)
O(g(n)). - It is usually written as 3n2O(n) rather than
O(n) 3n2.
16Theorem 1.2
17Definition Omega
- f(n) O(g(n)) iff there exist positive constants
c and n0 such that f(n)?cg(n) for all n where n?
n0. - Example 1
- 3n2O(n)
Suppose f(n) 3n2, g(n) n. ?Let c4, n01,
and then we have 3n2?cn2n for all
n?n01. ?3n2O(n).
18Definition Omega
- O(.) denotes an lower bound for f(n).
- Like O(.), g(n) has to be the largest function
and usually has coefficient 1. - Theorem 1.3
- Constant time O(1)
- Polynomial time
- Linear O(n)
- Quadratic O(n2)
- Cubic O(n3)
- Exponential time O(2n)
- O(1)ltO(logn)ltO(n)ltO(nlogn)ltO(n2)ltO(n3)ltO(2n)ltO(n!)
20Definition Theta
- f(n) T(g(n)) iff there exist positive constants
c1, c2 and n0 such that c1g(n)? f(n)?c2g(n) for
all n where n? n0. - Example 1
- 3n2T(n)
?Let c13, c24, n02, and then we have 3n2?3n
and 3n2?4n all n?n02. ?3n2T(n).
21Definition Theta
- T(g(n)) means f(n) will be bounded around g(n).
- g(n) is an upper and lower bound on f(n).
- Theorem 1.4
22Asymptotic Analysis
- Asymptotic notations are used to evaluate
computation time of an algorithm. - O and O correspond to computation time in worst-
and best case for an algorithm. - Usually, we consider computation time in worst
case (O(.)) rather than that in average case. - O(.) provides an upper bound for the entire
execution. - Average time is hard to define.
23A Simple Example
- Program 1.17
- float Sum(float a, const int n)
- 1 float s 0
- 2 for (int i0 iltn i)
- 3 s ai
- 4 return s
- Line 1 O(1).
- Line 2-3 Line 3 executes in O(1) and repeat n
times. Therefore, totally O(n) time. - Line 4 O(1).
- Overall, the computation time of Program 1.17 is
- O(1) O(n) O(1) O(n)
24An Recursive Example
- float RSum(float a, const int n)
- 1 if (n lt 0) return 0
- 2 else return (RSum(a, n-1) an-1)
- Let TRSum(n) denote the computation time to
execute RSum(n). Therefore, - Line 1 O(1).
- Line 2 TRSum(n-1) O(1).
- Therefore,
- TRSum(n) O(1) TRSum(n-1)
- O(1) O(1) TRSum(n-2)
O(1) O(1) TRSum(0) - (n1)O(1) O(n)
25Example 1.3 Binary Search
- Assume there are n?1 distinct integers that are
sorted and stored in the array a0, a1, ,
an-1. - Objective to determine if the integer x is in
the array. - If so, return j if x aj
- Otherwise, return -1.
- Let left and right denote the left and right ends
of the list to be searched. - Initially, left0, rightn-1.
- Let middle (leftright) / 2.
- Three cases
- x lt amiddle search x in the left half. right
middle -1. - x amiddle x is found, return middle.
- x gt amiddle search x in the right half. left
middle 1. - if left gt right, it means x is not found.
27Iterative Binary Search
- int BinarySearch(int a, const int x, const in
n) -
- 1 Initialize left and right
- 2 while (left lt right)
- 3
- 4 middle (left right) / 2
- 5 if (x lt amiddle) right
middle - 1 - 6 else if (x gt amiddle) left middle
1 - 7 else Return middle
- 8
- 9 Return -1
28Performance Analysis of Iterative Binary Search
- Choose n as the instance characteristic.
- Space Complexity
- The memory space is used to store the values of
x, n, return value and the start address of a,
which is independent of n. Therefore, space
complexity is O(1).
29Performance Analysis of Iterative Binary Search
- Time complexity
- Line 1 and 9 O(1).
- Line 2 to 8
- a while-loop whose body (Line 4 to 7) executes
totally in O(1) time. - The loop ends when the length of the list to be
searched is equal to 0 and the length is
decreased about one-half in each iteration.
Therefore, there are iterations. - Totally, O(1)xO(log2n) O(log2n)
- Overall, the time complexity is O(log2n).
30Recursive Binary Search
- int BinarySearch(int a, const int x, const in
left, const in right) -
- 1 If (left lt right)
- 2 middle (left right) / 2
- 3 if (x lt amiddle) Return
BinarySearch(a, x, left, middle 1) - 4 if (x gt amiddle) Return
BinarySearch(a, x, middle1, right) - 5 Return middle
- 6
- 7 Return -1
31Performance Analysis of Recursive Binary Search
- Choose n as the length of the list (right-left1)
to be the instance characteristic. - Space Complexity
- O(1) memory space is used when the function is
invoked each time. In worst cast (x is not
found), the size of the stack space is O(log2n).
Therefore, the space complexity is O(log2n).
32Performance Analysis of Iterative Binary Search
- Time complexity
- Let T (n) denote the computation time to execute
BinarySearch(). Therefore, -
- T (n) O(1) T (n/2)
- O(1) O(1) T (n/4) O(1)
O(1) T (0) - O(log2n)O(1) O(log2n)