Title: Writing at the College Level
1Writing at the College Level
- Your expectations and the
- Standard of Excellence
2Writing in High School Successfully
- Follow the instructions
- Few to no spelling errors
- Simple or unclear sentence structure is
acceptable but not preferred - Somewhat address the assigned task
3A Closer Look at Expectations
- Follow instructions
- Few spelling errors
- Simple or unclear sentence structure
- Somewhat addresses the assignment
- Fulfill the minimum requirement
- Spell Check should do that for you
- Does not allow for complex thought
- Either not or minimally completing the assigned
4What You CAN Expect
- A substantial increase in the expected quality of
work - A substantial increase in the amount of writing
produced per course - A substantial increase in the amount of resources
available to you as a student
5Description of F Level Writing
- Inadequate coverage of essential points, poor
organization, ineffective and garbled expression.
Glaring defects in correctness.
6Description of D Level Writing
- Presence of a glaring defect in material,
organization, or expression inadequate treatment
of the assignment. Possibly some sentence
structure errors or other errors in correctness.
7Description of C Level Writing
- Satisfactory analysis of the problem,
organization, and expression but nothing
remarkably good or bad. Acceptable sentence
structure other problems in correctness MAY
8Description of B Level Writing
- Thorough analysis of the writing problem,
appropriate and effective support, good
organization, and solid expression. No more than
one or at most two SMALL problems in correctness.
9Description of A Level Writing
- The qualities of a B paper, plus imagination and
effective expression. Must provide insight and
originality of thought and development of complex
thoughts in a clear, concise manner. At most one
or two errors in correctness.
10The Standard of Excellence
- College is supposed to be difficultmore
difficult than high school - You as a student should expect a much higher
quality of work from yourself, thus continuously
building your skill set - This why your college degree MEANS something in
the job market
11Writing Across the Curriculum
- This standard of excellence in writing is not
limited to English courses - Most majors require students to write long
research papers and extensive lab reports of some
kind - Excellent written communication is one of the
most commonly stated required skills in job
advertisements in ALL areas of the workforce
12Writing Resources on Campus
- Your BEST resource is the instructor for whom the
assignment is due they are the ones grading
your paper!
13Writing Resources on Campus cont.
- Writing Center 412 Kent Library
- FREE assistance provided on a walk-in or
by-appointment basis. Appointment is recommended
if draft is longer than 10 pages. Visit the
writing center for any stage of the writing
process from invention to revising your Works
Cited page.
14Writing Resources on Campus cont.
- OWL Online Writing Lab
- http//ustudies.semo.edu/writing/owl
- Submit a draft for review or send a question.
Staff will reply within 24 hours.
15You must complete the post-test for this workshop
to fulfill the AEP requirement. Click the link
below to access the post-test.