Title: Syslog-Sign and Syslog-Auth
1Syslog-Sign and Syslog-Auth
- John Kelsey
- Counterpane Internet Security
- kelsey_at_counterpane.com
- IETF Secure Syslog Working Group--Dec 2000
2Overview of Presentation
- Syslog-Sign
- Introduction and Overview of Syslog-Sign
- Terms and Important Ideas
- Signature and Certificate Block Formats
- Processing
- Conclusions
- Syslog-Auth
3Introduction Context
- Syslog widely used for security-relevant data.
- Syslog sends data over network unprotected, over
UDP. - Some configurations permit only one-way
communications. - Want to make drop-in security with minimal impact
on installations.
4Introduction What We Want From Syslog-Sign
- Goals
- Support transmission and storage security
- Support offline review of logs online review
possible but more computationally expensive. - Build system using only valid syslog messages
whole system in-band. (Use syslog for
transport.) - Provide some support for key management.
- Allow different signature schemes and hash
5Security Goals
- Origin Authentication
- Message Integrity
- Replay Detection
- Message Sequencing
- Gap Detection
- End up with authenticated log file or
authenticated log data. - Make security properties of log data explicit!
6What's Not Possible?
- We can't ensure that all messages will arrive
- If you need reliable delivery, use TCP
- We can't ensure that compromised collector won't
delete inconvenient messages - Could use hash-network or cryptographic audit log
to protect against this - We can't ensure that sending device wasn't
7Overview of Syslog-Sign
- Three kinds of messages
- Normal messages
- Signature blocks
- Certificate blocks
- Normal messages sent unchanged
- Each signature block signs N messages
- Contains hashes of N messages
- Don't need all N messages to verify signature
- Sent as a syslog message
8Messages as Sent
- Message 0
- Message 1
- Message 2
- Message 3
- Signature Block 0-3
- Message 4
- Message 5
- Message 6
- Message 7
- Signature Block 4-7
9Signature Blocks and Messages as Sent
10Messages as Received--Out of Order
- Message 1
- Message 0
- Message 2
- Message 4
- Signature Block 0-3
- Message 5
- Message 3
- Message 6
- Message 7
- Signature Block 4-7
11Signature Blocks and Messages As Received--out of
order messages
12Out-of-Order Messages/Blocks
- We have to link messages back to their block.
- Offline, this is easily done in two passes
- Build hash table of messages by hash value
- Go through signature blocks, pull messages from
hash table as needed. - Online, it can be done, but is more expensive
- Like handling a replay window
13Messages as Received A Big Mess
- Message 3
- Message 1
- Message 4
- Message 3
- Signature Block 0-3
- Message 0
- Message 7
- Message 5
- Garbled Message
- Signature Block 4-7
14Receiver Side Missing, Duplicate, and Garbled
15Missing or Garbled/Altered Messages
- Signature block has hash with no matching
message - Treat it as a missing message
- Message with no matching hash in nearby signature
block - Discard
- May be garbled message
- May be old replayed message
16Duplicate Messages
- Two messages with same hash for one spot in
signature block - Only one message included for that spot
- Same hash value in many spots in signature block
- No problem -- include same message text in
authenticated log multiple times.
17Some Terminology
- Some terminology
- Device -- the machine generating and sending out
the log messages. - Relay -- a machine that receives and forwards log
messages - Collector -- the final receiver of messages
- Reviewer -- someone offline, reviewing logs from
the collector
18Important Concepts Signature Group
- Device may send different messages to many
collectors - Signature Group is group of messages ALWAYS sent
to same collector - We don't specify how this is done--sysadmin's job
to make sure logs in same signature group go to
same place - One signature group per collector?
- One signature group per priority value?
19Important Concepts Reboot Sessions and Session
- Syslog has no inherent notion of a session
- A syslog-sign session
- From reboot to reboot
- Anytime device loses context
- Session ID must be unique for given device!
- Currently must be superincreasing
- Probably add pseudorandom session IDs
20Message Index Numbers
- Within a signature group, each message can be
given a number - Number of messages sent before this message in
this signature group. - Header of signature block makes it easy to
determine this number for all authenticated
messages. - Note Messages themselves don't carry number.
21Syslog-Sign Messages
- Three kinds of messages sent
- Raw syslog messages, never altered
- Signature blocks, w/ enough information to verify
syslog messages sent. - Certificate blocks
- Sending device has tunable redundancy parameter
- Note change in how redundancy works
22Signature Blocks--Structure
- Cookie
- Version
- Break into protocol, hash, signature versions
- Session ID
- Signature Group
- Global Block Counter
- First Message Number (in Signature Group)
- Count
- Message Hashes
- Signature
23Signature Blocks--Fields
- Cookie
- Identifies message as signature block
- Fixed string "_at_sigSIG"
- Accidental/malicious collisions possible--must
verify signature to be sure.
24Signature Blocks--Fields
- Version
- CHANGED from previous note sent out
- 12 bit protocol version
- 12 bit hash version
- 12 bit signature version
- Each encoded as two bytes in base-64
- Version 1,1,1 this protocol, SHA1, DSA (with
1024-bit p, 160-bit q)
25Signature Blocks, Cont'd
- Session ID
- Each time Device reboots/loses context, start new
session - Session ID guaranteed never to decrease
- 48 bit field encoded as eight bytes.
- Possible to use variant scheme with session ID
pseudorandom 96-bit value. - A device MUST NOT ever use the same session ID
26Signature Blocks, Cont'd
- Signature Group
- Device may route different messages to different
collectors - Messages in same signature group must go to same
place. - Necessary because messages and signature block
have to show up at same place. - Note Nothing is added to messages to denote
signature group must be inferred from context. - 12 bit field encoded in two bytes.
27Signature Blocks, Cont'd
- Global Block Counter
- Puts all signature blocks in order of
transmission. - 48 bits encoded as eight bytes.
- First Message Number
- unique message number (within signature group and
session ID) of the first message whose hash
appears in hash block. - 48 bits encoded as eight bytes.
28Signature Block, Cont'd
- Count
- Number of messages whose hashes appear.
- 6 bit value encoded as one byte.
- Message Hashes
- Sequence of message hashes
- Each hash value encoded separately in base-64
- Hash length effectively specified in Version
29Signature Block, Cont'd
- Signature
- Digital signature on all previous fields in
signature blocks. - Hash, signature scheme, and signature
encoding/padding used determined by Version
field. - Raw signature encoded in base-64.
30Notes Variable Length Fields
- Signature Block fits in 1024 bytes printable
ASCII. - Version specifies size of hash and signatures.
- Count specifies number of hashes included.
31Notes Redundancy
- Syslog over UDP is unreliable signature blocks
may get lost. - Redundancy tunable by sending device
- Signature blocks cover every N messages
- Can store and resend signature block multiple
times to get redundancy - Collector just discards redundant messages
32Missing Signature Blocks
- If we don't receive a signature block
- N messages aren't able to be verified.
- Shows up as a gap in the authenticated logs.
- No problems authenticating later signature blocks.
33Certificate Blocks
- Goal move a certificate, public key, or key
fingerprint to receiver. - Certificate chains can be very long.
- At session startup
- Build full payload block
- Split into M certificate blocks
- Send certificate blocks as syslog messages
34Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Payload Block --Built at session startup
- Version
- Session ID
- IP Address of Sending Device
- Key Blob Type
- Key Blob
35Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Version and Session ID exactly like those in
signature blocks - IP Address of Device (128 bits to support IPv6)
- Key Blob Type (Should add more)
- 'C' PKIX certificate
- 'F' key fingerprint using hash function
- 'R' raw public key
- 'U' user-specific block
36Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Key Blob
- Raw certificate, key fingerprint, key, or user
field. - Base 64 encoded.
- Maximum of 232 bytes in principle
- Minimum of 1 byte in principle
37Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Once we have payload, certificate blocks send it
out in syslog message sized pieces. - Certificate blocks include information to help
with reassembly - Redundancy supported in sending certificate blocks
38Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Building Certificate Block
- Cookie
- Version
- Signature Group
- Total Payload Length
- Index into Payload
- Fragment Length
- Payload Fragment
- Signature
39Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Cookie
- identify message as certificate block
- "_at_sigCer"
- Collisions possible--must check signature
- Version and Signature Group
- Just like same fields in signature blocks
- Total Payload Length
- Total length of payload block
- 32 bits encoded as six bytes
40Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Index into Payload
- Which byte of payload block does this fragment
start on? - 32-bit field encoded as six bytes.
- Fragment Length
- Length of this fragment in bytes
- 12-bit field encoded as two bytes
- Payload Fragment
- Block of bytes as indicated above.
41Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Signature (added)
- Just like signature blocks
- Necessary because of possibility of spoofed fake
certificate blocks
42Certificate Blocks, Cont'd
- Transmission and Redundancy
- Whole payload block sent to each signature group
at session startup - Depending on redundancy parameter, resent
periodically during session. - NOTE At session startup, we can generate all
certificate blocks and store them. - Is this an unreasonable requirement?
43Offline Review
- Make one raw log file from one device's sent
messages with same session ID. - First Pass Store normal messages in hash table
- Second Pass Verify signature blocks, for each
hash value, pull message in from hash table. - End up with authenticated sequence of log
44Online Review
- Keep "replay window" of last KN messages in
binary tree or hash table. - As message rolls out of window, remove from
tree/table. - Pull messages with desired hashes out when
signature blocks are processed. - Process signature blocks in middle of replay
window. - CAVEAT I haven't implemented this.
45Summary Syslog-Sign Plusses
- Minimal impact
- Use syslog for transport
- New software on device
- Software for online or offline review of logs
- Meets all original security goals
- Yields clear set of security claims about log
messages - Plays well with syslog-reliable
- Together, can provide strong storage security
- Clean, efficient design for offline analysis
46Syslog-Sign Minuses
- Online analysis more complex and expensive
- Clearly possible
- May require change to how messages are routed to
collectors - (to keep signature groups together)
- Requires some available memory on sending device
47Syslog-Auth Syslog-Sign
- I did syslog-auth first
- Much more complicated protocol
- Some of that will change
- Can't cover most options here
- Main Differences
- Key management assumptions
- Many more configuration options supported
- Append authentication information to message
- Online analysis emphasized
48Syslog-Auth and Syslog-Sign
- Syslog-Sign assumed
- Public key or endpoints share keys.
- Only sending device syslog-sign aware.
- Probably use offline analysis
- Syslog-Auth makes different assumptions
- Secret keys shared by adjacent machines
- (e.g., Device-gtRelay, Relay-gtCollector)
- Some relays syslog-auth aware, some not.
- Online analysis
49Overview of Syslog-Auth
- Original sending device appends authentication
block to all outgoing messages - Relays append second authentication block
- Additional hops relays remove previous relay's
authentication block, replace with own.
50(No Transcript)
51Relays update outside authentication blocks based
on shared keys with next-hop node
52Syslog-Auth Key Concepts
- Message may go over secure and insecure hops.
- Relays keep track of security properties of
messages they forward, note in authentication
block. - Emphasis on online analsyis
- Core Difference Syslog-auth assumes very
different key management scheme - Note Syslog-Auth is likely to change in near
53Authentication Blocks Format
- Transmission MAC block
- Storage MAC block
- Forwarding block
- Dest. Msg. Counter
- Global Msg. Counter
- Reboot session ID
- Flags
- Version
- Cookie
54Auth Block Format
- NOTE We parse auth block from end of message
backward. - Version and flags determines which fields are
present, length of variable-length fields - If there are two authentication blocks, outside
block authenticates (message-text,first-authentic
55Authentication Block--Components
- Transmission MAC Block
- MAC Key ID
- MAC over whole message, including authentication
block, with Transmission MAC filled in with
zeros. - Storage MAC Block (optional)
- MAC Key ID
- MAC over whole message, incl. Auth block, with
both MACs filled in with zeros.
56Authentication Block--Components
- Forwarding Block
- Described below
- Only appears when message is forwarded
- Dest. Msg. Counter
- Optional
- Keeps count of log messages sent to each
recipient in this session. - 48 bits encoded as eight bytes
57Authentication Block--Components
- Global Msg. Counter
- Count of all log messages sent by this machine
during this session - 48 bits encoded as eight bytes
- Reboot session ID
- Unique ID for this reboot session
- Can be 48 bits or 96 bits, depending on how
generated - Length specified in flags.
58Auth Block ComponentSession IDs
- Can be superincreasing'' like those described
in syslog-sign - Can be pseudorandom
- 96 bits
- To generate, keep running hash for first N
messages, then use low 96 bits of result as
session ID. - Problem Devices that send the same message all
the time. - Problem Replay detection requires storing all
previous session IDs
59Session IDs Cont'd
- Devices that use pseudorandom session ID start
without unique session ID - Temporary session ID
- Flag bits
- Not Replay Resistant
- Some devices may be stuck with only this
"temporary session ID" - Some devices may keep fixed ID because they never
lose context.
60Authentication Block--Components
- Flags
- Which optional fields are present
- What size variable-length fields will take
- Security properties known about this message
- Version
- Effectively specifies algorithms.
- Cookie
- "authAUTH"
61Forwarding Block
- Only included in outer authentication block
- Fields
- Flags (will probably move to auth block flags)
- Secure Path
- Replay Resistant
- IP Address of Entry Point
- Will extend to 128 bits to support IPv6.
- Hop Count
62How it Works Device-gtCollector
- Device and Collector share key.
- MAC gives
- Message integrity
- origin authentication
- Unique Session ID and Global Msg Counter gives
replay and gap detection. - Online analysis easy
63How It Works Forwarded Messages
- Device-gtRelay-gt-gtCollector
- Each "hop" involves keys and context shared
between sender and receiver. - Shared key
- Ability to recognize replayed session IDs
- Ability to recognize replayed message IDs
64Forwarded Messages Status Flags
- This relay knows
- Whether it can detect replays of this message
- Whether this message came over a secure path
- Whether it can detect gaps in this message
- Previous sender embeds answers to above questions
in authentication block - This relay ANDs its answers with those in old
authentication block, puts in new authentication
65Forwarded Messages Cont'd
- Device -gt Relay1 -gt Relay2 -gtCollector
- Suppose Relay1 just started session, using
temporary session ID (not replay resistant) - Relay1 sets Replay Vulnerable flag in
authentication block - Relay2 sets same flag tells Collector that
message may be replay
66Why Sticky Flags Matter
- Device -gt Relay1 -gt Relay2 -gt Collector
- Suppose Device is old-style, messages aren't
protected until Relay1 - If we don't tell Collector, it will assume all
these messages from Relay2 are authenticated. - This is worse than no cryptography--user of logs
can't tell what is really authenticated and
what's not.
67More Sticky Flags
- Device -gt Relay1 -gt Relay2 -gt Collector
- Device -gt Relay1 uses syslog-auth over UDP
- Relay1 -gt Relay2 -gt Collector uses
syslog-reliable over TCP/BEEP/SSL - How does collector know
- Are all messages present, or may some have been
lost? - Were these messages all encrypted end to end
- Answer he can't know without some kind of status
flags from message
68Syslog-AuthPlusses and Minuses
- Plusses
- Easy to do online verification of logs
- Sticky flags
- Support for lower-level key management
- Minuses
- Very complicated spec (will get simpler)
- No support for public key or higher level key
management - Requires changing software on every relay and
69Future of Syslog-Auth
- The whole system has too many options
- Probably try to move toward Syslog-sign
- May try to merge the two.
- If we keep syslog-auth
- Probably start using signature groups
- Make final collector responsible for replay
detection/gap detection from device. - Simplify options
- Clean up spec tremendously.