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Micro pipettes
Electro phoresis
DNA structure
Scientists enzymes
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5 Points
5 Points
4These scientists discovered the structure of DNA
5Who are Watson Crick?
6This enzyme cuts DNA of specific recognition sites
7What is a restriction enzyme?
8This female researcher at the Hutch has compiled
a database of elephant DNA
9Who is Kenine Comstock?
10The enzyme responsible for adding free
nucleotides to a single stranded DNA during
11What is DNA polymerase?
12These scientists took pictures of DNA using X-ray
diffraction techniques
13Who is Rosalind Franklin Maurice Wilkins?
14This is the term for a defect in a DNA strand.
15What is a mutation?
16This virus infects bacteria much as the alien
infected humans in the movie alien
17What is a bacteriophage?
18The temperature in degrees Celcius at which
HindIII cut elephant DNA.
19What is 37?
20Bacteria produce these to cut the DNA of viruses
as a defense mechanism
21What are restriction enzymes ?
22RFLP Abbreviates this phrase.
23What is Restriction fragment length polymorphism?
24The shape of the DNA molecule
25What is double helix?
26The subunit for the DNA polymer
27What is a nucleotide?
28This part of a nucleotide has four different forms
29What is a nitrogen base?
30The molecule from which DNA gets its name
31What is deoxyribose sugar?
32These alternating units make up the sides of the
DNA ladder
33 What are sugar and phosphate groups?
34The units in which micropipettes measure
35What is microliter?
36This is how far to push in the plunger when
drawing in fluid.
37What is the first stop?
38This results from failing to use a disposable tip.
39What is getting fluid in the micropipette?
40This is how far to push in the plunger when
dispensing fluid.
41What is to the second stop?
42This is the appropriate pipette for measuring 15
43What is a P-20?
44This substance conducts a current when added to
distilled water.
45What is salt?
46This was added to conduct current and neutralize
47What is Buffer?
48The three characteristics by which
electrophoresis separated particles .
49What are size shape and charge?
50This polysaccharide derivative of algae acts as a
molecular sieve.
51What is agarose?
52The reason glycerol is added to DNA when loading
in a gel.
53What is to increase the density?
54Final Jeopardy
Topic Protein Synthesis Make your wager
55During translation transfer RNA carries this
molecule to the ribosome for assembly into a
56What is an amino acid?