Title: GSA SASTM 6'01 Toolkit
1GSA SASTM 6.01 Toolkit
- To improve gaming machine and host system
interoperability via the SASTM Protocol - To provide a means of independent verification
that a gaming machine or host system conforms to
the adopted protocol specification - To provide reference implementations for SASTM
communication between gaming machines and host
3Defining Interoperability
- Minimum Required Accounting and Security
- Advanced Accounting
- Ticketing
- Real Time Events
- Progressives
- System Bonusing
- Cashless
- Tournament
- Authentication
- Miscellaneous and Legacy Support
4Achieving Interoperability
5Requirements and Pass Criteria are Defined
6Test Cases are Provided for Requirements
7Toolkit Simulator Setup
8SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
9SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
10SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
11SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
- Define Polls using existing templates
- Define Polls in Raw Data format. This allows
forward compatibility with future protocol
12SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
13SASTM Toolkit OperationHost Simulator Features
- Create a Log File of all communication between
the gaming machine and host simulator for later
review. - And more!
14SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
- Control Gaming Machine Hardware
- Open/Close Doors
- Simulate Power On/Off
- Enable/Disable Devices
- Insert Bill or Coins. Direct them to the
Hopper or the Drop Box.
- Simulate Game Play of Reel Slot Machines or
Poker Games. Make a wager and select the game
15SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
16SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
- Configure the Accounting Denomination and the
Token Value
- Set the Credit Limit, Jackpot Limit, and Hopper
17SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
18SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
- Define Poll Responses from templates or in a
Raw Data Format (Allows Forward Compatibility).
- Control Inter-byte Timings and Wakeup Bits
- Configure responses to polls from a list of
predefined responses or ignore select polls.
19SASTM Toolkit OperationGame Simulator Features
- View all communications in the GUI trace
window. Pause the trace to review recent polls
and responses. - Each byte transferred is time stamped to a
resolution of 100us - View raw poll data, text translation, or a
combination of both in the trace window as it
occurs. - Create trace window filters to ease debugging
of complex transactions. - Create a log file of all communication between
the gaming machine and the host simulator for
later review. - And More!
20Toolkit Availability and Pricing
- Target Release Date January 2004
- Product Launch during ICE Show
- SASTM Toolkit Pricing
- SASTM Toolkit Sponsors Free
- GSA Member (Non-sponsor) US5,000.00
- GSA Non-Members US7,500.00
- For more information e-mail sec_at_gamingstandards.
21Toolkit Sponsors
22Q A