Title: Ajax Paving Industries, Inc'
1Ajax Paving Industries, Inc.
- Joe Forgue, ARM, ASP
- Ajax Paving Industries, Inc
- 830 Kirts Blvd., Troy MI 48084
- 248-244-3301
- jforgue_at_ajaxpaving.com
- Where Does it Begin?
- Where Do WE end It!
3Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
4Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
5Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
6Goals of the Program
- Define Workplace Violence.
- Examine where OSHA stands on the subject.
- Identify the Risk Factors.
- Identify the Warning Signs.
- Dealing with Angry People.
- Apply Some Prevention Strategies.
- Examine Some Recovery Issues.
7Gambling Anyone?
- Wager 1.00
- You win 83 of the time
- For every 5.00 you win you will lose 1.00
8What is Workplace Violence
- According to NIOSH
- (A)ny physical assault, threatening behavior or
verbal abuse occurring in the work setting. It
includes but is not limited to beatings,
stabbing, suicides, shootings, rapes, near
suicides, psychological traumas such as threats,
obscene phone calls, an intimidating presence,
and harassment of any nature such as being
followed, sworn at or shouted at. - According to the law enforcement community
- (T)he commission of proscribed criminal acts or
coercive behavior which occurs in the work
setting. It includes but is not limited to
homicides, forcible sex offenses, kidnapping,
assault , robbery, menacing, reckless
endangerment, harassment and disorderly conduct.
9A Leading Cause of Death in the Workplace
- Over 1000 People Die Each Year!
- (Equates to 20 per week)
- 1 Cause of Death for Females!
- 3 Cause of Death for Males!
10How it Can Start
- Domestic Violence (Spill Over)
- Racial Intimidation
- Sexual Harassment
- Property Damage
- Assault Battery
- Threats
- Stalking
11Stalking (In Michigan)
- A willful course of conduct involving repeated
or continuing harassment of another individual
that would cause a reasonable person to feel
terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened,
harassed, or molested, and that actually causes
the victim to feel terrorized, frightened,
intimidated, threatened, harassed. - Misdemeanor one year in jail/1,000.00 fine, up
to 5 years probation. - Aggravated Stalking Felony punishable by 5
years in jail/10,000.00 fine and any term of
probation including life but not less than 5
12How it Can End
- Edmond Oklahoma, Postal worker , facing dismissal
shot and killed 14 people before killing himself. - Irvine California, Grocery bagger kills 2 and
injures 3 with a sword before being shot and
killed by police. - Meridan Mississippi, Employee kills 5 coworkers
and injures 9 before taking his own life. - Chicago Illinois, Employee who had been fired 6
months earlier killed 2 owners and 4 employees
13Whats out there?
- Northwestern Life Insurance Company
- One of Four full time workers have been harassed,
threatened or attacked leaving them angry,
fearful, stressed or depressed. - American Management Association
- 50 of companies surveyed reported experiencing
incidents or threats of workplace violence in the
last 4 years. - U. S. Department of justice
- 1,063 workplace homicides in 1993,
coworkers/former employees were involved in 59
14Is it going away???
- June 30 through August 29, 2003
- 9 weeks
- 12 incidents
- 38 killed
- 22 wounded
15Significant Cost to Employers
- 36 Billion Each Year in Direct Costs
- Examples
- Medical Expenses
- Indemnity Payments
- Damaged Equipment Costs
- As Much as 4 Times the Direct Costs
- Examples
- Diminished Productivity in Workers
- Management Follow-up Time
- New Programs / Training
16Workplace Violence Categories
- Type I Criminal Intent
- Type II Client/Customer
- Type III Coworker
- Type IV Personal Relationship
17Type I Criminal Intent (Strangers)
- Can occur either within our outside traditional
workplace. - Specific training
- Staffing
- Protective equipment
- Physical security methods
- Policy review and assessment
18Type II Client/Customer
- Two sub types
- People with history of violent behavior
- Appropriate staffing
- training
- Situational violence
- Problem anticipation
- Training
19Type III - Coworkers
- Well written prevention policy
- Treat all employees fairly
- Training in conflict/dispute resolution
- Trained Employee Assistance Programs
20Type IV Personal Relationships
- Open door policy for employees to management
- Strict confidentiality
- Denial or restriction of access to the workplace
- Flexibility in work schedule
- Flexibility in workplace location
21Still at the Table???
- Wager 10.00
- Same odds of winning
- For every 50.00 you win you will lose 10.00
22What does OSHA say?
- Every employer should establish, implement and
maintain a written workplace violence prevention
program. - It should be
- Made available to all employees
- Require specific training as to its content and
implementation - Reflect the level and nature of threat
- Outline procedures for a review and assessment of
the vulnerability
23To Be Effective
- Employee involvement
- Worksite assessment
- Clear effective procedures
- Threat assessment
24Policy Statement
- Provide adequate authority and budgetary
resources - Employee participation
- 0 Tolerance
- Policy application that is consistent and fair
- Prompt and accurate reporting
- Non-discrimination against victims or people who
report problems
25Other Elements of the Program
- Threat Assessment Team
- Hazard Assessment
- Hazard Control and Prevention
- Employee Training and Education
- Incident Reporting
- Recordkeeping
26OSHA Sample Procedures
- osha.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/index.html
- Sample Workplace Violence Prevention Program
- Completed Written Program
- Sample Self Inspection Security Checklist
- Sample Incident Report Form
- Sample Employee Security Survey
27Can OSHA Cite Me?
- Yes
- Under the General Duty Clause
- No
- If it is deemed that the act is not a recognized
threat - Maybe So
- Whether or not an employer can be cited for a
violation of Section 5(a)(1) is entirely
dependent upon the specific facts
28Still at the Table???
Wager 100.00 Same odds of winning For every
500.00 you win you will lose 100.00 WHO STILL
29Risk Factors
- The People
- The Environment
- The Catalyst
30The People
- Paranoid personality
- Drug and/or alcohol problem
- History of violent behavior/quick to anger
- Obsessed with guns/weapons
- Interest in past wpv incidents
31The People
- Threatening behavior
- Obsessed with job
- Loner
- Cant take criticism
- Holds a grudge
- People with Problems -v- Problem People
32The Environment
- Not recognizing/ignoring early warning signs
- Indifference to the needs of the employees
- Poor termination/lay-off procedures
- Poor disciplinary procedures
33The Catalyst
- The loss OR the fear of losing the job
- Unwarranted criticism or discipline
- Harassment
- Unrequited romantic interest
34Warning Signs of Violence
- Verbalizing or Acting Out
- Drug Alcohol Use/Abuse
- Changes in Behavior
- Economic Distress
- Separation or Divorce
- Illness or Death in Family
35Verbalizing or Acting Out
- People Commonly Vocalize Threats
- Treat Them Seriously
- Analyze the Threat
- Rating System
- Property Damage
36Drug Alcohol Use/Abuse
- Eliminates Reason
- Can Deteriorate Mental State
- Association with Violent Behavior
- Can lead to Financial Problems
37Changes in Behavior
- Key is Change
- Anxious / Nervous Behavior
- Temper Outbursts
- Physical Gestures
- REMEMBER Changes can be in either direction
38Economic Distress
- Pending Layoffs
- Changes in Other Wage Earners
- Major Bills
39Separation or Divorce
- Significant Increase in Emotional Distress
- Combative by Nature
- Generates Domestic Violence Potentials
- Sense of Failure or Loss
- Finality
40Illness or Death in Family
- Significant Increase in Emotional Distress
- Can Combine with Other Problems
- Economic
- Marital
- Can Create Sense of Futility or Finality
41Dealing with Angry People DoITS ABOUT TIME
- Stay calm/Keep them calm
- ASK for cooperation
- Use first names with permission
- Let them vent regardless of whats said to a
point! - Use silence to your advantage
42Choosing the Right Tool for the Job
43Dealing with Angry People - Do
- Paraphrase (So what Im hearing you say)
- Offer alternatives (have you tried this.)
- Up-play or emphasize solutions
- Empathize (Im sorry to hear that...
- Eye contact
- Watch body language (fight or flight)
44Dealing with Angry People Dont
- Get angry
- Argue
- Demean
- Down play the problem
- Say, I know how you feel
- Watch your body language
45Dealing with Angry People Dont
- Give up
- Multi-task
- Use profanity regardless of what you hear
- Take sides stay objective
- Raise your voice
- Make it your problem
46Still at the Table???
Wager 1000.00 Same odds of winning For every
5000.00 you win you will lose 1000.00 WHO
47Prevention Strategies
- Three Basic Strategies
- Physical Security
- Management
- Personal
48Physical Security
- Interior and exterior lighting
- Secure entrances and exits
- Security camera system
- Fences and gates
- Security guards
- Metal detectors
- Secure meeting areas
- Workplace violence prevention plan
- 0 tolerance
- No weapons policy
- Threat assessment team
- Sexual/racial harassment policy
- Smart hiring and firing practices
- Attitudes toward security
- Training (recognition, prevention, response and
recovery) - Supervisory/Management training
- Consistent policies and discipline
- Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
- Employee counseling/coaching
- Critical Incident Stress Disorder (CISD)
- OR
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Helpful Websites
- Recover Production and Facilities
52CISD/PTSD Warning Signs
- Physical
- Behavioral
- Emotional
- Cognitive
53CISD/PTSD Warning Signs
- Physical
- Fatigue
- Startles easy
- Chest pains
- Elevated blood pressure
- Behavioral
- Avoidance
- Erratic movement
- Loss of or increase in appetite
- Increase consumption of alcohol or drugs
54CISD/PTSD Warning Signs
- Emotional
- Fear
- Grief
- Panic/Anxiety
- Depression
- Cognitive
- Confusion
- Nightmares
- Unwarranted suspicion
- Shortened attention span
55CISD/PTSD Helpful Websites
- vaonline.org/doc_cism.html
- hhs.state.ne.us/ems/dismstrs.htm
- tdh.state.tx.us/hcqs/ems/epcism.htm
- pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?toolpubm
edpubmedid11737916 - members.aol.com/susberg5/cisd.html (no www)
- vaonline.org/doc_cism.html
- helpguide.org/mental/post_traumatic_stress_disorde
56Recovery Production and Facilities
- Alternate work sites
- Clean-up
- Remodeling
- Some worker transfer
57Back to The Game
Same odds of winning THE GAME??? RUSSIAN
- osha-slc.gov/SLTC/workplaceviolence/
- cdc.gov/niosh/violrisk.html
- cdc.gov/niosh/violdev.html
- irmi.com/expert/articles/Madero002.asp
- osha-slc.gov/workplace_violence/wrkplaceViolence.P
- Workplace Violence, Issues in Responses
Edited by Eugene A. Rugala, Supervisory Special
Agent, FBI - Workplace Violence, A Report to the Nation
Injury Prevention Research Center, University of
Iowa - IRMI.com, Expert Commentary irmi.com/expert/arti
cles/Madero002.asp - noworkviolence.com/articles/articles.htm
- Elements of a Workplace Violence Prevention
Program, OSHA website