Title: Medicaid
- Title XIX of the Social Security Act of 1965
- Joint Federal and State program
- Hospital and medical expense coverage
- No Rx mandated, but states offer
2Medicaid Funding
- Funded jointly by Fed / State
- Rates are based on the per-capita income in each
state - The Federal contribution ranges from 50 (the
Federal minimum) to as high as 83 in poorest
states - States determine rates for MDs, health plans, etc
- Generally based on monthly income and financial
resources - Welfare status categorically needy
- Children and low-income adults who qualified for
Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Low-income, aged, blind, and/or disabled who
qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Medically needy
- Meet financial resource requirements of
categorically needy - Monthly income exceeds allowable maximum
- Spend-down
- Dual Eligible
- Medicare and Medicaid
5- States have some discretion in determining which
groups their Medicaid programs will cover - and the financial criteria for Medicaid
eligibility. - Mandatory Medicaid eligibility groups are
6Mandatory Medicaid Eligibility Groups
- Low income families with children
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients
- Infants born to Medicaid-eligible pregnant women
- Certain Medicare beneficiaries
- Children under age 6 and pregnant women whose
family income is at or below 133 percent of the
Federal poverty level. - Recipients of adoption assistance and foster care
7Optional Groups that States may Cover as
Categorically Needy
- infants up to age one and pregnant women not
covered under the mandatory rules whose family
income is below 185 percent of the Federal
poverty level - Optional targeted low income children
- Certain aged, blind, or disabled adults who have
incomes above those requiring mandatory coverage,
but below the Federal poverty level - Children under age 21 who meet income and
resources requirements for AFDC, but who
otherwise are not eligible for AFDC
8Optional Groups that States may Cover as
Categorically Needy
- Institutionalized individuals with income and
resources below specified limits - Persons who would be eligible if
institutionalized but are receiving care under
home and community-based services waivers - TB-infected persons who would be financially
eligible for Medicaid at the SSI level (only for
TB-related ambulatory services and TB drugs) - Low-income, uninsured women screened and
diagnosed through a Center's for Disease Control
and Prevention's Breast and Cervical Cancer Early
Detection Program and determined to be in need of
treatment for breast or cervical cancer.
9Within Broad National Guidelines which the
Federal Government Provides, Each of the States
- establishes its own eligibility standards
- determines the type, amount, duration, and scope
of services - sets the rate of payment for services and
- administers its own program.
10Benefits Provided
- Include most services
- Federal mandate Hospital, MD, lab, home health
care - Each state free to determine mix of other
services - e.g. Rx, vision, dental
- Long-term nursing care
- Unlike private insurance / Medicare
11Federally Mandated Medicaid Benefits
- Prenatal Care
- Vaccines for kids
- Family planning services and supplies
- Nurse-midwife services
- Pediatric and family nurse practitioner services
- Rural health clinic services
- Federally qualified health center services
- Ambulatory services of an FQHC that would be
available in other settings
12Medicaid Rx Benefits
- Provided by all states
- High utilization population
- States are limited in their ability to manage Rx
utilization - Preferred drug lists and formularies cannot
exclude MFG agreeing to contracted price - May request nominal co-payment, but cannot deny Rx
13Rising Rx costs
- Medicaid drug expenditures 10-20 increase / yr
- Cost Containment
- Drug rebate program
- Preferred drug lists / PA
- Formularies
- Supplemental rebates
- Cost-sharing
- Rx limits
- DUR Board
14Extending Benefits
- States may provide Medicaid coverage to other
groups - As such, plans vary from state to state
- Medicaid is always second payer of benefits
- Waiver programs
15Medicaid and Managed Care
- of Medicaid in Managed Care
- 1995 29 1997 48
- States can mandate managed care
- Must give patient choice of at least 2 options
- Plans must satisfy contractual and quality
requirements (per BBA)
- Coverage mandated for
- Categorically needy
- Medically needy
- Dual eligible
- Expansion populations
- Those not meeting Federal income criteria
- Coverage from State funds
- Adequate Capacity and Networks
- Reasonable hours of operation
- Geographic location
- Referral arrangements
- May not discriminate on basis of health status
- Outreach to prevent misuse/over-use of emergency
- Managed Care Plans
- Emphasis on health maintenance and preventive
care - Early and period screening, diagnostic, and
treatment (EPSDT) services - Screening
- Hearing
- Vision
- Dental
- Providers must accept Medicaids payment as
payment in full - States may impose nominal deductibles,
coinsurance, or co-payments - Cannot require co-payments for emergency or
family planning services - or for pregnant women, children under 18 years
old, nursing home residents, or categorically
needy HMO enrollees
20Marketing Practices
- Marketing material must be approved by State
- May not be false or misleading
- No other insurance products may be co-marketed
- Material must be disseminated throughout entire
service area - Standards of accuracy and understandably
established by HHS - Door-to-door and telephone solicitation prohibited
21Quality Improvement
- Quality Improvement System for Managed Care
- Assessment and improvement standards
- Same standards as applied to Medicare
- Per discretion of State
- DUR Board
- Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly
(PACE) - Comprehensive pre-paid healthcare services
- enhance quality of life
- enable frail elderly to live in the community
- Grants waivers of certain Medicare and Medicaid
requirements to public and non-profit community
based organizations that provide integrated care
and long-term care to elderly persons who require
a nursing facility level of care
23State Childrens Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
- Provides health assistance to uninsured
low-income children - Through separate programs, or
- Through expanded Medicaid programs
24State SCHIP Programs Options
- Benchmark Coverage
- To the standard BC/BS provider option
- To the plan offered to state employees, or
- The HMO with the largest enrollment in the state
- Benchmark equivalent coverage
- Existing comprehensive state-based coverage
- Secretary of HHS approved coverage
- States file a State Child Health Plan with
Secretary of HHS - Includes info on current overages
- Enrollment and eligibility standards
- How to ID families
- Funding based upon total number of uninsured
low-income children in the state - And geographic cost factors
26SCHIP Eligibility Requirements
- Under age 19
- Not currently eligible for Medicaid or having
other health insurance - Family income below the greater of 200 of
federal poverty level or 50 percentage points
above the states eligibility limits
27Medicaid 1990s
- Costs rising 25/yr during early 1990s
- Eligibility expansion
- Increases in DHS spending
- General health care inflation
- High levels of health care needed
- managed care attractive solution
- Fixed rates / pmpm
28Medicaid Managed Care
- Capitation creates incentives
- Less misuse of emergency services
- More preventive services offered
29Medicaid Waivers
- Waive Federal requirements for eligibility or
coverage/administrative regulations - Section 1915(b) of Social Security Act
- Permits mandatory enrollment managed care plans
or case managers - Section 1115
- States can obtain matching Federal funds for
additional expenditures - Many states are taking advantage of the waiver
30Challenges to Medicaid Reform
- Administrative Issues
- Plan Participation
- Traditional Providers
31Future of Reform
- Extend benefits
- Elderly
- Disabled
- Mentally ill
- Rx coverage / benefit management
- Quality
- Assess consequences of Medicaid managed care
- Intended and unintended
32Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP)
- Largest employer-sponsored group healthcare
program in the nation - For Federal employees, retirees and their
dependents and survivors - Voluntary
- Over 10M enrolled
- Choice of FFS and MC plans
33MCOs participating in FEHBP must
- Meet Federal State and licensing requirements
- Satisfy standards related to
- Access to care
- Benefit design
- Patient safety