Title: Ethics and Related Issues
1Ethics and Related Issues
- Things you need to know as supervisors to keep
you and your staff out of trouble
- Laws
- By-laws
- Policies and procedures
3You cant ignore these!
- Laws come from federal and state legislative
bodies - Regulations issue from oversight agencies
- Internal policy and procedures control SLCC
4State laws you should know
- 53B-3-103 Power of board to adopt rules and enact
regulations - 63-02 Government Records Access and Management
Act - 63-56-1001 Felony to accept emolument
- 63-91 Utah Internal Audit Act
5More state laws
- 67-16 Utah Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics
Act - 67-19-33 Controlled substances and alcohol
prohibited - 76-6-404 Theftelements
- 76-8 Offenses Against the Administration of
653B-3-103 Power of board to adopt rules and
enact regulations
- The board may enact regulations governing the
conduct of university and college students,
faculty, and employees.
763-02 Government Records Access and Management
- The Legislature recognizes two constitutional
rights (a) the public's right of access to
information concerning the conduct of the
public's business and (b) the right of
privacy in relation to personal data gathered by
governmental entities. - The Legislature also recognizes a public policy
interest in allowing a government to restrict
access to certain records for the public good.
8Before you release any document or information
not part of the information you distribute
regularly, contact SLCCs GRAMA Officer
- Nancy Sanchez
- Extension 4041
967-16 Utah Public Officers' and Employees' Ethics
- Applies to all government employees, including
higher education - Applies to officers, who are appointed or elected
1067-16-4 Improperly using information from the
- Employees cannot use information gained on the
job, that under GRAMA, is non-public information
to further private interests, special privileges,
employment, or otherwise interfere with the
ethical conduct of business.
1167-16-8 Participation in a transaction involving
a business in which a public employee has an
- No SLCC employee shall participate in his
official capacity or receive compensation in
respect to any transaction between SLCC and any
business in which the employee owns a substantial
1267-16-9 Conflict of interest
- No SLCC employee shall have personal investments
in any business entity which will create a
substantial conflict of interest between private
interests and public duties.
1367-16-10 Inducing others to violate conflict of
interest law
- No person shall induce or seek to induce any SLCC
employee to violate any of the provisions of this
1467-16-14 Unethical transactions
- If any transaction is entered into in violation,
SLCC shall dismiss the employee who knowingly and
intentionally violates this chapter from
15Utah Law 67-13-33
- An employee may not manufacture, dispense,
possess, use, distribute, or be under the
influence of a controlled substance or alcohol
during work hours or on state property except
where legally permissible. . . .
manufacture, dispense,
16 Drugs Booze
- possess, use, or distribute a controlled
substance or alcohol if the activity prevents - the employee to perform his services or work for
state government effectively . . . or - refuse to submit to a drug or alcohol test under
Section 67-19-36.
17Laws with criminal penalties
- Violation of 63-56-1001and the laws in Chapter
76, the Utah Criminal Code, may result in
criminal charges
18Felony to accept emolument
- Chapter 63, section 56-1001, specifically states
its a felony to accept an emolument. - An emolument is any kind of gift, gain, or
compensation provided by a vendor. - Examples would be meals, golf outings, event
tickets, promotional items, etc. - Exceptions include promotional items used only at
work, including things with SLCCs logo.
19Why so strict?
- Taxpayers see these perks as ways of influencing
purchasing decisions that may not be in the
publics interest. - We need to be aware of the image we project of
public employees getting a special deal. - Avoid even the appearance
- of wrongdoing.
- The contract provides for specific things, like
training with a lunch or something promotional in
nature. - The items are part of a college sponsored program
like the annual health benefits fair. - SLCC paid for you to attend a conference and
vendors donate items in conjunction with the
conference attendance.
21Utah Law 76-6-404
- A person commits theft if he obtains or exercises
unauthorized control over the property of another
with a purpose to deprive him thereof.
- That means any manufacturers rebate directly
resulting from a purchase using college funds
belongs to the college.
- Any item you win at a vendor show you attend as a
representative of SLCC during SLCC work hours
belongs to the SLCC and must be disclosed to your
supervisor. Even gifts such as an airline ticket
to a resort location or dinner for two at a
restaurant must be reported.
2476-8 Offenses Against the Administration of
- Official misconduct
- Unofficial misconduct
- False statements
- Stealing, destroying or mutilating public records
- Falsifying/altering government records
25Official Misconduct
- 76-8-201 Benefits himself or another, or harms
another, by knowingly committed an unauthorized
act purporting to be an act of his office, or
knowingly refrains from performing a duty
required by his office - 76-8-202 Uses inside information illegally
26Unofficial misconduct
- The person knowingly withholds or retains from
his successor or other person entitled to
records, papers, documents, or other writings.
27Stealing, destroying, mutilating public records,
including defacing, altering, falsifying,
removing, secreting, or permitting another to do
- 76-8-412 By one who is the custodian
- 76-8-413 By one who is not the custodian
2876-8-502-3 Making false or inconsistent statements
- 76-8-502 During any official proceeding a person
makes a false material statement or inconsistent
material statements under oath - 76-8-503 applies to
- non-material
- statements
2976-8-511 Falsification or alteration of a
government record
- Knowingly makes a false entry or false alteration
- Presents or uses anything knowing it to be false
and with a purpose that it be taken as genuine - Intentionally and unlawfully destroying,
concealing, or otherwise impairing the
verity/availability of a record.
3063-91 Utah Internal Audit Act
- 63-91-201(3)(a) Establishes an internal audit
function at SLCC - 63-91-302 (3)(f) The audit director and the
internal audit staff have access to all personnel
and any records, data, and other information of
the state agency that they consider necessary to
carry out their assigned duties
31Federal laws may apply
- Tax laws
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- EPA laws
32The Utah State Board of Regents and the
Commissioners Office of Higher Education have no
by-laws specific to daily tasks. However, your
ethical behavior is part of the overall control
system, and Regent policy requires an appropriate
internal control system.
33Salt Lake Community College Policies and
- While laws and Regent rules supercede policy and
procedures, SLCC has the authority to supplement
those controls with its own requirements.
34Relevant SLCC Policies
- Hiring relatives
- Sexual harassment
- Affirmative Action/EEO
- Drug-free workplace
- Consultation and other employment activities
- Conflicts of Interest
35Hiring Relatives
- The policy encompasses up through grandparent and
grandchild, as well as first cousins and
uncles/aunts. It also considers step relations
as blood relations. - An employee cannot hire or appoint a relative.
- Relatives may not work in close proximity with
one another or where one could foster
preferential treatment of a relative. - Relatives may not work in the same organizational
36Affirmative Action/EEO
- The College seeks to employ qualified individuals
regardless of race, religion, color, sex,
national origin, age, marital status, veteran
status, or presence of any disability.
37Sexual Harassment Avoidance
- All employees are responsible for assuring that
sexual harassment does not take place and that
the working and educational environment is not
sexually threatening, hostile, or offensive to
38Drug Free Workplace
- All SLCC campuses and properties will be drug and
alcohol free
39Consultation and other employment activities
- All personnel of the College holding full-time
salaried positions shall give full services to
the work of the College during scheduled work
40Conflicts of Interest? the state statute is
stricter in some places and hence would take
precedence over this policy
- Conflicts of interest exist where personal
interests adversely affect College employment
41Is the behavior ethical?
- If the circumstances and behaviors were reported
on the front page of a daily newspaper, would you
be comfortable greeting your neighbors and having
dinner with your parents?
42Ethics involves just more than financial honesty.
- Strong ethics means treating others right and
doing what is right. Treat people so they feel
valued. Add value to your job by competency.
43Please ask or check if you arent sure about
something. The only stupid questions are ones
not asked.
44Resources to contact
- Your supervisor
- Human Resources ext. 4600
- EEO Office ext. 4561
- Lynne Cartwright ext. 4009
- Nancy Sanchez ext. 4041
- Lois Wiesemann ext. 4255 for purchasing questions
45Thank you for viewing this presentation.