Title: Sink Particles for FLASH
1Sink Particles for FLASH
Robi Banerjee ITA, University of Heidelberg
2Why sink particles?
- modeling of dense regions in collapse
- simulations (e.g. star and cloud formation)
- controlled violation of the Truelove
- criterion (preventing artificial fragmentation
by - resolving the Jeans length)
- allows long term runs of star forming regions
- (clusters, binaries, )
- BUT arithmetic part of the simulation
- gt physical interpretation?
Based on Paul Rickers particle module(advancing
of particles, handles boundaries, moves particles
across CPUs/blocks, mapping of grid variables
onto the particles and vice versa)
Extensions / modifications
- creation of particles on the fly
- time dependent particle masses
- mass accretion
- gravity use 1/r2 force for particle
contribution - MPI communication for a small number of
- particles
- Solve Poisson equation with for gas distribution
- Compute gravitational acceleration from Fgas
- Add particle contribution to g
- Conditions by gravitational collapse
- Density criterion ?gas gt ?crit (?crit module
parameter) - Check for neighboring particle, i.e. dont create
a new particle if particle exists within r lt
raccr - Check for local gravitational minimum
Note choose ?crit so that Truelove criterion
is not violated, i.e. ?J gt NJ ?xmin
Jeans refinement condition available ( ?J
(pc2/G?)1/2 )
- Mass accretion / momentum transfer
Use local list of all particles to update
particle properties (adequate for limited number
of sink particles 100 1000)
- Get local list of all sink particles
- Update particle properties locally
- Communicate particle properties
Local all-particle list is also used to
calculate gravitational acceleration
8Test-particle in gaseous potential
- Gas in quasi
- hydrostatic equilibrium
- (Bonnor-Ebert sphere)
- Isolated grav. BCs
- Reflecting hydro BCs
- non-accreting,
- massless particle
- Leapfrog integrator
- Cell-in-Cloud mapping
- of acceleration
9Test-particle in gaseous potential
after 65 orbits (orbital time 6.34
My)excentricity due to varying potential
10Particle-Particle interaction
Test of 1/r2 acceleration
No self-gravity Two Equal mass particles
(orbit setup) Leapfrog integrator
Cell-in-Cloud mapping of acceleration
11Particle-Particle interaction
stable orbits with 1/r2 acceleration
12Collapse of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere
- Mass 9.35 M?
- ?0 1.67x10-20 g cm-3
- Radius 0.39 pc (? 7)
- Sound speed 0.2 km/sec
- tff 5x105 years
- Sink particle properties
- ?crit 1.67x10-16 g cm-3
- 104 ?0
- raccr 1.1x1016 cm
- ?J
e.g. RB, Pudritz Holmes 2004, RB Pudritz
2006, 2007
13Collapse of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere
14Collapse of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere
- asymptodic solution
- ? r-3/2
- (Foster Chevalier 1993,
- Ogino et al. 1999)
15Collapse of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere
16Collapse of a Bonnor-Ebert sphere
- Low threshold run
- ?crit 1.67x10-18 g cm-3
- 100 ?0
- raccr 1.1x1017 cm
- ?J
17Sink particles in action(Formation of Molecular
18Sink particles in action(Formation of Molecular
- So far 14 particles created
- Masses up to 350 M?
19To Do
- a few more tests Boss Bodenheimer
- (Bate Burkert) binary formation
- compare to Shu SIS analytic model
- Bondi-Hoyle accretion in the low density
- regime (Krumholz et al. 2004)
- calculate/store angular momentum
- use for outflows
- use for radiation feedback
- (stellar properties/evolution)