2Rule 1
Wear safety goggles at all times.
3Safety Goggles
4Acid Damage
5Base Damage
6Flying Glass
7Rule 2
- Wear an apron when using corrosive chemicals.
8Acid burn
9Rule 3
Only do experiments assigned and work only when
teacher is present.
10Rule 4
Be aware of safety equipment and how to use it.
11Safety Equipment
12Fire Extinguishers
17Rule 5
Do not eat or drink in the lab.
18(No Transcript)
19Rule 6
Point test tubes away from all people when
20Rule 7
Read all of the instructions and listen for
special precautions.
21Rule 8
Notify teacher of spills.
22Rule 9
Notify teacher of any injuries.
23Rule 10
Pull back long hair and contain loose sleeves.
24Rule 11
Wear close-toed shoes.
25Rule 12
Use a hot plate for flammable liquids.
26Rule 13
Do not leave a lit burner unattended.
27Rule 14
Do not use cracked glassware. Throw it away in
breakage container.
28Rule 15
To dilute an acid, always pour acid into water!
29Rule 16
Clean up accidents immediately and leave your
area clean at the end of lab.
30Rule 17
Wash hands at end of lab.
31Lab Safety
It is everybodys responsibility.