Title: Volleyball Referee Accreditation
1Volleyball Referee Accreditation
National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS)
- Level 1 Refereeing Course District Referee
Presented by Michael Pitt National AA Referee
2Definition of a RefereeThe 2 teams playing are
not enemiesĀ on the pitch. The role of the Referee
is to help them play better. Once you have their
respect you will also have their trust. Once you
have their trust they will even accept the odd
3Overview of Referee Accreditation
- District
- Attend NOAS Level 1 refereeing course
- Pass the Level 1 theory exam
- Regional
- Successfully complete practical component
- Be assessed by Australian Volleyball Referees
Commission (AVRC) recognised assessor - Be assessed for grading by State Referee
4Overview of Referee Accreditation
- State
- Competency in increasingly difficult level of
games - Assessed by AVRC recognised assessor
- Grading awarded by State Referee Commission
- National
- Attend a General Principles of Officiating course
- Pass theoretical practical components of Level
2 NOAS refereeing course - Gain three levels National A, AA, AAA
- Learn rules signals how to apply
- Learn responsibilities how to act as a member
of the officials corps - First Referee
- Second Referee
- Scorer
- Lines-person
6What Will You Be Able To Do?
- Verbally relate rules basic competition
procedures - Collaborate with other officials
- Resolve disputes
- Limited complexity
- Officiate effectively at school club level
- Officiate in a manner that ensures the spirit of
the game - Demonstrate basic organisational skills
- Effectively analyse reflect on own performance
7Where to Get More Information
- FIVB website
- http//www.fivb.org/ EN/Volleyball/
- Refereeing Guidelines Instructions
- Casebook actual examples with decisions
- AVF website
- http//www.avf.org.au
8Agenda Block 1
- The Art of Refereeing
- Roles of Referees
- Playing area equipment
- Participants
- Playing format
- Blood Rule
- Before game procedure
9Agenda Block 2
- Playing Actions
- Service
- Playing the ball
- Attack hit
- Blocking
- Contact with the net
- Libero
10Agenda Block 3
- Interruptions Delays
- Substitutions
- Sanctions
- Scoresheets Role of the Scorer
- Scoresheet exercise
- Role of Lines Judges
11Apply the Rules of Volleyball ( Competition
By-laws) to Make Consistent Decisions in
Volleyball Competitions
12The Art of Refereeing
- Mutual collaboration
- Official refereeing hand signals (Diagram 11)
- Certainty in signalling faults
- No doubt fault was committed
- First fault called
- Whistle quickly loud
- FIVB spirit of the game
The problem with referees is that they dont
care who wins or who loses
13(No Transcript)
14Pancake Dont Blow the Whistle until you
actually see a fault.
15A Line Judge is the best person to see whether
the Ball crossed the crossing Space (Not over
16Expect the Unexpected
17Stuffed Block. The Line Judge is again the best
person to see where the Ball Lands.
18Is there a fault committed?
19The Role of Referees
- First Referee
- Directs match from start to finish
- During the match their decisions are final
- Authorised to overrule other officials decisions
- May replace officials if necessary
- Controls ball retrievers, floor wipers moppers
- Has the power to decide any matter involving the
game including those not provided for in the
rules - (Rule 23.2.3)
20The Role of 1st Referee cont.
- The 1st referee shall not permit any discussion
about his/her decisions - Participants must accept referees decisions
with sportsmanlike conduct, without disputing
them. - (Rule 20.1.2)
- However, the 1st referee
- Upon request by the Game Captain, will give an
explanation on the application or interpretation
of the Rules upon which the decision was based - If game captain does not agree chooses to
protest, they must immediately reserve the right
to file record protest at conclusion of match
21The Role of 1st Referee cont.
- 1st Referee, prior to match
- Inspects conditions
- Performs the toss with captains
- Controls teams warming up
- During match
- Issues warnings to teams
- Sanctions misconduct delays
- and....
22The Role of 1st Referee cont.
- Decides on
- Faults of server positions of serving team
- Faults playing the ball
- Faults above the net its upper part
- Attack hit of Libero
- Attack hit made by player on a ball from overhand
pass with fingers by Libero in front zone - Faulty attack hit by back court player
- Ball crossing lower space under net
- Checks scoresheet signs it at end of match
23The Role of Referees
- Second Referee
- Controls the work of the scorer
- Supervises team benches reports misconduct
- Controls players in warm-up area
- Authorises interruptions, controls duration
rejects improper requests - Controls reports number of time-outs subns
- Authorises exceptional subn or 3 min recovery
- Supervises team members in penalty area
- Checks floor condition ball during match
24The Role of 2nd Referee cont.
- Checks actual player positions correspond to line
up sheets at start of each set - During the match, decides whistles for
- Penetration into opponents court space under
net - Positional faults of receiving team
- Faults with net contact (lower part) antenna
- Any completed block by backcourt player or
attempted block by the Libero - Ball contacts an outside object or floor 1st
referee cannot see the contact
25Refereeing Actions
- When 1st referee whistles, they indicate
- The team to serve
- The nature of the fault
- The player at fault (if necessary)
- When 2nd referee whistles, they indicate
- The nature of the fault
- The player at fault (if necessary)
- The team to serve (following the 1st referee)
26Playing Area Equipment
- Detailed in Chapter One of Rule book.
- Rule 1 Playing area.
- (eg. Court dimensions, free zones, lines, etc.)
27(No Transcript)
28Playing Area Equipment
- Detailed in Chapter One of Rule book.
- Rule 1 Playing area.
- (eg. Court dimensions, free zones, lines, etc.)
- Rule 2 Net Posts
- (eg. Net height, antennae, posts, etc.)
29(No Transcript)
30Playing Area Equipment
- Detailed in Chapter One of Rule book.
- Rule 1 Playing area.
- (eg. Court dimensions, free zones, lines, etc.)
- Rule 2 Net Posts
- (eg. height, antennae, posts, etc.)
- Rule 3 Ball
- (eg. Standards, uniformity, 3-ball system)
- Detailed in Chapter Two of Rule book
- Rule 4 - Teams
- Composition
- Location of team (bench players, etc.)
- Equipment (eg. uniforms, shoes)
- Change of Equipment
- Forbidden objects (eg. Jewellery)
32Participants cont.
- Rule 5 Team Leaders
- Both Captain Coach responsible for conduct of
players - Team Captain
- Signs scoresheet represents the team at toss
- Team Captain vs. Game Captain
- Only Game Captain speaks to referee
- A Libero cannot be captain
33Participants cont.
- Coach
- Wander between attack line warm-up area but is
not permitted to enter the court - Requests timeouts substitutions
- Only if they dont interrupt or delay the game
- Assistant Coach
- Cannot intervene in the match unless assuming the
coachs functions
34Playing Format
- To score a point, to win a set the match (Rule
6) - To score a point Rally point system
- To win a set 2 points min.
- To win a match 3 sets (for 5 set
game) 2 sets (for 3 set game) - For the deciding set
- Conduct a new toss
- Change ends when any team gets its 8th point
35Playing Format cont.
- Default Incomplete team
- A team that refuses to take court after being
summoned is a DEFAULT team. - Forfeit the match 0-3 0-25 for each set
- An INCOMPLETE team keeps its points sets up to
the time of fault. - The opposition is given necessary points
to win set the number of sets to win the match
36Before Game Procedure
- Toss
- Options at toss
- Captain signs scoresheet at toss
- Deciding sets new toss
- Common Warm-up 10 min (5/4/1 mins)
- If Captains request separate warm-up
- 5 minutes each
- Serving team goes first
- Must Watch Hitting Warm-up!
37Before Game Procedure
38Playing Format cont.
- Starting Line-up
- must always be 6 players per team in play
- Positions
- Positional Fault
- Not in correct position at service hit
- Service fault counted before positional fault
Each team must be within its own court
39Positional Faults
40Positional Faults cont.
41Playing Format cont.
- Rotation
- Determined by starting line-up
- Controlled by service order
- Rotational fault
- Occurs when SERVICE is not made in correct
rotational order - Points scored when fault committed are cancelled.
Opponents points remain valid. - Cannot be determined, no points cancelled
42Blood Rule
- Matches will not proceed
- If there is a bleeding player or blood on
equipment or field of play - Player removed cannot return unless no blood
evident on player, court or match ball - Substituted under blood rule recorded in
Remarks section on score sheet - Does not count as one of the team substitutions
for the set
43Block 2 and the game begins
- Playing Actions
- Service
- Playing the ball
- Attack hit
- Blocking
- Contact with the net
- Libero
44Playing Actions
- Team hits
- 3 hits max. (in addition to blocking)
- Consecutive contacts
- Simultaneous contacts
- Assisted hit
- Ball in play from moment of service hit
- Ball is out of play the moment a fault is
indicated and / or whistled - Crossing Space is the space above the net
between the antennae
45- Ball is in when
- Touches the floor of playing court boundary
lines - Ball is out when
- Part of the ball that contacts the floor is
completely outside the boundary lines - Touches an object outside the court, ceiling or
person who is out of play - Touches antennae, ropes, posts or net outside
side-bands - Crosses the vertical plane of the net partially
or totally outside the crossing space (see Figure
5) - Except in the case of Rule 10.1.2
- Crosses completely the lower space under the net
46Rule 12 Service
- Authorisation
- Execution
- Screening
- Service faults
- Incorrect service order
- Improper execution
- Faults after service
- Touches a player of serving team or fails to
cross over the net - Goes out
- Passes over a screen
47Rule 9 Playing the ball
48Playing the ball cont.
- First hit
- The service reception hit
- The attack reception hit (not only spike, all
attacks) - Ball coming from opponents block
- Ball coming from teams own block
- Faults
- On first contact, no whistle for a fault
unless - The ball is caught and / or thrown
- Ball contacted by a player using two separate
49Playing the ball cont.
- Faults
- Four hits
- Assisted hit
- Catch
- Double contact
- Remember
- Judge on playing action / ball contact, not body
position or ball spin
50Rule 13 Attack Hit
- All actions which direct the ball towards the
opponents, with the exception of service block,
are considered attack hits - Tipping permitted if ball cleanly hit, not caught
or thrown - Completed the moment the ball COMPLETELY crosses
the vertical plane of the net or touched by an
51Attack Hit cont.
- Restrictions
- Playing space
- On service
- Back court player
- With the Libero
52Attack Hit cont.
- Faults
- Hits the ball when its still in opponents
playing space - Hits the ball out
- Back court player hits ball in front zone ball
completely above height of net
53Backcourt Players Attack
54Attack Hit cont.
- Faults
- Hits the ball in opponents playing space
- Hits the ball out
- Back court player hits ball in front zone ball
completely above height of net
- Libero hits ball completely above height of net
- Player completes attack hit from overhand finger
pass from Libero in front zone - A catch and / or throw
55Rule 14 - Block
- Only front row players are allowed to complete a
- Does not count as one of the team hits
- Types
- Block attempt
- Completed block
- Collective block
- Consecutive contacts may occur provided its one
56Rule 14 Block cont.
- Blocking in opponents space is OK
- As long as the action doesnt interfere with
opponents play - Faults
- Blocker touches the ball in opponents space
before or simultaneously with opponents attack
hit - Back court player or Libero completes or
participates in block - Blocking opponents service
- Ball goes out off the block
- Blocking ball in opponent space outside antenna
57Contact with the net
- Rule 10 Ball at the net
- Rule 11 Player at the net
- It Is No Longer A Fault To Touch The Net
- There are two exceptions (clearly defined in Rule
11.3), it is a fault - If the player contacts the net whilst in the
action of playing the ball - If net contact clearly interferes with the game
58Rule 19 The Libero player
- Must have contrasting uniform (or jacket / bib)
- Playing actions
- Restricted as a backcourt player
- Cannot serve, block or attempt to block
- A ball coming from a finger pass from behind the
front zone is Legal - REPLACEMENT of players
- At start of set
- When ball is out of play
- There must be a rally between two libero
59Block 3 but wait, there's more
- Interruptions Delays
- Substitutions
- Sanctions
- Scoresheets Role of the Scorer
- Scoresheet exercise
- Role of Lines Judges
60Interruptions Delays
- Detailed in Chapter 5
- Regular game interruptions (Rule 15)
- Time-outs (2 per set, 30secs each)
- Substitutions (minimal time)
- Requests by Coach or Game Captain only
- Official hand signals must be used
- Only while ball is out of play BEFORE whistle
to serve - Subs must be ready near subn zone
- No. of subs indicated at time of request
61Interruptions Delays
- Series of regular interruptions permitted
- Game delays include
- Delaying a substitution or requesting an illegal
substitution - Prolonging other interruptions
- Delaying the game by a team member
- Repeating an improper request
- Sanctions delay warning delay penalty
- First delay delay warning
- Second (or subsequent) delay(s) delay penalty
62Interruptions Delays cont.
- Exceptional game interruptions
- Injury
- Stop immediately for serious injury
- If CANNOT be substituted legally or exceptionally
? 3min recovery time - Only once for each player
- Player doesnt recover ? team declared incomplete
- External interference, Prolonged interruptions
- Intervals between sets and change of courts
- 3 minutes (Remember 2nd Referee controls time)
- Detailed in Rule 15
- Regular interruption with a sequence of events
- Official hand signals
- Player(s) re-entering set must assume original
position in service order unless exceptional
subn - Any number of players may enter set in each
position in service order - Scorer checks if substitution legal
- FIVB National competitions 6 sub rule
- Australian competitions 12 sub rule
64Twelve (12) Substitution rule
- Maximum of 12 substitutions per set
- Starting shall count as an entry
- Each substitute may enter set 3 times
- A player cannot enter a set for a fourth time
- Scorer reports 11th 12th substitutions of team
- Scorer reports 3rd court entry
- ? circle substituted player on scoresheet
- Second referee indicates to coach then first
65Substitutions cont.
- Exceptional Substitution rule (Rule 15.7)
- An injured player (except the Libero) who cannot
continue to play should be substituted legally. - If not possible then Exceptional substitution
- Any player not on the court at time of injury,
except Libero their replacement player, may be
substituted into the game - The injured player is not allowed to re-enter the
court for remainder of match - Not counted as a normal substitution
66Substitutions cont.
- Re-designation of a new Libero (Rule 19.3.3)
- 1st referees approval, coach can re-designate
- Any player not on the court at time of injury
- Injured libero is not allowed to re-enter the
match - Re-designated Libero for rest of the match
- Players number recorded in Remarks section
line-up sheet for following set as new Libero - Not counted as a normal substitution
- Trying to prevent the team or player from
approaching sanction level - Progressive sanctioning
- Categories
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Rude conduct
- Offensive conduct
- Aggression
- Delay
- Rule 20 Requirements of conduct
- Rule 21 Misconduct and its sanctions
68Sanctions cont.
- Minor misconducts
- Otherwise, Progressive sanctioning follows
- For Example 1st Rude conduct Penalty Yellow
- 2nd Rude conduct Expulsion Red
- 3rd Rude conduct Disqualification
- Red Yellow jointly
- Note Dont have to give warning, can go to
sanction immediately if warranted
- Procedure to sanction
- Player on court
- Player or team member not on court
69The Role of the Scorer
- Responsible for the scoresheet works with 2nd
Referee - Prior to match / set
- Records details of match (eg. Start Time, date,
etc) - Signatures of captains the coaches
- Records whos serving / receiving
- Side of court ( Team A or B?)
- Records starting line-ups
- Checks player list / starting line-up
- Records the number name of Libero
70The Role of the Scorer cont.
- During match
- Records points scored
- Ensures correct score on scoreboard
- Controls service order, indicates errors to
referees - Records timeouts substitutions
- Informs referees of improper requests
- Informs referees the end of sets 8th point
- Records any sanctions
- Records events instructed by 2nd referee
- (eg. Exceptional subs, recovery time, etc.)
71The Role of the Scorer cont.
- End of match
- Records final result
- Records finish time completes results table
- In case of protest, if authorised,
- writes or allows a written statement on
scoresheet on incident - Signs scoresheet
- Obtains signatures of captains referees
72(No Transcript)
73Scoresheet Exercise
- Match between QLD NSW women in Brisbane
Entertainment Centre on 6th February 2005 at
7.30pm match is 3. - Teams have 12 players each with shirts numbered 1
to 12. - Libero players for both teams have 12
- Team captains QLD 4, NSW 8
- 1st Ref Heidi Ball 2nd Ref Seymour Lines
- Toss QLD is right of scorer has service
- QLD 2-3-4-5-6-7 NSW 1-6-3-8-2-4
74Scoresheet Exercise
- First set
- Serving team serves into net loses service
- Game continues serving team scores 5 points
- Coach of team B requests a time-out
- Game continues serving team loses service
- Coach of team A requests substitution 6 with 7
- Game continues serving team scores 3 points
- Team A receives a warning for a delay
- Game continues serving team loses the service
- Coach of team B requests substitution 3 with 8
75Scoresheet Exercise
- First set cont.
- Game continues serving team scores 1 point then
loses service - Coach of team A requests a time-out
- Game continues serving team scores 3 points
then loses service - Game continues serving team scores 7 points
- Coach of team B requests time-out
- Game continues serving team loses service
76Scoresheet Exercise
- First set cont.
- Coach of team B requests subn 8 with 3
- Game continues serving team scores 4 points
then loses service - Game continues serving team scores 2 points
- Player 5 of team B receives a penalty for rude
conduct - Game continues serving team scores 1 point then
loses service - Serving team scores 5 points then loses service
- Game continues serving team scores 3 points
wins the set
77(No Transcript)
78 0 6
6 4
80 9 16
8 5
8 16
13 19
8 5
83Scoresheet Exercise
- Team B won 2nd set 27-25
- Team A won 3rd set 25-21
- Team A won 4th set 30-28
- Last rally played at 9.10pm
- Complete the scoresheet
84N S W
1 40
19 30
21 10
85The Role of Line Judges
- 2 or 4 line judges
- Signal
- Ball in or out
- Touches
- Ball touching antenna
- Ball outside crossing space into opponents court
- Foot faults of the server
- Player outside court at moment of service hit
- Must repeat signal if 1st referee requests it
- But doesnt insist on signals if overruled
- Theory component of Level 1 Volleyball
- Basic understanding of rules procedures
- ? Build on with game experience
- Ask questions use resources
- Referee with the Spirit of the Game in mind
- To the standard of play
- Not the Technical Police
- Can / will make mistakes, just correct them right
away or at least learn from them - Have some fun!
87Could you Imagine yourself Refereeing this