Title: New Brunswick Climate Change Hub
1New Brunswick Climate Change Hub
- Reducing GHG in New Brunswick
- Mark Butler
2Reducing GHG Emissions From Buildings Picking the
Low Hanging Fruit
Fuel Switching? or Conservation?
Fuel switching conserves energy and is the most
cost-effective means of reducing GHG.
3GHG Reductions Buildings
1. Heat Loss
2. Heating system Efficiency
Furnace Boiler Heat Pump
Energy In
Heat Out
3. Fuel Type
41. Reduce Heat Loss
51. Reduce Heat Loss
61. Reduce Heat Loss
- Insulation
- Air sealing
- Windows
71. Reduce Heat Loss
- Insulation
- Air sealing
- Windows
- Setback
- Thermostat
Typical measures promoted by governments and
other energy efficiency organizations
82. Heating System Efficiency
- Increase the Efficiency of the conversion of
Energy to Heat - Energy Star qualified oil and gas furnaces and
boilers. - Energy Star qualified air-source heat pump
- Ground or water source heat pumps
- EPA rated wood appliances
92. Heating System Efficiency
- How efficiently the energy is converted into heat
82 GJ Natural Gas
88 GJ
88 GJ Heating Oil
75 GJ Electricity
10Using Electricity to Produce Heat
Fuel Oil
250 GJ Oil
75 GJ Heat
112. Heating System Efficiency
75 GJ of Heat
82 GJ Natural Gas
Natural Gas
75 GJ of Heat
88 GJ Heating Oil
Heating Oil
75 GJ of Heat
250 GJ HFO
Electric Baseboard
75 GJ of Heat
157 GJ HFO
Heat Pump
123. Fuel Type
13Annual GHG Emissions
69 reduction in energy use
14Fuel Switching vs. Other
- Baseboard Electric
- Heating kWh will have to be reduced from 20,800
to 6,400 (69) to reduce GHG to the level of
heating with oil. - Reduction to 4,000 kWh (81) to equal GHG from
natural gas.
15Fuel Switching vs. Other
- The cost to reduce the heat loss in an electric
baseboard heated home by 69 to 81 is far
greater than the cost to install a central
heating system with gas or oil. - The cost to install a central heating system with
a heat pump is greater than an Energy Star gas or
oil furnace and emits 160 more GHG. - CFLs and Energy Star appliances save energy by
reducing the amount of heat they produce not
very beneficial in an electrically heated home
compared to one with gas, oil or wood heat (no
advantage for 260 out 365 days a year).
16Measures to Reduce GHG
- Reduce Heat Loss
- Insulation
- Air sealing
- Windows
- Setback Thermostat
- Heating System Efficiency
- Energy Star qualified oil and gas furnaces and
boilers. - Energy Star qualified air-source heat pump
- Ground or water source heat pumps
- EPA rated wood appliances
Common measures promoted through government
policy and programs.
- Fuel Type No specific programs or incentives to
increase - efficiency through
fuel switching.
- Electric resistance heating is the most
inefficient use of fossil fuel. - Baseboard electric heating should be banned in
new construction. - Electric rate structures need to be modified to
eliminate the incentive that exists to heat with
electricity. - Government programs need to assist building
owners with the cost of installing central heat.
The conversion of fossil fuel energy heat
electricity heat should be discouraged.