Title: Helen Northmore
1- Helen Northmore
- Head, Energy Saving Trust Wales
2Why develop Low Carbon Citizens?
- To identify the scale of the challenge in
meeting - the 3 target
- To identify the biggest potential carbon savings
- in Wales from personal emissions
- To help EST develop its strategy and focus in
- Wales
- To feed into the Climate Change Strategy and
- Welsh Assembly Government policy
3The 3 target
- The 3 target 37 MtCO2e / year (?)
- Agriculture
- Public sector
- Residential sector (direct emissions and
electricity use) - Transport
- Waste management
- Industry and business (direct emissions not
covered by EU Emissions Trading Scheme and most
electricity use) - Personal emissions - 13.6 MtCO2e / year
- A third of emissions likely to be included in the
3 target
- What is the potential for reducing personal
emissions? - How does it relate to a 3 reduction?
- How can we meet the potential?
- What will we do?
- What do we need support from WAG to do?
- What should the Assembly Government do?
- What does the UK Government need to do?
5Personal emissions
13.6 MtCO2e / year
- 3 - 0.41 MtCO2e / year, each year
- CERT in Wales 0.09 MtCO2 / year, each year
6Important note on figures
- Cannot be added together
- Cannot assume will be met in full
- Further modelling recommended
7Potential for cutting personal emissions
- Help to make positive choices
- Energy saving homes
- Product choices
- Water
- Energy choices
- Travel
- Less waste
8Help to make positive choices
9Help to make positive choices examples of how
we think we can make it happen
- Energy Saving Trust advice and tailored
messages - WAG regular policy updates, ensure co-ordinated
and streamlined advice provision where possible - UK Government smart meters
10Energy saving homes
11Energy saving homes examples of how we
think we can make it happen
- Energy Saving Trust advice for your home,
technical advice for building professionals,
convergence funding opportunities - Working with WAG build on HEED, bring CESP
projects into Wales - WAG 80 by 2050 strategy, network of exemplars
- UK Government Heat and Energy Saving Strategy
12Product choices
13Product choices - examples of
how we think we can make it happen
- Energy Saving Trust Energy Saving Recommended,
CERT offers, buying choices - WAG boiler replacement
- UK Government work with EU on minimum standards
14Efficient transport
15Efficient transport - examples of
how we think we can make it happen
- Energy Saving Trust advice, buying choices,
Green Fleet Review - WAG targets, framework for low carbon travel
- UK Government work with EU on improved
labelling and penalties to support 2020 target
16Energy choices
17Energy choices - examples of
how we think we can make it happen
- Energy Saving Trust more detailed advice
- With WAG Community Scale Generation Programme
- WAG planning, regeneration
- UK Government Feed In Tariff and Renewable Heat
Incentives, Low Carbon Building Programme
18Food waste
- Energy Saving Trust advice, focus on most
potential, build knowledge - WAG consistent facilities
- Inefficient use of hot water can waste us much
energy as inefficient homes - Energy Saving Trust research the impact, pilot
advice - With support from WAG marketing campaigns,
availability of products - WAG water efficiency strategy
21The big picture significant potential
22Basics for achieving the potential
- Robust policy framework
- Sectoral targets based on potential
- Citizens as the centre of climate change strategy
- Effective political leadership and reallocation
of resources - Benefits for people, communities and economy of
Wales - Now is the time to stop talking and start doing
23Thank you!
Reports available electronically
at www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/ lowcarboncitizen
swales Hard copies available Contact Helen
Northmore 02920 468340 Helen.northmore_at_est.org.uk
Dilys Howells 02920 475958 dilys.howells_at_est.org
24Welsh Assembly Government Climate Change Strategy
25Climate Change Strategy
- We welcome
- Having a strategy mapping existing work across
government - That the Strategy is a living document, and we
all need to contribute our activities and impacts
- The emphasis on area based approaches
- The recognition of the importance of behaviour
change - Proposals to develop a loan scheme for
able-to-pay households - The wide range of proposals for supporting
community action
26Climate Change Strategy
- What we would like to see more of
- Role of regulation
- Proof of step change
- Role of Local Authorities
- Proposals to tackle transport emissions
- Proposals to tackle water efficiency