Title: Seven Oaks School Division No' 10
12007-2008 Budget Presentation
- Welcome Introductions Bill McGowan
- Divisional Priorities Budget
Overview Brian OLeary - Discussion Brian OLeary
- Concluding Comments Bill McGowan
3Mission Statement
4Our Schools
- K -5 École Belmont
- Collicutt
- École Constable Edward
Finney - Forest Park
- Governor Semple
- École James Nisbet
- Margaret Park
- R. F. Morrison
- École Riverbend
- Victory
- K 8 A. E. Wright Community
- Elwick Community
- O. V. Jewitt
- West St. Paul
- 6 8 H. C. Avery Middle
- École Leila North Community
- École Seven Oaks Middle
- 9 12 Garden City Collegiate
- Maples Collegiate
- West Kildonan Collegiate
French Immersion Hebrew
Bilingual Ukrainian Bilingual
5Seven Oaks School Division Enrolment Summary
6Metro Enrolment Trends
7A Successful Start to School
- Advancing Community Schools
- -pre-school literacy activities
- -parent child centers
- -early years home/schools projects
- -community coordinators
- Ongoing Initiatives
- -parenting programs (FAST)
- -accessible day care(new daycare at WKCI)
- -transportation from day care
- -Village Centre Elwick
- -Teen Family Resource Program
- -expansion of before and after school programs
added at Collicutt, Belmont, and R. F.
8A Healthy Active Adolescence
- Keeping Children Active and Involved
- -Renewed focus on fitness health initiatives
- -MYAC - Maples Youth Activity Center
- -KYAC - Kildonan Youth Activity Center
- -Keeping Balance
- -Lighthouse Program - Victory School
- -EDGE - Extended Day for Growth and Education
- -Everyone Plays Athletics
- -Participation Band, Art and Choral programs
- -Teacher Advisor programs
- -Anti-Smoking Education and Cessation Activities
9A Positive Transition to Work Higher Education
- - Post Secondary Entrance Rate
- - Career Education
- - CUB, College and University Bound program
- - First Year Now
- -English
- -Calculus
- -Biology
- -Psychology
- -Sociology
- -French Immersion
- - Multimedia - Maples
- - Garden City
- - Power Mechanics Maples
- - Cooperative Vocational Education
- - Health Care Aide
- - Tourism
- - Hospitality - Food Service
- - Materials Fabrication
- - Aircraft Maintenance
- - Information Technology West Kildonan
- - Service Learning
- - Teacher Advisory Programs
10The Support That Students Need to Succeed
- Inclusive approach Almost all students with
special needs are supported in regular
classrooms in their community schools. - SOSD Video
- Paraprofessional support - 192 Teacher
Assistants - Guidance and Resource teachers in every school
- Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy (expanded
in 2006-07) - Phys Ed and Music specialists
- Aboriginal Liaison Workers and mentors
- Special Needs Teacher Team Leaders assist with
planning for funded students - Educational and Clinical Support Services
(speech and language, social work, psychology)
11Budget Planning Initiatives
- Educational resources directed to the classroom
- Energy-Efficiency, Environmental Control
- Lighting Upgrades
- Technology Support
- division is fully upgraded in 06/07
- introducing wireless laptop carts
- 5 year replacement cycle implemented
- Natural Gas Conversion
- Maintenance Cost Reductions
- Transportation Planning
- Facilities Improvements
- Flooring and painting
- windows and doors
- open area conversions
- electrical upgrades, cabling, and wireless network
12Budget Planning Initiatives
- Facility Planning
- New West Kildonan Collegiate construction is
underway - - opening planned for January, 2008
- WKC site plan, floor plan
- West Kildonan area middle years
- - Community consultation April/07
- Longer Term Garden City Collegiate upgrade
- GCC site rendering
- GCC floor plan
13Reassessment and Mill Rates
14Seven Oaks Expenditures per PupilVersus the
Provincial Average
15Class Sizes in Seven Oaks
16Seven Oaks Pupil Educator Ratio
- Total students divided by total teachers
(includes non-classroom teachers).
17The Impact of Assessment
Based on 2006/07 FRAME budget.
18The Impact of Funding
Based on 2006/07 FRAME budget.
19Urban School Division 2006 Mill Rates per
Frame Budget
Without equalization With full equalization
20Draft 2007 2008 Budget Highlights
- Special Levy is up 1.17 or 13.81 on a home
assessed at 100,000. - 5.2 funding increase (budget to actual).
- 4.5 expenditure increase is driven by, increased
enrolment, budgeted salary benefit increases,
increased capital expenditures, classroom
computer purchases and increased occupational
physiotherapists services. - Teaching positions 10 additional positions
(685,000) related to increased enrolment.
21Transportation Fees by Division
22Extra Costs to Parents Family with two
Elementary Students
23Budget Notes
- Projected 2.0 million Accumulated Reserve
(2.6), as at June 30, 2007, was accumulated by - not spending amounts budgeted for contingencies
- Capital Fund
- Profits from sale of Swinford property
- Transfer of funds from Reserve
- One time capital upgrades
24Budget Notes
- Planned capital fund expenditures
- enhancements for the new West Kildonan
Collegiate over and above provincial support - Randy Bachman student commons
- Larger gym (sq. ft. increased by 29 - funded by
SOSD) - 4 acre athletic field and track
- Cash flow management to reduce financing costs
- Contingency for unanticipated costs (utilities,
mold abatement).
25Land Holdings
- The division has investments in land of
- Lot Size
- Future Riverbend School site 10.30 acres
- Former Parkdale School Site 5.008 acres
- Former John Black School Site 2.203 acres
- Future Amber Trails School Site 5.635 acres
- Former Emesville School Site 4.620 acres
- Kingsbury Site .100 acres
26Provincial Funding as a Percent of Expenditures
Percentages shown do not reflect Provincial
contributions capital projects or teacher
pension costs.
27Your Property Tax Bill
28(No Transcript)