Title: Course Progress
1Course Progress
- Data Placement Methods
- Server architecture and zoned disk
- Data Placement on disks
2A Simple Multimedia Server System
Processor subsystem
Application server
Control or scheduling server
Storage subsystem
Data server
3Distributed Multimedia Servers
Simple MM server
Simple MM server
Simple MM server
4Multimedia Server System
query Q
X, Y, Z,
X, Y, Z,
5Input/Output Processors
I/O devices are slow. IOP connects I/O bus to
memory bus and CPU.
Memory bus
I/O Processor
I/O bus
Disk 1
Disk 2
Disk 3
6Input/Output Processors
target device
where cmnds are
I/O Instruction
Step 1 CPU issues I/O Instruction to IOP
OP Device Address
looks in memory for commands
I/O instruction
I/O Processor
I/O bus
Disk 1
Disk 2
Disk 3
7Input/Output Processors
Step 2 IOP reads command from memory
Memory bus
I/O instruction
I/O Processor
I/O bus
OP Addr Cnt Other
Disk 1
Disk 2
Disk 3
what to do
where to put data
how much
special requests
8Input/Output Processors
Step 3 IOP transfers data to/from memory
Memory bus
I/O instruction
I/O Processor
I/O bus
Disk 1
Disk 3
9Input/Output Processors
Step 4 IOP sends interrupt to CPU when done
Memory bus
I/O interrupt
I/O instruction
I/O Processor
I/O bus
Disk 1
Disk 3
Disk 2
10Magnetic Disk Structure
Read/write heads
11Modern Zoned Disk Layout
- Fixed sector size in number of bytes
- Fixed number of sectors within each zone
- More sectors per track in outer zones
- Number of tracks in each zone may vary
12CD DVD Layout
- Single spiral track running from inside to the
rim - Fixed sector size in number of bytes
- Dual layer DVD may have a second spiral track
that is in the same or opposite direction
13IBM Millipede Project
- Silicon tip punch holes in postage-stamp-sized
polymer - Holes are 10 nanometers or 50 atoms
- Density 1 trillion bits per square inch (20 X
disks) - Rewriteable Write with tip at 400?C, read with
tip at 300?C, erase at hot tips - 1,000 times slower than hard disk
- 1,024 tips working in parallel
Source L.D. Paulson, Tiny Punch Cards boost
storage capacity, Computer, Sept 2002, p.22.
14Nanteros NRAM
- The first 10 Gbit nano-technology RAM
- Differing electrical charges swing tubes into 1
of 2 positions (0 1) - Small size 10-Gbit (10 billion carbon nanotubes)
in a billionth of a metre - Short distance to move gt fast read/write
- Static without power gt Non-volatile
- 50 times stronger than steel gt many write cycles
- Quality control by selecting only nanotubes
growing properly
Source L.D. Paulson, Nanotech RAM Holds Promise
for Universal Memory, Computer, Sept 2003, p.15.
15Disk Access Operations
- Disk accesses data in sectors of 512 to 2048
bytes. Each disk I/O command executes a number of
basic steps - Obtain I/O channel to memory
- Seek the required cylinder
- Switch to the selected head within the cylinder
- Wait for the start of the required sector to meet
the head - Transfer the sector via I/O channel to memory
- Send interrupt to the CPU for I/O completion
16Disk Access Time
- The major mechanical steps are
- Seek time move the read/write heads to the track
- Rotational latency wait for the start of the
required sector to come under the head. - Optional RPS miss additional cycle if I/O path
fails to establish before transfer - Dependent on the duration between consecutive
seeks - Transfer time transfer the sector via I/O path
to memory - Other steps are electronic and contribute to less
than 5 of the disk access time - Seek time and rotational latency are overheads
17Performance Model
- Continuous model - A close approximation of the
discrete performance with small inter-track gap
considering each track as a zone. - If each sector has the same probability of being
accessed, then the probability of a head at track
of radius x is
Ring Area 2?xdx
Disk Area
18Seek Time
- Seek time is the time required for the seek
action which consists of the following components
- 1. Â The arm is accelerated until it reaches the
maximum speed. - 2. Â The arm is traveling at the maximum speed.
- 3. Â The arm is decelerated until it stops.
- 4. Â The head is settled on the required track.
- The seek time, s, relates to the seek distance,
D, below
19Seek time curve
- Almost linear, with curve at short seek distance.
20Seek Distance
- Mean seek distance of completely random seeks is
by integrating all possible absolute seek
distances - Thus, mean seek distance, is
21Seek Distance
- The variance of seek distance. VarD is
- Random seeks can be modeled easily, but most
seeks are not random. Consecutive requests
usually access consecutive sectors. - Place data that are retrieved together in the
same track and cylinder would reduce seek time
22Rotational Latency
- The disk rotates at fixed angular speed.
- Let T be the revolution time.
- Let Qt be probability that rotational latency is
between time t and tdt, where 0 lt t ? T, and
dt?0. We have - The mean rotational latency is
23Rotational Latency
t lt L lt tdt
24Rotational Latency
- The disk rotates at fixed angular speed.
- Let T be the revolution time.
- Let Qt be probability that rotational latency is
between time t and tdt, where 0 lt t ? T, and
dt?0. We have - The mean rotational latency is T/2.
- The variance of rotational latency, VarL is
25Rotational Latency
- Sectors do not starts anywhere, rotational
latency also depends on the seek distance - Seeklatency increase stepwise with seek distance
26Data Transfer Time
- Data transfer time is the time to read the
required data from the current track. Maximum
areal density is the maximum recording density on
the disk surface. - On a track of radius x, if the amount of data in
this track is given by 2?xk, where k is recording
density in bytes/unit length, then the data
transfer rate at this track is 2?xk/T. - To transfer R bytes of data at a track of radius
x, the data transfer time is
27Data Transfer Time
- Mean data transfer time is
28Data Transfer Time
- The variance of data transfer time is
- Var(t)
- Var(t)
- In magnetic disks, data are recorded on
concentric circles on disk platters. Each zone
has a different number of sectors. - Major component of disk access time are seek
time, rotational latency, and data transfer time - For completely random accesses,
- the mean seek distance is
- the mean rotational latency is
- the mean data transfer time is