Title: Cognitive Psychology
1Cognitive Psychology Chapter 1.1 Introduction
- Outline
- Course and Instructor
- What is Cognitive Psychology?
- Where did Cognitive Psychology come from?
Study Question. Define and briefly describe
Cognitive Psychology.
- Course and Instructor
- Letter from the dean
- Course web site
- Cognitive Psychology
- Neissers (1968) definition
- Cognitive Psychology refers to all processes by
which the sensory input is transformed, reduced,
elaborated, stored, recovered, and used.
- Cognitive Psychology
- Ascrofts definitions
- Cognition the mental events and knowledge we use
when we recognize an object, remember a name,
have an idea, understand a sentence, or solve a
problem. - Cognitive Science the scientific study of
thought, language, and the brain - in short the
study of the mind.
A canary can breath
A canary can fly
- Studying mental processes
- The sentence verification task
Dependent Variable - Measurement variable - Y
axis - E.g, RT,
Independent Variable - Manipulated variable -
X axis - E.g, Sentence type
8History of Cognitive Psychology
- Birth of Experimental Psychology
- The Longitude Prize of 1714
- The Chronological and the Lunar Method
- John Harrison and Nevil Maskelyne
- Greenwich mean time and star-transits
- The eye and ear method
- Interpolate the transit 4 measures
- The Royal Astronomer fires his assistant
9History of Cognitive Psychology
- Birth of Experimental Psychology
- Bessels solution
- Trained astronomers differed by as much 1.1 s
(1820s) - Introduced correction factors
- Introduction of chronometers
- Early investigations in cognitive processing
- Attending to two stimuli at the same time
- Willful Attention
- Reaction Time
10History of Cognitive Psychology
- The Birth of Experimental Psychology
- Neurophysiology - Helmoltz
- Finite timing of nerve impulses
- Subtractive method
- Donders (Reaction Time and Mental Processes,
1865) - A-task SRT
- B-task SRTCategorizationselection
- C-task SRTCategorization
- Wundts Experimental Laboratory at Leipzig
- Published over 53,000 pages
- Wundts Structuralism
11History of Cognitive Psychology
- The Death of Experimental Psychology
- Titcheners Structuralism
- Introspection as a method
- William James and Functionalism
- First Introductory textbook
- Influence of Darwin
- Freuds Psychodynamics hit America
- 1909 Clark University Lectures
12History of Cognitive Psychology
- Next time
- Two revolutions The death and resurrection of
Unbeknownst to most students of
Psychology, Pavlovs first experiment was to ring
a bell and cause The dog to attack Freuds cat.