Title: Sale of Public Land and Buildings
1Sale of Public Land and Buildings
- Zagreb, 1 July 2008
- Joern Thiessen
2Sale of Land State Aid?
- State aid in the meaning of Art. 87 EC requires
- -Benefit for undertaking.
- -Resulting from state ressources.
- Evident if money is transferred from state budget
to an undertaking. - But any benfit can be regarded as state aid.
- If state sells a piece of land at a market value
of 1 Mio for 500.000,- there is a benefit and
accordingly state aid.
3How to Avoid Violations of State Aid Law
- To avoid the transaction beeing qualified as
state aid the piece of land should be sold at or
above market value. - If the price is below market value the
transaction is state aid but and must be
justified under Art. 87 para. 3 EC. - Problem how to determine the market value?
4Aid-Free Sale of Land
- Legal basis
- Commission communication on state aid elements
in sales of land and buildings by public
authorities (OJ C 209/03, 10.07.1997). - Communication gives guidance
- -how to structure the sale as an aid free
transaction. - -how to handle cases where the sale was below
market price and constitutes state aid.
5Aid-Free Sale of Land
- According to the communication, the sale does not
contain aid if land is sold at/above market
price. - In the communication the Commission establishes
two procedures to ensure this - 1. Sale through an unconditional bidding
procedure. - 2. Sale after an indipendent expert evaluation
to establish the market value of the land.
6Aid-Free Sale of LandUnconditional bidding
- Conditions for bidding procedure
- -offer must be sufficently well publicised.
- (repeated advertising for 2 or more months in
national press and through estate-agents). -
- -offer must be unconditional.
- (subject to reasonable restrictions from
environmental or planning law other restrictions
admissible if they can be fulfilled by all
bidders). -
- -sale to highest or only bid.
7Aid-Free Sale of LandSale after Independent
Expert Evaluation
- Transaction is aid free if the land is sold at a
price that was determined to be the market value
by an independent expert. - Conditions
- -expert asset valuer with specific
qualifications. - -independence of expert from state influence.
- -MS has some margin to sell below this market
8Aid-Free Sale of LandSale after Independent
Expert Evaluation
- Expert asset valuer with specific qualifications
- -must have appropriate qualification/degree.
- -must have suitable experience/competence in
valuing land in the location and category of
asset. -
- -If in that country no academic degree exists
the expert should be a member of the professional
body responsible for valuations and be appointed
by the courts. -
9Aid-Free Sale of LandSale after Independent
Expert Evaluation
- Independence of expert
- -Public authorities should not be entitled to
issue orders as regards the result of the
evaluation. - -State valuation offices and public officers are
to be regarded as indipendent provided that undue
influence on their findings is effectively
10Aid-Free Sale of LandSale after Independent
Expert Evaluation
- Margin to sell below market value
- -If reasonable efforts to sell the land at
market value fail the MS may recuce the price by
up to 5. - -If the land cannot be sold at the market value
less 5 a new valuation may be carried out taking
into account the experience made and the offers
11How to Handle Transactions Containing State Aid
- Transactions containing state aid are not
necessarily unlawful. - They can be justified on the basis of
- -The De Minimis Rule (benefit gt200.000,- ).
- -Other provisions of secondary legislation, e.g.
as regional investment aid (notification
necessary if outside an approved scheme).
12Consequences of Violating State Aid Rules
- Competition authorities might open formal
investigation after - -complaints of competitors.
- -becoming aware of the transaction through the
media. - Competition authorities may order recovery of the
aid if it was granted illegally (difference
between market value and price actually paid). - National law violation of state aid rules could
make transaction void (e.g. Germany Federal
Supreme Court ruled that contracts containing aid
and violating the notification requirement are
13Transacion is in line with state aid law!
Sale to highest bidder?
Sale at market value following independent
De Minimis? Benefit lt200.000,- ?
Justified under approved scheme?
Indicidual notification and approval?
Aid is unlawful! Recovery of benefit!