Title: The Peanut that woke us UP
1The Peanut that woke us UP
- Individual and
- community
- Responsibilities
2Possible Conditions
Peanut Allergy
Diabetes Strawberry allergy Pine-apples
allergy Gluten allergy Celiac Lactose Dairy
allergies . . Salmonella DT 105 E coli 52 Food
safety issues Infectious diseases Hepatitis
B -- -
Individual with a condition
Vary in of individual affected Vary in severity
amongst individuals Vary in timing of effect
They all adversely affect a certain individual
3The first level of community --- Immediate
Individual with a condition
- Individual highly supervised by family and in
the ideal situation - To be trained to manage the condition
- Different diseases require a different degree of
We must make sure that this type of educational
process is occurring - Provide information etc.
4Lower degree of supervision
Individual with a condition
Individual responsibility increases
Community responsibility increases
5The World
School wide
Individual with a condition
Individual responsibility increases
Community responsibility increases
6- Need to know if a student has a condition
- What level of individual management exist
- What resources are available for the family
- What are the grade specific responsibilities at
the classroom level (ie. buddy system, maybe bans
at the lower grades) - What educational instruction should be done at
the classroom level to develop a consciousness
regarding food safety (no food sharing,
recognition of signs, how to report a finding,
etc) - What are the responsibilities at the School level
(lunch management type of foods offered, x
free tables, food sharing policies, web
communications etc.