Title: EM Probes at RHIC II
1EM Probes at RHIC II
- Zhangbu Xu (BNL)
- For the RHIC-2 EM-Probes Working Group
- (co-convenors G. David, R. Rapp, XZB)
_em Talks by members at April Workshop R. Rapp
(Nov. PAC meeting) Simulations from
individuals First Draft of Working Group Document
- 1. Motivations
- Chiral Symmetry Restoration
- QGP Radiation -- Temperature
- 2. Experimental Measurements
- Vector Meson In-medium Properties
- Thermal Dilepton Spectra
- Direct Photons
- 3. Challenges
- Chiral partners?
- Understanding backgrounds
- What do we learn from SPS results
- 4. Conclusions
3Search for Chiral Symmetry Restoration
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Responsible for gt90 mass of the visible world
4QCD Phase Diagram
A thermodynamic state is specified by a set of
values of all the thermodynamic parameters
necessary for the description of the system. ---
statistical mechanics by K. Huang Temperature
(T), chemical potential (m), pressure(P)
- Chemical/thermal Equilibrium at certain stage of
the evolution - At the predicted QCD phase boundary
- persistent from SPS to RHIC
- Below the phase boundary atAGS and SIS
- Can we put a point above?
5Experimental Signatures
- Vector Meson Properties
- Thermal Dileptons
- Direct Photons
6 EM Emission and Chiral Symmetry
Brown-rho, Rapp
7 Low-Mass Vector Mesons at RHIC
- hadron liquid close to Tc r, w melt, f more
robust? - baryonantibaryons important
Energy Scan!!
8Dilepton from HI
smooth transition HG ? QGP liquid? Integrated
yields from several stages
9 QGP Temperature and Composition
Direct Photons
Intermed.-Mass Dileptons
- thermal window q0 , Mee 2GeV
- photons jet-QGP interactions compromise
T-sensitivity - less so for dileptons charm?
Energy Scan
10Detector Upgrades
- Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) reject g conversion
and Dalitz decay - Silicon Vertex Tracking DetectorMeasure charm
background - STAR
- Time-of-Flight TPCTOFEMC Electron/muon
Identification - Heavy Flavor Tracker (HFT) TPCHFT reject g
conversion, Dalitz decay and HF?e - Data Acquisition System (1KHz minbias rate)
11Measuring Low Mass Electron Pairs in PHENIX
- Hardware
- Compensate magnetic field with an inner coil to
- preserve ee- pair opening angle (foreseen in
- original design ? B?0 for r ? 50-60cm)
- Compact HBD in inner region
- Strategy
- Identify signal electrons with p gt 200 MeV/c
from - vector mesons in the outer PHENIX detectors
- Identify low momentum electrons with p lt 200
MeV/c - (mainly from Dalitz pairs and conversions) in
the HBD - Reject pair if opening angle lt 200 mrad
- (for 90 rejection).
Requirements Electron efficiency ? 90
Double hit recognition ? 90 Modest ?
rejection 200
C. Woody, RHICII EM probes group meeting, 04/30/05
12Resulting Low Mass Pair Spectrum with the HBD
- Combinatorial background is
- reduced by more than two
- orders of magnitude
- limited by combinatorial
- background from open charm
- A precision measurement of
- charm using the Silicon
- Vertex Tracking Detector.
C. Woody, RHICII EM probes group meeting, 04/30/05
13Rates for Vector Meson Production
- Consider Run 8 (200 GeV Au x Au, 4x Design
Luminosity) - Lpeak 30 x 1026 cm-2 s-1
- L ave store 8 x 1026 cm-2 s-1
- 20 KHz peak min. bias rate
- 5.4 KHz avg min. bias rate
- 10 week dedicated HBD run (central field in ?
configuration) - eRHIC x ePHENIX 0.5 x 0.5 0.25
Lower energy 30GeVg2 44
- fs produced in h lt 0.5
- e,e- into PHENIX central
- arm acceptance
- pT,e gt 200 MeV/c
8.2 x 109 min. bias events produced N f?ee-
1.5 x 10-5 / min.bias event
fwr (ee- ? PHENIX) 1 0.9 0.7
N f?ee- 1.2 x 105 produced in PHENIX
C. Woody, RHICII EM probes group meeting, 04/30/05
Electron identification TOFr 1/ß-1 lt 0.03
TPC dE/dx electrons!!! 2? in azimuth,
STAR Collaboration, PRL 94, 2005, 062301
Clean electron PID can be obtained up to PTlt 3
GeV/c. ? This is used to measure the semileptonic
decay of open charm. Hadron rejection power at
10-5. M. Shao et al., nucl-ex/0505026 Higher pT
15Reject g conversion
- Background g ? ee-
- HFT discriminates background !
- Need low mass detector
- Also DD ? ee-
16Dalitz Decay
TPC ee- invariant mass ? conversion
p0 Dalitz decay
Find the pair from Dalitz,reject both leptons
17Charm Spectrum Measurement
- Au Au, 50M central events
- D0 ? K p
- Stat. uncertainties small
- We can subtract DDbar ? ee-
- Alternative Approach reject electrons
event-by-event - (50 for electron pair)
- HFT resolution lt10?m
18STAR Dilepton Capability
TOF vector meson TOFHFT thermal radiation
19Rate Estimate
TOF matchPID eff 80
TPCHFT eff 60 (?)
From PDG
Acceptance N f?ee- 8 x 10-4 / min.bias event
Preliminary estimation for the requested data
20Muon ID at low pT
STAR Preliminary 0.15ltpTlt0.25 GeV/c, DCAlt3cm
- less Dalitz decay and g conversion (ltx10),
Decays from p,K rejected by HFT DCA - Dilepton mass 0.2ltmlt0.6 GeV
21Direct Photons
- Direct Measurement of direct photons
- All g known sources
- Virtual photon (via low-mass dilepton)
- gg HBT
22Virtual?Direct Photons
23Comparison to Conventional result
Conventional methodgall-gph
24gg HBT
- Thermal model for direct photon production
- Assuming l1
- EMCTPC efficiencies50(59)
- 16 million AuAu events
- Sandweiss/Chikanian (Yale)
- Lack of measurements of Chiral Partners
- Backgrounds on dilepton, direct photon
measurements - What we learn from SPS Measurements
26Chiral Partner (r ? a1)
h1 ? 3 p B.R. 0.1 h1 ? ? p B.R.
0.9 Mass 1.170 GeV/c2 G 360 MeV/c2
UrQMD minimum bias AuAu at vsNN 200 GeV
r?pp- Cocktail
P. Fachini
? 3s signal a1 ? g p ? 54M events ! Interesting
but difficult (Type B)
27Vector Meson?CSR
- Experimental observation of modification of
Vector Spectral Function significant by itself - Model calculation of V-A Spectral
FunctionCalculate vector and axialvector
spectral functions as a function of temperature
and density (including as many of the
constraints, Weinberg sum rule) in a chirally
invariant model. - Compare results with Lattice QCD
- Detailed Experimental-Thoery comparison vs
energy/density scanPerform detailed comparisons
of the in-medium effects on the vector correlator
with dilepton data (centrality, excitation
function, mass and q_t-spectra), which requires a
realistic expansion model (e.g. hydro/transport).
28Charm Background in PHENIX Dilepton
crude charm RHIC 2
subtracted spectrum thickness of line represents
statistical error
15 at m2GeV Needs -2
Vacuum Vector mesons
R. Seto, RHICII EM probes group meeting, 04/30/05
Mass (GeV)
29Charm/Dalitz Background in STAR
DDbar ? ee- correlations can be measured
(lt-10) Dalitz rejection Inner Detector
tracking SSDHFTVertexin progress
30Direct Photons ?Temperature
- Extract temperature difficult
- Energy Scan important
- Detailed model comparison
31Residual Correlation from pp HBT
Similar effect for virtual photons? Negligible
with HBD
Background 4x signal Subtract from known pp
HBT Sandweiss/Chikanian (Yale) in progress
32Recent Advances at SPS Power of Precision
RRWambach 99
- r -meson melting , dropping mass?
- address absolute norm., pt-dep., M gt 0.9GeV
(4p?mm-!) - cocktail-r (smooth signal)? vector
dominance? - precision data essential to rule out models
33Electromagnetic Probes at SPS
Medium Effects! 10 QGP
HG 4p?mm- 30 QGP
RR Shuryak 99
34What needed at the SPS?
- Experimentally
- Low-mass ee- drop. mass vs. broad., energy scan
run time - Cronin enhancement vs. temperature
systematic p-A - Isolation of charm dileptons
vertex detector - Redundancy
- Physics
- QGP subdominant ?!
- early thermalization (v2) ?!
RHIC II (dedicated QCDLab) has it all
- EM probes are directly sensitive to the chiral
symmetry properties and to the temperatures of
the partonic system - There are three major measurements related to
the questions above - Each with complemental/redundant techniques
- Challengesnot only confirm a theory, but rule
out incorrect ones requires precision data in M,
qt , centrality and vs - RHIC (detectors) positioned to meet the
challenges - Dalitz suppression / charm ID
redundancy - energy-scan (006-200GeV!?) - Theory Homework chiral theory with baryons,
sQGP, g/dilepton components,
- Am I too negative? ????pessimistic troops win
- Continue pushing our detectors to their limits
- Understand the strength and weakness
- Am I too positive?I dont think of all the
misery, but of all the beauty that still remains.
Anne Frank - Continue exploration of techniques and
simulations - Understand and reduce the background
I believe we can fly, RHIC II will provide us
with wings
37 2.2 EM Emission and Chiral Symmetry
r - a1(1260) (chiral partners)
Axial-/Vector in Vacuum
pQCD cont.
38Introduction I EM-Probes -- The Basic Questions
QCD Phase Diagram
- Thermalization at RHIC ? study the phase diagram
- (highest) temperature of the matter
- chiral symmetry restoration (mass generation!)
- medium effects on spectral properties above
below Tc
Inevitable consequences of QGP, link to lattice
39(ii) Heavy Partons Multiple Bound States ?
based on finite-T lattice potentials approach
to zero-binding line ? stable-mass r-resonance
Shuryak,Zahed, Brown,
- thermal parton scattering through bound states?
- composite interactions? quark scaling?
40Cocktail comparison
- Data and cocktail absolutely normalized
- Cocktail from hadronic sources
- Charm from PYTHIA
- Predictions are filtered in PHENIX acceptance
- Good agreement in p0 Dalitz
- Continuumhint for enhancement not significant
within systematics - What happens to charm?
- Single e ? pt suppression
- angular correlation???