Title: Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
1Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
2Plant biotechnology is about
3(No Transcript)
4Scientists and government regulators asked the
same questions two decades ago that others are
asking today.
5- Mission
- To improve understanding and acceptance of
biotechnology by collecting balanced, credible
information and communicating this message
through a variety of media.
6Consistently, support for biotechnology is
higher among people who have heard more about it.
Percentage who support biotechnology to ...
Develop new varieties of crops
Genetically modify foods
November 2001 survey by Council for Biotechnology
7Awareness of plant biotechnology benefits
continues to rise.
For new medicines and health care techniques
To grow more food to feed expanding population
For hardier crops to withstand drought, poor soils
For healthier foods
Percentage among general public who agrees that
each is true of biotechnology
To reduce need for chemical pesticides
8One in four doubt the safety of enhanced foods
another one in four are uncertain.
9What Is Plant Biotechnology
- The Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
10Plant Biotechnology
- A precise process to improve plants.
11Selective breeding led to higher-yielding
Modern corn
13Gregor Johann Mendel
14Law of Uniformity
Law of Segregation
16No conceptual distinction exists between genetic
modification of plants and microorganisms by
classical methods or by molecular techniques
that modify DNA and transfer genes.
- National Research Council
17Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
- More food
- Better food
- Better for the environment
18More Food
- Producing more food more efficiently.
19Projected world population
20Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
- More food
- Better food
- Better for the environment
21Synthetic insulin the very first biotech product
22Let food be your medicine and medicine be your
23Rice enriched with vitamin A
24High-protein corn in Africa, Asia and Latin
25Agricultural biotechnology holds great promise
for Africa. We dont want to be denied this
technology because of a misguided notion that we
dont understand the dangers of the future
- Hassan Adamu, Nigerian Minister of
Agriculture and Rural Development
26Papaya biotechnology network
27Better Food
- Genetically improved oilseeds for healthier
cooking oil.
28Healthier vegetables
29Benefits of Plant Biotechnology
- More food
- Better food
- Better for the environment
30Bring environmentally sensitive land under the
plow, or increase productivity on existing land?
31Plant biotechnology means less spraying
32Plant biotechnology means more conservation
33Better for the Environment
- Mangrove genes transferred to annual crops to
promote tolerance to saline soils.
34A powerful tool for fostering ecofarming as well
as for enhancing the productivity of rainfed and
saline soils.
- M.S. Swaminatham
- 1987 World Food Prize recipient
35Government Regulation
37World Health Organization
- American Dietetic Association
- American Medical Association
- Institute of Food Technologists
38Government regulation
- Less trust in food regulatory systems in Europe.
39Benefits of plant biotechnology have been
40(No Transcript)
41We have recently advanced our knowledge of
genetics to a point where we can manipulate life
in a way never intended by nature. We must
proceed with the utmost caution in the
application of this new found knowledge.
Luther Burbank
42The turning point in agriculture was hybrid
Jacob Bronowski The Ascent of Man
43Plant biotechnology represents the next leap
44If they can give us a better tomato, Im for
45Scientists around the world agree that the new
gene-splicing technology lowers even further
the already minimal risk associated with
introducing new plant varieties into the food
- Professor Henry Miller, Stanford University
46We are increasingly encouraged that the
advantages of genetic engineering of plants and
animals are greater than the risks . . . We
cannot agree with the position of some groups
that say it is against the will of God to meddle
with the genetic make-up of plants and animals.
- Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the
Pontifical Academy for Life
47The more people know, the more they support
Council for Biotechnology Information Research
48For more information
- Council for Biotechnology Information
- www.whybiotech.com
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- www.aphis.usda.gov/biotechnology/laws.html
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- www.epa.gov/pesticides/biopesticides
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- www.cfsan.fda.gov
49Plant biotechnology is about
50- Council for Biotechnology Information
- 1225 Eye Street N.W., Suite 400
- Washington, DC 20005-5958
- Phone (202)467-6565
- www.whybiotech.com