Title: CRGAQS: Revised CAMx Results
1CRGAQSRevised CAMx Results
- Presentation to the
- Gorge Study Technical Team
- By
- ENVIRON International Corporation
- December 6, 2006
2Todays Presentation
- Recap modeling performance issues
- Describe latest CAMx simulations
- Model and emission changes
- Performance for PM and light scattering
- Next Steps
3Modeling Issues
- Episodes
- August 10-22, 2004
- November 4-18, 2004
- Identified issues from sensitivity runs
- Primary fine/coarse PM over predicted in both
episodes - Dominating modeled light scattering
- Windblown dust vs. fires?
- Nope construction agricultural fugitive dust
4Modeling Issues
- OC over predicted in both episodes
- SOA is dominant in Aug (mainly biogenic)
- POA (EC) is dominant in Nov near Portland (wood
smoke) - Why is modeled scattering nearly zero in
mid-November in the Mt Zion area? - Easterly winds accelerate through Gorge and send
Portland emissions offshore
5Modeling Issues
- Why is modeled scattering so low at the eastern
sites in November? - No speciated data at Gorge study sites
- IMPROVE data on Nov 11 indicates dominance of NO3
and OC - OC, EC, and SO4 performance is good in east
- NO3 is under predicted in east
- We rely on modeled RH to generate the nitrate
(complex process) - We use observed RH to translate nitrate mass to
nitrate scattering (simple process)
6Revised Model Configuration
- Historically under predicted by CMAQ and CAMx in
the western U.S. (e.g., WRAP) - Attributed to the biogenic component
- We employed a chemical improvement in CAMx for
biogenic SOA - Same as put into CMAQ for the RPOs
- Terpene 2-product mechanism higher yields,
higher volatility - Should reduce biogenic SOA
7Revised Model Configuration
- Fugitive dust
- 2 SMOKE problems
- WRAP speciation profiles caused a double-counting
of OR/WA dust estimates - This also impacted OR/WA woodsmoke emissions
- No county-level canopy escape factor was
applied (as developed and applied in WRAP) - Both have been fixed and SMOKE re-run
- Significant coarse PM reductions
- Note WRAP has chosen to completely disregard
primary coarse PM predictions
8Performance Evaluation
9August Performance Evaluation
Gorge Site Bscat
East Portland
10August Performance Evaluation
Mt. Zion
11August Performance Statistics
12August Performance Evaluation
13August Performance Evaluation
14Gorge Study vs. IMPROVEAt Mt. Zion
Organic and Elemental Carbon
15Gorge Study vs. IMPROVEAt Mt. Zion
Sulfate and Nitrate
16August Summary
- Overall good performance for
- Total PM2.5
- Light scattering
- Low SO4/NH4 and primary fine
- Questionable Gorge measurements
- NO3 insufficient to worry about
- High carbon
- SOA modification ineffective
- What is underlying cause?
- Model over predicts diurnal variation
17November Performance Evaluation
Gorge Site Bscat
Eastern Gorge
18November Performance Evaluation
Mt. Zion
Mt. Zion
19November Performance Statistics
20November Performance Evaluation
21November Performance Evaluation
22November Summary
- Generally high total PM2.5
- Dominated by carbon and primary fine
- Bifurcated performance for light scattering
- Over predicted in Portland area high carbon and
primary fine - Under predicted in eastern Gorge low SO4/NO3/NH4
- Need more humidity/clouds
- Generate more SO4
- Condense more NO3
23Next Steps
- Recommendations
- Focus on August episode
- 2018 Case
- What-if scenarios
- Use model trends in relative sense to scale
IMPROVE observations - Relegate November episode
- Revisit with possible follow-on funding?