Title: Humans impact on plants
1Humans impact on plants
- Human kinds impact
- Agriculture
- Biological diversity human use for food
- Major species eated
- Damages for plants
- Species migration
- Artificial setting
- Facts figures
- Plants 1st human organism
- Biodiversity
- Hot spots
- Threatened species
- Factors limiting plant abundance
- Main causes
- Human kinds impact
- Deforestation
- Before now
- A threat to forests ecosystem
- Hot spots
- Top ten countries
- Reasons
21.1. Plants The first human organism
The fossil record 3 billion years ago
cyanobacteria began producing oxygen. Blue
green bacteria play an important role in the
fixation of molecular nitrogen, which can be used
by other organisms.
31.2. Different kinds of plants
ridge.icu.ac.jp/ gen-ed/biomes.html.
41.3. Global diversity
www.botanik.uni-bonn.de/ biodiv/globbiod.gif
51.3. Repartition of Hot Spots , as
exceptional biodiversified zones
61.4. Threatened plants in the world
www.thegreencommunity.org/ extinct.html.
71.5. Main causes genetic erosion
www.fao.org/DOCREP/ x0262e/x0262e02.htm.
81.5. Limiting the abundance of sea plants
el.erdc.usace.army.mil/.../ html/table_1_.html
92. Human Impact on Earth
www.staff.amu.edu.pl/ zbzw/glob/glob33e.htm.
102.1 Deforestation
World Resources Institute, Washington 1997,
revised by Greenpeace 2002
122.1.2. A Major Threat to Forests Ecosystem
- Global rates of destruction
- 2.4 acres (1 hectare) per second equivalent to
two soccer fields - 149 acres (60 hectares) per minute
- 214,000 acres (86,000 hectares) per day an area
larger than New York City - 78 million acres (31 million hectares) per year
an area larger than Poland
13(No Transcript)
14 2.1.4. Deforestations "Top Ten" Annual
decrease of wooded area in hectares (1995 )
152.1.5. Deforestations reasons
- Trees are chop down in order to make timber work,
heat, paper, or to vacate some lands for
agricultural activities, industrial activities,
or other human activities
162.2. Agriculture
172.2.1. Biological diversity for food a largly
untapped resource
www.fao.org/DOCREP/ x0262e/x0262e02.htm.
182.2.2. Major eated species
192.2.3. Humans impact in agriculture
- Pollution of plants
- Nutrient ( nitrogen, phosphorus)
- Chemical Fertilizer
- Pesticides
- Genetic modification
- Species desaperance
- China used 10.000 wheat varietes in 1949 only
1.000 remained by the 70s - USA varieties lost since the last century
- 95 cabbage
- 9 maize fields
- 86 apple
202.3.1. Non voluntary artificial setting-up of
non-endemic vegetal species
- The second cause of disappearance of plants is
the introduction of invasive sorts. The danger of
an alien is to suffocate the autochtonous sorts
until remove them. - Eg Trees in South Africa
- Eg Caulerpe Taxifolia in the mediterranean sea
212.3.2. Voluntary artificial setting-up of
non-endemic vegetal species
- Otherwise, some botanical species are introduced
in regions where they had never grown before,
seemingly without any major disturbance. - Eg Tomatoe and potatoe in Europe
- Eg Soja in Brazil
222.3.3. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
- Old technique a long process to improve
botanical capacities by naturally interbreeding
pre-existing species - Today transgenese (genetic engineering),
isolating a gene to cross the species barrier and
create a new kind of breed (Is this to play at
being God ?) - Ex tomatoes that do not rot, pineapple that
mature faster, wheat that resists vermin, rice
that allows several harvest a year, millet richer
in basic nutriments.