Title: Java I/O
1Java I/O
- Input information brought to program from an
external source - Output information sent from program to an
external destination - External source or destination can be
- Disk file or memory
- Another program (piping)
- Network location (URL)
- Information type can be
- Primitive types or objects
- Images or sounds
2I/O Streams
- A stream is a data structure facilitating
handling of an information source for sequential
Programs read from and write to streams, and
not the actual source or destination
3Standard Input and Output Streams
- Java provides references to the standard input
stream (keyboard) and standard output stream
(display) - System.in an instance of the standard Java
Platform InputStream class - System.out an instance of the PrintStream class
- InputStream and PrintStream are in the java.io
4InputStream Class
An input stream provides 8-bit bytes. The
InputStream class is a direct descendant of the
Object class.
The shaded subclasses implement data sink
streams unshaded subclasses implement processing
5Input Streams Used for Processing
- InputStream abstract superclass of all input
stream classes - All subclasses of InputStream must implement
read() method that returns one byte as an int - FilterInputStream designed to be extended to
provide extra functionality involving the
transformation (filtering) of data - SequenceInputStream concatenates several streams
into one logical stream - ObjectInputStream reads data and objects that
have been serialized to an output destination
6Subclasses of FilterInputStream
- DataInputStream reads bytes that are parts of
primitive types (int, double, etc.) and returns a
specific value. - BufferedInputStream buffers input bytes for
efficiency - PushbackInputStream adds the ability to push
back'' or unread'' one byte - LineNumberInputStream deprecated. Use
LineNumberReader class instead
7Input Streams Used on Data Sinks (all subclasses
of InputStream)
- FileInputStream obtains input bytes from a file
in a file system (intended for raw data, as for
image files, only) - PipedInputStream gets bytes from a piped output
stream, usually from another program thread - ByteArrayInputStream gets bytes from an internal
buffer which is a byte array - StringBufferInputStream deprecated. Use
StringReader class instead
8OutputStream Class
An output stream outputs 8-bit bytes. The
OutputStream class is a direct descendant of the
Object class.
The shaded subclasses implement data sink
streams unshaded subclasses implement processing
9Output Streams Used for Processing
- OutputStream abstract superclass of all output
stream classes - All subclasses of OutputStream must implement
write() method that writes one byte stored as an
int - FilterOutputStream designed to be extended to
provide extra functionality involving the
transformation (filtering) of data - ObjectOutputStream writes data and objects that
have been serialized to an output destination
10Subclasses of FilterOutputStream
- DataOutputStream writes primitive data types
(int, double, etc.) - BufferedOutputStream buffers output bytes for
efficiency - PrintStream converts primitive data types to
string representation for printing - can be created to perform automatic flushing
11Output Streams Used on Data Sinks (all
subclasses of OutputStream)
- FileOutputStream sends output bytes to a file in
a file system (intended for raw data, as for
image files, only) - PipedOutputStream sends bytes to a piped input
stream, usually from another program thread - ByteArrayOutputStream sends bytes to an internal
buffer which is a byte array
12Example Echoing Bytes from Standard Input to
Standard Output
import java.io. public class Echo
public static void main(String args) throws
IOException int c while ((c
System.in.read()) ! -1)
13Notes on the Example
- Must import the I/O package, of which all the
input and output stream classes are part - Since the read() method may encounter an I/O
error, the main() method must either - catch and deal with an IOException, or
- throw the IOException to the calling procedure
- Even though the streams read and write bytes, the
internal storage is an int - The read() method returns -1 if EOF is encountered
14Example Output
Output is in red
82 javac Echo.java 83 java Echo now is the
timeReturn now is the time for all good
menReturn for all good men to come to the
aidReturn to come to the aid ctl-D 84
15Unix Redirection
84 java Echo gt myfile now is the time for all
good men to come to the aid ctl-D 85 cat
myfile now is the time for all good men to come
to the aid 86 java Echo lt myfile gt newfile 87
cat newfile now is the time forall good men to
come to the aid 88
16Streams vs. Readers/Writers
- The InputStream and OutputStream methods work on
bytes - The Echo example notwithstanding, the stream
classes are used primarily for binary data as in
sound and images - In Java, characters are represented using 16-bit
Unicode - To insure internationalization, programs dealing
with character I/O should use descendants of the
Reader and Writer classes
Think of the Reader class like InputStream
that has been specialized to deal with
characters. Reader is a direct, abstract
subclass of Object.
Note similarity to the InputStream hierarchy.
Think of the Writer class like OutputStream
that has been specialized to deal with
characters. Writer is a direct, abstract
subclass of Object.
Note similarity to the OutputStream hierarchy.
19New Echo Class
import java.io. public class Echo
public static void main(String args) throws
IOException InputStreamReader
r new InputStreamReader(System.in)
OutputStreamWriter w new OutputStreamWriter(Syst
em.out) int c while ((c
r.read()) ! -1) w.write(c)
20Notes on the New Echo Class
- InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter are
built on top of InputStream and OutputStream - so their constructors require streams as
arguments - Internal character storage is an int
- Processing loop is exactly the same as for
streams - The writer requires flushing
21New Echo Example Output
Output is in red
93 java Echo now is the timeReturn for all
good menReturn to come to the
aidReturn ctl-D now is the time for all good
men to come to the aid 94
22File Handling Example
import java.io. public class FileCopy
public static void main(String args)
throws IOException FileReader
r new FileReader("infile") FileWriter
w new FileWriter("outfile") int c
while ((c r.read()) ! -1)
w.write(c) w.flush()
23Notes on FileCopy
- FileReader and FileWriter constructors can take
file names as strings for arguments - Processing loop and flush call the same as before
- This class is of limited use since the file names
are hard coded
24FileCopy Example Output
105 ls FileCopy.class FileCopy.java infile 106
cat infile Here is a test file to show that the
FileCopy class really works. 107 java
FileCopy 108 ls FileCopy.class FileCopy.java infi
le outfile 109 cat outfile Here is a test
file to show that the FileCopy class really
works. 110
25Exception Example
111 rm outfile 112 rm infile 113
ls FileCopy.class FileCopy.java 114 java
FileCopy Exception in thread "main"
java.io.FileNotFoundException infile (No such
file or directory) at java.io.FileInputStream.ope
n(Native Method) at java.io.FileInputStream.ltinit
gt(FileInputStream.java103) at
a66) at java.io.FileReader.ltinitgt(FileReader.jav
a39) at FileCopy.main(FileCopy.java7) 115
Note The FileNotFoundException class is a
subclass of IOException. The
exception generates a stack trace with line
numbers of offending code.
26Reading Strings
- The BufferedReader class has a readLine() method
for reading strings
import java.io. public class FileCopy
public static void main(String args) throws
IOException BufferedReader br
new BufferedReader(new
System.out.print("Source file name ")
String inFileName br.readLine()
System.out.print("Destination file name ")
String outFileName br.readLine()
FileReader r new FileReader(inFileName)
FileWriter w new FileWriter(outFileName)
int c while ((c r.read()) ! -1)
w.write(c) w.flush()
27Example Output
121 ls FileCopy.class FileCopy.java 122 java
FileCopy Source file name FileCopy.java Destinati
on file name X.java 123 ls FileCopy.class
FileCopy.java X.java 124 cat X.java import
java.io. public class FileCopy public
static void main(String args) throws
IOException BufferedReader br
new BufferedReader(new
System.out.print("Source file name ")
String inFileName br.readLine()
System.out.print("Destination file name ")
String outFileName br.readLine()
28Reading Strings and Converting to Numbers
- The java.lang package has classes Integer,
Double, etc., whose instances have int, double,
etc. as data members - These classes have static methods for converting
strings to numbers - For example, the Integer class has a
parseInt(ltstringgt) method that returns an int
given a String - Similarly, the Double class has a
parseDouble(ltstringgt) method that returns a double
import java.io. public class ConvertTest
public static void main(String args) throws
IOException int sum 0
BufferedReader br new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))
System.out.print("Enter an integer ")
String s br.readLine() while ( s
! null ) int num
Integer.parseInt(s) sum num
System.out.print("Enter an integer ")
s br.readLine()
System.out.println("The sum is " sum)
30Notes on the Example
- The readLine() method returns a null string if
end of stream is reached - The parseInt() method must be fully qualified
with its class name since the method is static - The parseInt() method might throw a
NumberFormatException if its argument is not
syntactically correct - Unlike an IOException, a NumberFormatException is
not checked by the compiler
31Example Output
136 java ConvertTest Enter an integer 3 Enter
an integer 417 Enter an integer 29 Enter an
integer 1234 Enter an integer ctl-D The sum
is 1683 137 java ConvertTest Enter an integer
3 Enter an integer 417 Enter an integer
trash Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.NumberFormatException trash at
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java426) at
java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java476) at
ConvertTest.main(ConvertTest.java12) 138
32Lining Output Up in Columns
import java.io. public class ColumnTest
public static void main(String args) throws
IOException int sum 0 int
nums new int10 int i 0
BufferedReader br new
BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in))
System.out.print("Enter an integer ")
String s br.readLine() while ( s
! null ) numsi
Integer.parseInt(s) sum
numsi System.out.print("Enter an
integer ") s br.readLine()
System.out.println("-------") for (int
j 0 j lt i j) System.out.println(
numsj) System.out.println("-------")
System.out.println(sum " total")
144 java ColumnTest Enter an integer 3 Enter an
integer 417 Enter an integer 29 Enter an
integer 1234 Enter an integer
ctl-D Numbers ------- 3 417 29 1234 ------- 1683
total 145
34Decimal Formatting
- The java.text package has a DecimalFormat class
for formatting decimals as strings - The DecimalFormat class has a format() method
that takes an integer and formats it according to
a pattern string given to the DecimalFormat
object's constructor - The pattern string can have regular characters as
well as special formatting characters - The special character 0'' indicates a decimal
digit - E.g. the pattern string 0000'' indicates a
string with three leading blanks then an integer
in 4-digit field
35Decimal Formatting Example
import java.io. import java.text. public
class ColumnTest public static void
main(String args) throws IOException
int sum 0 int nums new int10
int i 0 BufferedReader br
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(Sy
stem.in)) System.out.print("Enter an
integer ") String s br.readLine()
while ( s ! null ) numsi
Integer.parseInt(s) sum
numsi System.out.print("Enter an
integer ") s br.readLine()
DecimalFormat f new DecimalFormat("
0000") System.out.println("Numbers")
System.out.println("-------") for
(int j 0 j lt i j)
System.out.println(f.format(sum) " total")
36Decimal Formatting Example Output
144 java ColumnTest Enter an integer 3 Enter an
integer 417 Enter an integer 29 Enter an
integer 1234 Enter an integer
ctl-D Numbers ------- 0003 0417 0029
1234 ------- 1683 total 145
If you can figure out how to get the leading
zeros to print as blanks, please let me know.