Title: Cyrus D
1The Future ICT ProfessionalMaking the Future
- Cyrus DCruz
- Executive General Manager, Australia
- Hudson ITT
- February 2007
2ICT Talent The Critical Factor
The ability to make good decisions regarding
people represents one of the last reliable
sources of competitive advantage, since very few
organizations are very good at it.
..Peter Drucker
- "Take our twenty best people away and I can tell
you that Microsoft would become an unimportant
company.. . Bill Gates
3Insight the major demographic forces re-shaping
our world
Action how we create opportunities and
competitive advantage for our businesses and
ourselves.lets not be victims!
4Workplace Transformers
- The ageing of our population
- The increasing role of women (Diversity in
general) - The growing skills shortage
- Generational change
- Large scale changes in the structure of employment
51. The Ageing of Our Population
65 in 2002 12.6
65 in 2050 27
62. The Increasing Role of Women
- Womens participation has climbed to the highest
rate everexcept in ITT!
- Australian University Graduates1996 - 82000
women and a mere 63000 men graduated
- in vast contrast, less than 25 of enrolled ITT
students are female.and declining!
- Senior Executive Positions
- 2004census showed that 10.2 of executives from
our listed companies are women and strengthening
against 15.7 - in the USA
- In vast contrast, less than 20 of the ITT
workforce - is female and as per the enrolment
73. The Growing Skills Shortage
No doubt that the ICT talent pool will not grow
at the same pace locally and globally.it may
even decline especially in NSW and VIC
The War for Talent, especially in ICT will only
become more and more fierce
No doubting that demand for labour, especially in
ICT will continue to rise
84. Generational Change
- Generation Yflooding the market.
- Savvy products of the information age
- Multi-taskers, thriving on variety and change
- Will be an absolute handful for any hierarchical
or authoritarian business - Demanding exceptional leadership
- Majority of Baby Boomers will have moved out of
the workforce
95. Large-Scale Changes in the Structure of
Declining proportion of permanent employmentis
this a myth?
Declining average tenure in most organisations
Technologysupporting the drive for work-life
10Making These Forces Work for Us
11- Making Our AgeingPopulation Work for Us
12- Making Our AgeingPopulation Work for Us
- Flexible work arrangements for mature staff
- Promote exchanges between the mature and the
young - Life-long education and training
13- Making the Increasing Role of Women Work for Us
18 - 69 more profitable
14- Making the Increasing Role of Women Work for Us
- Coaching, teamwork, empowering employees
- Sharing responsibility, consulting rather
than dictating - Motivating others, fostering communication,
15- Making the Increasing Role of Women Work for Us
163. Making the Growing Skills Shortage Work for Us
174. Making GenerationalChange Work for Us
185. Making Changes in Structures Work for Us
195. Making Changes in Structures Work for Us
205. Making Changes in Structures Work for Us
- Fostering life/work balance
- Focus on effectiveness, not length of hours
- Adopt a give and take philosophy
- Employees need to see their work as
21The Wise Workplace of the Future
22The Wise Workplace of the Future
23The Wise Workplace of the Future
24The Wise Workplace of the Future
25The Wise Workplace of the Future
26(No Transcript)
27Thank you for your interest, attention and
- Cyrus DCruz
- Executive General Manager, Australia
- Hudson ITT
- February 2007