Title: My Class
1IE 552 Mechanics of Musculoskeletal System Dr.
Andris Freivalds Class 33
2Reliability of Tool - 1
- Consistency or stability of measurement over time
- Coefficient of variability
- CV s/x
- Test/retest reliability Correlation coefficient
3Reliability of Tool - 2
- Split-half procedure (Spearman-Brown prophecy)
cant repeat, sensitization - rtot 2r½/(1 r½)
- Kuder-Richardson internal consistency
- r n/(n-1) 1 x(1-x/n)/s2
- Cronbachs alpha variation of 4
- a n/(n-1) 1 - ?si2/s2
4Reliability of Analysts (2 analysts)(Inter-rater
- Proportion of agreement
- p0 a d
- Kappa statistic
- ? (p0 pc)/(1-pc)
gt0.8 v. good 0.6-0.8 good 0.4-0.6 fair
lt0.4 poor
5Reliability of Analysts ( 3 analysts)
- Intra class correlations (ICC - Case 1) each
item analyzed by a different analyst
6Reliability of Analysts ( 3 analysts)
- Intra class correlations (ICC Case 2) each item
analyzed by same analysts
7Summary of Sources of Variation and Appropriate
Procedures and Tests
8Accuracy and Precision
Accuracy small deviations from true
value Precision small variations about mean
9Signal-Detection Theory
10Classification Table for Test Results and the
11Generalizations on Self Reports
- Basic survey data (job tile, work history, job
duration) ? ? 0.6 0.7 - Physical activity (general) ? r 0.7 - 0.9
- Physical activity (detailed postures vs.
videotape analysis) ? r 0.1 0.3 - Symptom surveys (retest) ? r 0.9
- Symptom surveys (vs. NCV) ? r 0.4 - 0.5
- Tendency to overestimate exposure
12Generalizations on Analysts
- Physical activity ? ICC 0.2-0.7
- Ratings of postures ? ? 0.3
- Postures in angles ? ? 0.0 - 0.5
- Force (retest) ? ? 0.8
- Force vs. direct ? ? 0.5
- Training effect, memorize sequences
- Greater variability with ? complexity
13Self Reports gt Analyst Rating
14Initial Identification of Problem -1
- Medical data (OSHA 300 logs) analysis
- Calculate incidence (or severity) rates (IR)
- IR injuries x 200,000
- employee hours
- Compare to industry averages
- Meatpacking 7.1
- Auto assembly 6.9
- Mens slacks 4.5
15Initial Identification of Problem -2
Pareto analysis 80/20 rule
16Initial Identification of Problem - 3
- Chi-square analysis
- Find critical one of m departments
- ?2m-1 Smi1 (ei-oi)2 ei hi x oT
- ei hT
- ei expected injuries for area i
- hi hours worked for area i
- hT total hours worked
- oi observed injuries for area i
- oT total injuries
17Initial Identification of Problem - 4
- Example of Chi-square analysis
- e1 900/2,900 x 36 11.2
18Initial Identification of Problem - 5
- Chi-square analysis significance
- ?2 (11.2-22)2/11.2 (7.4-4)2/7.4
- (17.4-10)2/17.4 15.1
- ?2 at a0.05 for 2 df yields 5.99
- Since 15.1 gt 5.99, Area 1 is significantly higher
in injuries, needs to be studied further
19Percentages of the ?2 distribution
20Initial Identification of Problem - 6Symptom
Surveys (OSHA, 1990)
Symptoms Survey
______________ Department ________________________
___ Job Title _______________________________ Num
ber of years on this job ______________ Number
of years on previous job ___________ 1. Have you
had any pain and discomfort during the last year?
Yes No (Circle answer) If yes, check area
Neck ___ Shoulder ___ Elbow/forearm ___
Hand/wrist ___ Fingers ___ Upper back ___ Low
back ___ Thigh/knee ___ Lower leg ___ Ankle/feet
___ 2. When did you first notice the problem?
_________________________________________ 3. How
long does each episode last? (Mark an X along the
dotted line) 1 hour 1 day.1
week.1 month..6 months 4. What do
you think caused the problem? ____________________
_____________________ 5. How would you rate this
problem? (Mark an X along the dotted line)
None Unbearable 6.
How much time have you lost in the last year
because of this problem? _______________ 7. How
many days in the last year were you on light duty
because of this problem? ________
21Initial Identification of Problem - 7Body
discomfort maps (Corlett,1976) Category ratio
scales (Borg, 1982)
22Initial Identification of Problem -8Nordic
Questionnaire (Kuorinka, 1987)
23Comments on Surveys
- Should interpret with caution
- Workers hesitant to be truthful
- Anonymity may be critical
- Pain tolerances vary
- Proper design, validation critical
- I prefer objective data