Title: Clinical depression
1Clinical depression
2Chris eczema
- Chris is 34 years old and married with a young
child - He suffers from severe flare-ups which means he
often needs to take time off work
3Why might Chris struggle as a result of his
Stress at home
Discrimination at work
Clinical depression
Social isolation
4Chris thinks he might be depressed
- Chris work situation is becoming unbearable
his employeris increasingly unsympathetic about
how much time he istaking off - His family are struggling financially
- Hes been dropped from his cricket team and feels
cut off from his mates
5From talking to Chris, what might indicate
Low self-esteem
Feelings of guilt
Loss of libido
Sleep disturbance or fatigue
Lack of interestin daily activities
6What can you do to helpChris?
Consider whether yourlocal support
servicescould help Chris further
Direct him tosources of financial help
Reassure him that his feelingsare normal and
that eczemacan be emotionallyand financially
Talk to Chris abouthis condition andhow it
makes him feel
- Negative feelings, and in extreme cases clinical
depression, are common amongst eczema sufferers - Clinical depression can exacerbate eczema, so
lookingout for, and treating, it can improve a
patients responseto their eczema treatment - Listening to and reassuring Chris will help him
to feelthat hes not alone - Referring Chris to other healthcare
professionals, will help him to get treatment
for his emotional distress
8Date of preparation March 2008 Code DIP/08-452