Title: The story of the Eagle
1The Story of The Eagle
2The eagle has the longest life-span of its
It can live up to 70 years.
But to reach this age, the eagle must make a
3In its 40s
Due to their thick feathers, its old heavy wings
stick to its chest, making it difficult to fly.
Its long and sharp beak becomes bent.
Its long and flexible talons can no longer grab
prey which serves as food.
4Then, the eagle is left with only two options
to die or to undergo a painful process, which
lasts 150 days.
5This process of CHANGE requires that the eagle
fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest.
6There the eagle pecks a rock until its beak is
completely worn away.
After waiting for its beak to renew, the eagle
then plucks out its own talons.
7When its new talons emerge, the eagle starts
plucking its timeworn feathers.
8And after five months, the eagle takes its famous
flight of rebirth and lives for
30 more years
9Why is CHANGE needed?
In order to survive, we have to periodically
undergo a process of CHANGE and renewal.
We sometimes need to jettison old memories,
habits and negative reflexes.
Only when freed of past burdens, can we take
advantage of the opportunities of the present.
10Like the eagle then, take courage and unburden
yourself of enslavement to the perceived fears of
the past.
As a FREE citizen, keep faith with yourself and
vote for whomever you truly want on election day.
11- Act upon your yearning to
- recover your true political sovereignty
- and vote according to the real common good of
society, - free at last from oppressive enslavement to the
12Please Share with your friends
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16 Thank you for your help. The Green Party
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