Title: CVD risk background
1CVD risk - background
- What are we going to cover?
- basic epidemiology
- risk factors
- what can we do?
2CVD risk - background
- Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is currently the
main cause of death in the UK and was responsible
for just under 233,000 deaths in 2003 - CVD includes coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke
and peripheral artery disease - CHD is most commonly caused by atherosclerosis,
which occurs when deposits of cholesterol
accumulate to form a plaque accumulate leading to
a cascade of inflammatory processes.
3What are the risk factors?http//www.cks.library.
- People who already have CHD, cerebrovascular
disease, peripheral artery disease - Diabetes (Type 1 and 2)
- Ethnicity (ancestry from India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, or Sri Lanka) - Increasing age
- Male gender
- Lifetime smoking habit
- High ratio of total cholesterol to HDL
cholesterol - High systolic BP
- Overweight or obesity
- Sedentary lifestyle
4 Risk factors continued. http//www.cks.library.n
- Alcohol abuse
- Socioeconomic deprivation
- Familial hypercholesterolaemia, familial mixed
dyslipidaemia, or other inherited dyslipidaemias - Family history of premature CVD
- Impaired glucose regulation
- High triglycerides
- Renal dysfunction
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
5Sever P. Medicine 199826136-140
Increase in the risk of CHD as a result of
smoking, hypertension and high cholesterol
compared to a 45-year old non-smoking man with
systolic BP of 110mmHg and total cholesterol of
Data from the Framingham study
6Concentrate on main conventional risk
factors(smoking, BMI, hypertension,
- Greenland P et al. JAMA 20032908917
- In 3 large cohort studies, 87 100 of patients
who died of CHD had exposure to at least 1
clinically elevated major risk factor - This challenges claims that CHD events commonly
occur in people without risk factors. - Khot UN et al. JAMA 2003290898904
- 14 large RCTs conducted in the 1990s
- At least 1 of the conventional risk factors was
present in 84.6 of the women and 80.6 of the
7Numbers needed to treat for different secondary
interventionsMeReC Bulletin 199910(2)
Number Needed to Treat (NNT) for five years to
avoid one vascular death
Interventions for secondary prevention of MI
Mediterranean diet
Eating oily fish
Stopping smoking
Based on patients who have a baseline CHD risk of
3 per year
- CVD is a killer
- Risk factors are additive, its synergetic as risk
greater than just the sum of the individual
risks. - We all need to modify our risk factors it is
never too late