Title: Empowering Brazilian Rural Communities Through Access to Cyberspace
1Empowering Brazilian Rural CommunitiesThrough
Access to Cyberspace
- Marco Figueiredo
- June 2004
- Career background.
- The opportunity to make a difference.
- Addressing the needs of the immigrant community.
- Finding the focus the creation of the
telecenter pilot project in rural Brazil. - Creating the rural telecenter network concept
The Gems of the Earth NGO. - Next step Mobilize the immigrant community in
the US. - Future Expand the support network to other
developed nations.
3Defining Digital InclusionThe Big Picture
The Participation of all Citizens in the
Construction of the Society of Knowledge
4The Gems of the Earth Network
- Focus on rural digital inclusion - communities
with less than 2500 inhabitants (districts). - A not for profit, non-government organization,
founded in September 8, 2003 in Belo Horizonte,
Brazil. - Steering Committe formed by people involved in
the social causes and rural development. - Fiscal Committe formed by people of recognized
reputation. - Executive management led by Marco Figueiredo.
5Management Organization
6 Pilot Project
- Started in November of 2001 in the Jequitinhonha
Region, Minas Gerais. - Partnership with community associations in São
Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras, Milho Verde,
Tombadouro, Rodeador and Conselheiro Mata. - Partnership with FUNIVALE local NGO with 14
years of work in the Jequitinhonha region. - Support of Unesco, Ministry of Communications,
Prodabel, Catalytic Communities, CTCNET, and Free
Software community. - Internet through satellite, 1 server computer, 1
client computer and 1 multi-function printer.
7Free Telecenters
- Created and managed by the local community.
- Organized in the NGO format.
- Steering Committe, with participation of all
segments of the community. It ordinarily meets
once a year and it establishes the guidelines of
the telecenter. - Board of Directors, volunteer, elected every two
years. - Fiscal Committe, volunteer, elected every two
years. - Telecenter manager, hired to administer the
entity. - Self-sustainable Fee-based system.
- Uses free software.
8Structure of the Embryonic Telecenter
- 1 multimedia computer server (diskette, CD-R,
photo-webcam). - 1 client computer with audio.
- 1 multi-functional printer (fax, copier,
scanner). - 1 broadband Internet system (satellite, radio,
DSL). - Furniture.
- Average cost of installation 2,000
- Average monthly maintenance cost 400
- Average yearly maintenance cost 4,800
9Structure of the Advanced Telecenter
- Approximate area 150 m².
- Average cost of installation
- 15,000
- Average monthly
- maintenance cost
- 900
- Average yearly
- maintenance cost
- 10,800
10Means to Self-Sustainability
- Access fees based on communities abilities to
pay. - Rendering services to governments
- Education,
- Health,
- Safety,
- Communication,
- Collection and dissemination of information,
- Others.
- Electronic trade and tele-work.
- Training and Entrepreneurship.
- Others.
11Gems of the Earth MethodologyCommunity
12 Gems of the Earth MethodologyResearch,
Popularization and Awareness Building
- Research Continually search for and develop
knowledge about rural communities and the
technologies of digital inclusion used in the
formation of the Society of Knowledge. - Popularization - Fill out the available spaces in
the national and international media to advertise
our agenda. - Awareness Building - Organize encounters and
regional conferences to attract rural community
leaders and promoters of digital inclusion, with
the intention of advertising the concept, provide
tutorials and affiliate potential developers of
community telecenters.
13Gems of the Earth Methodology Capacity Building
- Rural Community Telecenter Guide.
- Unesco funded project to produce and disseminate
a guide, such as the manuals produced by CTCNET
and UNESCO, which incorporates the whole
methodology of creation of rural community
telecenters. - Telecenter Management Educational Center
- Develop a curriculum to form managers of rural
community telecenters. - Train the trainners to allow advanced telecenters
to become regional educational centers.
14 Gems of the Earth Methodology Telecenter
- The Gems of the Earth Network certifies rural
telecenters motivating their sustainable growth.
- Certification levels
- Crystal - community receives support of the Gems
of the Earth to create a telecenter embryo. - Amethyst - community creates NGO to manage
telecenter. - Turmalin-telecenter becomes self-sustainable.
- Emerald - telecenter reaches advanced structure.
- Diamond - telecenter becomes a regional
telecenter management educational center.
15 Gems of the Earth Methodology Telecenter
- Telix Free Linux-based software package for
telecenters. - Legal support.
- Technology support.
- Sustainability planning.
- Definition of programs.
- Acquisition of equipment and services.
- Fundraising.
16 Gems of the Earth Methodology Telecenter Network
- Self-sustentation of the cells.
- New programs.
- Documentation.
- Internal/external communication.
- Continuing education.
- Exchanges and integration.
- Fundraising.
17 Gems of the Earth Methodology Knowledge Bank
- Aggregate and make available, in open source
format, all content generated by the network
through an online knowledge bank. - Promote discussion lists, forums and
collaborative project management tools. - Promote transparency through the Virtaul Cash
Register. - Integrate with donors in a virtual environment.
- Derive intelligence from the transactions in the
knowledge bank to strengthen the mission of the
18Mobilizing the Immigrant Community
- Motivations
- Promoting social change that will directly
benefit relatives and friends, future generations
and themselves in case they return. - Recognition by Brazilian society for supporting
social development. - Recognition by American society for supporting
democracy in the developing world. - Goal
- Organize a large group of Brazilian immigrants,
relatives and friends to support the building of
the Gems of the Earth Telecenter Network.
19Ten Thousand Gems Program
- Create a network fo 10,000 Brazilian immigrants,
relatives and friends, the TEN THOUSAND GEMS, to
contribute 100 a year each. - Build a 1M budget a year.
- For each GEM, raise TWO GEMS from international
organizations, governments, private sector and
third sector. - Build a 3M budget per year and expand.
20Pilot Meeting
- February 2004, presented the project to about 20
Brazilian immigrant and friends in Annapolis,
Maryland. - Connected live with pilot telecenter.
- Energized community but lacked resources and
structure to follow-up.
21Considerations forContinuing Development
- Fully establish Brazilian NGO (150K in 2004)
- Bring pilot project to full maturity.
- Develop training infrastructure.
- Develop collaborative virtual environment.
- Build member based organization in the US to
promote community mobilization and fundraising
(requires seed funding).
22Contacts and Donations
- Gems of the Earth Network
- 235 Fernandes Tourinho St, Suite 903
- Belo Horizonte, MG 30112-000
- Telefax 55-31-3285-1601
- marco_at_gemasdaterra.org.br
- http//www.gemasdaterra.org.br
- 202-276-8324