Title: ElectronPhonon Coupling in Charge Density Wave ZrTe3
1Electron-Phonon Coupling in Charge Density Wave
- Moritz Hoesch,
- Alexey Bosak, Alessandro Mirone, Michael Krisch
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF
- Helmuth Berger École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne, Suisse - Dmitry Chernyshov Swiss-Norwegian Beamlines at
2ZrTe3 crystal structure and resistivity
resistivity anomaly along a and
c anisotropy ra / rb 1 rc / ra 10
prismatic (ZrTe3)8 chains along b
TCDW 63 K, QCDW (1/14 0 1/3 )
S. Takahashi et al. Journal de Physique 6 (1983)
C3-1733 D.J. Eaglesham et al. J.Phys. C 17 (1984)
Te Te chains along a
3anomalous feature in the diffuse scattering
diffuse scattering at SNBL BM01A reconstructed
a-c plane MAR345 image plate detector
T 295 K (4.7 TCDW)
T 80 K (1.3 TCDW)
4dispersion across qCDW
5temperature evolution of the Kohn anomaly
mean field theory
observation close to
giant Kohn anomaly leads to the lattice
6origin of the diffuse scattering intensity
IXS intensities from fit vs diffuse scattering
diffuse scattering is dominated by non-phonon
scattering --gt onset of order contributes
strongly to diffuse scattering
7diffuse scattering around qCDW
T gt TCDW sharpening up of diffuse scattering
T lt TCDW growth of intensity of
superstructure reflection
8power law exponents
T lt TCDW growth of intensity of
superstructure reflection
T gt TCDW sharpening up of diffuse scattering
inverse correlation length -gt ? 0.85 0.2
order parameter -gt ß 0.13 0.03
- ZrTe3 shows a soft-mode driven Peierls
transition. - Electron-phonon coupling leads to a Kohn Anomaly
(KA) at high temperatures. - The coupling occurs in the mostly transverse
acoustic phonon along qCDW. - The KA becomes giant and leads to the lattice
instability as TCDW is approached. - Fluctuating CDW-order leads to enhanced diffuse
scattering around qCDW. - The CDW order is three-dimensional with finite
correlation along c (out-of-plane). - The order parameter increases rapidly away from
TCDW with a small power law
?CDW with power law 1/8 and intensity
with ß 0.13 0.03. - Transition is close to (blurred) first order
transition, like (TaSe4)2I or blue bronze.
10the CDW superstructure
LDA calculation of the Fermi surface C. Felser et
al. J. Mater Chem 8, 1787
colors Fermi velocity
convergent beam electron diffraction at 50 K D.J.
Eaglesham et al. J.Phys. C 17 (1984)
L697 chemical modulation A vanishes with
time (no observed with x-rays) CDW-modulation
B qCDW (1/14 0 1/3)
CDW nesting vector
11Fermi surface map (ARPES)
hv 45.2 eV lin. polarized T 160 K
Two quasi 1-dim. Fermi-surfaces (a) hybridized
Zr 4d along b (b) Te 5px along a
M. Hoesch, X. Cui, K. Shimada (Hiroshima Univ.)
unpublished data, see also T. Yokoya et al., PRB
71 (2005) 140504R.
12lattice dynamics at room temperature
Inelastic x-ray scattering, resolution DE 3.2
ZrTe3 phonon dispersions along a and b three
kinds of modes are observed - collective
acoustic phonons - bending and torsion modes
of the chains - optical modes of Te - atoms
Raman data A. Zwick, M.A. Renucci, A. Kjekhus,
J. Phys. C Solid State Phys. 13 (1980) 5603.
13comparison TDS vs IXS
x 10-4
inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) measures S(Q, w)
and gives w
thermal diffuse scattering (TDS) measures S(Q)
14survey of momentum space
diffuse scattering at SNBL BM01A T 295
K tomographic single crystal diffractometer
MAR345 image plate detector
wheres the soft mode?
15IXS spectrometer schematic
DQ (nm-1)
DE (meV)
(8 8 8)
(9 9 9)
(11 11 11)
(13 13 13)