- Anna Curir
- Paola Mazzei
- Giuseppe Murante
- INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino
- INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
2Bar instability in disksinside Dark Matter
- Passive halo live halo
- Non rotating halo spinning halo
(Curir Mazzei 99,01) - Spherical halo triaxial halo
- Relaxed halo unrelaxed halo (
Curir Mazzei 99, 01)
3 Athanassoula (2001)
- The halo can stimulate the bar formation,
contrary to the common belief that it will
always quench it - In fact a live halo responds to the bar and a
considerable fraction of its particles can be in
resonance with it. - This effect has been missed by simulations
treating the halo as a rigid component
4 Bar formation inside Cosmological DM halos
- We adopt fully cosmological DM haloes, inside a
cosmological scenario, to embed a stellar disk. - In this way we can investigate the role of the
infall, the influence of the Dark Matter
structure (triaxiality, substructure..), of the
cosmological expansion .. - We get the disk evolution as function of the
redshift -
5- ?CDM cosmology ,i.e.O?0.7, Om0.3, H070
km/s/Mpc. - The box size is 25/h Mpc.
- The halo has been selected in a low-resolution
run (1283 particles), - it doesn't suffer major mergers since z5 and
lives in a low-density - environment. The halo identification is done
with a friends of friends - algorithm at z0.
- We re-simulate the halo at 8 times higher
(linear) resolution, - following the whole simulation box with a
multi-mass technique to - account for the large-scale tidal forces.
- The disk is embedded in the halo at a chosen
redshift . - The total number of dark matter particles in the
high resolution - region is 1216512, which corresponds to a DM
mass resolution of - 1.21 X 106 solar masses
- The high resolution zone is surrounded by three
shells with lower - and lower resolution, the lowest one
including all the remaning - (not resampled ) particles among the initial
1283 set
6Accreting history of the halo as function of z
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8Disk immersion
- The disk is generated in a plane orthogonal to
the halo angular momentum. - Each particle of the disk is initially massless.
Such a mass increases linearly with tme until the
final value of disk-to-halo mass ratio. - After such period the disk is embedded in
equilibrium with the gravitational potential of
the halo
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10DM halo properties
t (a2- b2)/(a2-c2) triaxiality parameter
(Warren et al. 92)
11Mass resolution and softening
- Halo particle mass 1.21 106 solar masses
- Stellar particle mass same as DM particle in
the simulation of a disk having the same mass of
the halo, 0.39 106 and 1.21 105 in the other
disks having lower masses - Softening 0.5/h Kpc
- Simulations with higher resolution are now
- in progress
12Our approach allows us to account for the
cosmological field acting on the DM halo and to
accurately follow the evolution of the selected
halo in a self consistent way.
Springel) - We carried out two sets of simulations embedding
the galactic disk - in the halo at the redshifts z2 and z1
respectively. - The first choice corresponds to 10.24 Gyr down
to z0 in our - chosen cosmology, the second one to 7.71 Gyr.
13The stellar disk
- The spatial distribution of the star particles
follows an exponential surface density law . - The disk is consisting of 56000 star particles.
The scale length is 4 Kpc and the disk is
truncated at 5 scale lengths. - Circular velocities are assigned analytically to
disk particles accounting for the global
(diskhalo) potential. - Velocity dispersions are monitored through a
Toomre-like parameter q. -
- We explore two values of q 0.5 and 1.5
14Isolated simulations in a NFW halo
- We performed also isolated simulations of disks
inside a Navarro Frenk and White halo having the
same mass radius, number of particles and
concentration as the cosmological one at z2.
Such a halo has a cosmological density profile
but it is isotropic spherical, non rotating
and in gravitational equilibrium. - Such simulations give insights into the
effects of the halo initial dynamical state on
the growth of bar instability.
15Bar Strength
- As a measure of the bar strength we used the
value of the axial ratio, S_mb/a a strong bar
corresponds to an ellipticity epsilon(1-b/a),
larger than 0.4. - We also measured the bar strength with the
parameter Q_t (Combes and Sanders 1981)Q_t (?F
/??)max/R(?F /?r)
16Cosmological simulationsinitial values
Rdm initial halo-to-disk mass ratio inside the
disk radius
Heavy disk
Intermediate mass disk
Light disk
17Cosmological simulationsfinal bar strength and
Heavy disk
Intermediate mass disk
Light disk
18EFFECT of the q PARAMETER on the same disk
q1.5 Z0
q0.5 Z0
19Ellipticity as function of the semimajor axis and
at various z
20Bar strength evolution
Evolution of the bar strength after z1 for
simulations 2 (full line), 4 (dotted line)
and 6 (dashed line)
21Less massive disk at z0
Intermediate mass disk at z0
22The light disk immersed in the NFW halo
23The two bars formed in Cosmology and inside the
NFW halo
Cosmological halo
NFW halo
24Evolution of the density profile in the NFW halo
and in the cosmological one From top to bottom
z0, z0.5, z1 z1.5
Z0 Z0.5 Z1 Z0.5
Z0 Z0.5 Z1 Z1.5
25Stellar - gaseous disks
- We are currently performing simulation of the
same systems with different percentages of the
disks mass converted in gaseous mass. - The gaseous component is consisting of 56000
gas particles initially distributed with the same
density distribution of the stars
26Our intermediate mass case in the same halo,
with a gas fraction of 0.2
27Final snapshots of simulations of self
gravitating disks with two different gas
0.1 gas mass
0.2 gas mass
28Final snapshots of simulations of light disks
with different gas percentages
0.1 gas
0.2 gas
0.4 gas
29- The final bar strength of the intermediate mass
disk is decreased of 50 if we include a
fraction of gas equal to 0.1 of the stellar disk - In the same disk with 0.2 disk mass of gas the
bar disappears at z0 - For the light disk case the final bar strength is
decreased of 20 with 0.1 disk mass of gas and of
30 for a fraction 0.2
30Conclusions I
- Stellar disks of different masses and q
embedded in the same halo and evolving in
cosmological scenario, develop long living bars
lasting up to redshift 0. - The strength of the bar at z0 is weakly
depending on the q parameter colder disks show
stronger and longer bars.
The embedding red shift does not have a major
impact on the bar strength, but it has an
impact on the bar length
31Conclusions II
- The same disk immersed in a NFW halo having the
same mass, radius and concentration of the - cosmological one develop a stronger bar in the
more massive case, but the bar does not develop - in the lighter disk case, whereas a short bar
is evident in the disk embedded in the
cosmology. - The full cosmological environment enhances bar
formation? -
32- In our previous papers (Curir and Mazzei 99,01)
- we noticed that inside halos still far from
relaxation bar formation was more enhanced than
in halos completely relaxed -
33We argue then that an unrelaxed dynamical state
for an isolated halo is the more suitable to
mimic a realistic cosmological halo as far as bar
formation is concerned
34Cosmological halo
Unrelaxed isolated triaxial halo