Title: Macromolecular Structure Database group
1Dimitris Dimitropoulos Chemistry the PDB MSDchem
2The chemical database
3MSDchem ligand dictionary
- Complete, clean, up to date collection of all
the chemical species and small molecules in the
PDB - A ligand in MSDchem is a complete, distinct
stereo isomer of a chemical compound - Atoms and element types
- Bonds and bond orders
- Stereo configuration of atoms and bonds in cases
of stereo-isomers (R/S E/Z) - Atom names and coordinates are not fundamental
4Role in the MSD database
- An integral component in the core of MSD
database - Relational reference from entities where a
molecule or atom name is used in the PDB (protein
residues and atoms) - It is not possible for an ATOM line
- HETATM 4342 C2 PLA 86 14.227 11.195 -8.256
1.00 67.95 C - to be loaded if the PLA ligand is not defined
or it does not include a C2 atom.
5Chemistry and PDB
- Eliminate chemical inconsistencies from new PDB
entries - Structure and derived properties of a ligand
apply automatically to residues and bound
molecules that reference it - The basic structure is carefully determined
during curation, and a rich set of derived
attributes is calculated for each ligand - Graph isomorphism is being applied to check the
consistency of the PDB, taking stereo-configuratio
n into account - Old legacy PDB entries are chemically
corrected when loaded in the MSD database - In thousands of cases errors are identified and
corrected, involving most of them times
inconsistent naming or different
stereo-configuration - Exchanged in cooperation with RCSB and the wwPDB
6More than just the PDB codes
- All ligands are modelled as separate
inter-related ligands and the appropriate one is
referenced - No distinction is made in the PDB between ribo-
and deoxyribonucleotides (all are identified
with the same residue name i.e., A, C, G, T, U,
I) - Modified nucleic acids are given as A etc
regardless of modification - No distinction between different topological
variants (12 different variants can be found for
7Derived information
- External scientific software (CACTVS, VEGA,
CORINA, ACD-labs, CCP4, OELIB) together with in
house development has been used to derive - Stereochemistry (R/S E/Z)
DCM C4' S C3' R C1' S
DCF C4' R C3' S C1' R
- Smiles and detailed gifs
- Systematic IUPAC names
CC_at_H(N)C(O)S (2S)-2-aminopropanethioic O-acid
8Derived information
- Fingerprints
- A bit string in hexadecimal form that indicates
the presence or not of segments from predefined
lists - Useful for fast search and classification
- Different libraries of predefined lists can be
set - Currently calculated for the CACTVS library (500
segments) - Molecule Segments
BitString 1 0 1 0 1 0
Fingerprint 2A
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10Search options
- By ligand code
- By ligand name or synonym
- By formula or formula range
- By non stereo substructure
- By non stereo superstructure
- By exact stereo or non stereo structure
- By fingerprint similarity
11(No Transcript)
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14Click on EAA
Results of is superstructure of
15EAA details
16Results Viewers
17PDB residue KWT
ltchemCompgt ltcodegtKWTlt/codegt ltnamegt(1S,6BR,9AS,11
ACETATElt/namegt ltnAtomsAllgt55lt/nAtomsAllgt
ltnAtomsNhgt31lt/nAtomsNhgt ltoverallChargegt0lt/overal
lChargegt ltstereoSmilesgtCOCC_at_H1OC(O)c2coc3C(O)
)c23lt/stereoSmilesgt ltsystematicNamegt(1S,6bR,9aS,11
18Future targets
- Identify and model protein inhibitors as ligands
- Pre-classify functional groups for ligands and
ligand atoms based on substructure fragments. - Optimise and boost the performance of
substructure searches - Enhance visualisation and integration with other
MSD tools