Chapter 16 Greedy Algorithms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 16 Greedy Algorithms


Optimal Substructure. A problem exhibits optimal substructure if an ... Both exhibit the optimal-substructure property. 0-1: consider a optimal solution. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 16 Greedy Algorithms

Chapter 16 Greedy Algorithms
  • Optimization problem there can be many possible
    solution. Each solution has a value, and we wish
    to find a solution with the optimal (minimum or
    maximum) value
  • Greedy algorithm an algorithmic technique to
    solve optimization problems
  • Always makes the choice that looks best at the
  • Makes a locally optimal choice in the hope that
    this choice will lead to a globally optimal

An Activity-Selection Problem
  • Scheduling a resource among several competing
  • Definition
  • S1, 2,, n activities that wish to use a
  • Each activity has a start time si and a finish
    time fi, where si ? fi
  • If selected, activity i takes place during the
    half-open interval si, fi)
  • Activities i and j are compatible if si, fi) and
    sj, fj) dont overlap
  • si ? fj or sj ? fi
  • The activity-selection problem is to select a
    maximum-size set of mutually compatible
  • Greedy-Activity-Selector Algorithm
  • Suppose f1 ? f2 ? f3 ? ? fn
  • ?(n) if the activities are already sorted
    initially by their finish times

fj is always the max finishing time of any
activity in Afj max fk k ?A
// Selected activities
// The most recent addition to A
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Greedy-Activity-Selector (Cont.)
  • The activity picked next is always the one with
    the earliest finish time that can be legally
  • Greedy in the sense that it leaves as much
    opportunity as possible for the remaining
    activities to be scheduled
  • The greedy choice is the one that maximizes the
    amount of unscheduled time remaining

Proving The Greedy Algorithm Correct
  • Show there is an optimal solution that begins
    with a greedy choice (with activity 1, which as
    the earliest finish time)
  • Suppose A ? S in an optimal solution
  • Order the activities in A by finish time. The
    first activity in A is k
  • If k 1, the schedule A begins with a greedy
  • If k ? 1, show that there is an optimal solution
    B to S that begins with the greedy choice,
    activity 1
  • Let B A k ? 1
  • f1 ? fk ? activities in B are disjoint
  • B has the same number of activities as A
  • ? B is optimal

Proving The Greedy Algorithm Correct (Cont.)
  • Once the greedy choice of activity 1 is made, the
    problem reduces to finding an optimal solution
    for the activity-selection problem over those
    activities in S that are compatible with activity
  • Optimal Substructure
  • If A is optimal to S, then A A 1 is
    optimal to Si ?S si ? f1
  • Why?
  • If we could find a solution B to S with more
    activities than A, adding activity 1 to B would
    yield a solution B to S with more activities than
    A ? contradicting the optimality of A
  • After each greedy choice is made, we are left
    with an optimization problem of the same form as
    the original problem
  • By induction on the number of choices made,
    making the greedy choice at every step produces
    an optimal solution

Elements of the Greedy Strategy
  • An greedy algorithm makes a sequence of choices,
    each of the choices that seems best at the moment
    is chosen
  • NOT always produce an optimal solution
  • Two ingredients that are exhibited by most
    problems that lend themselves to a greedy
  • Greedy-choice property
  • Optimal substructure

Greedy-Choice Property
  • A globally optimal solution can be arrived at by
    making a locally optimal (greedy) choice
  • Make whatever choice seems best at the moment and
    then solve the sub-problem arising after the
    choice is made
  • The choice made by a greedy algorithm may depend
    on choices so far, but it cannot depend on any
    future choices or on the solutions to
  • Usually progress in a top-down fashion ? making
    one greedy choice on after another, iteratively
    reducing each given problem instance to a smaller
  • Of course, we must prove that a greedy choice at
    each step yields a globally optimal solution
  • Theorem 17.1 ? transformation

Optimal Substructure
  • A problem exhibits optimal substructure if an
    optimal solution to the problem contains within
    it optimal solutions to sub-problems
  • If an optimal solution A to S begins with
    activity 1, then A A 1 is optimal to Si
    ?S si ? f1
  • Theorem 17.1 ?induction

Knapsack Problems
  • You want to pack n items in your luggage
  • The ith item is worth vi dollars and weighs wi
  • Take a valuable a load as possible, but cannot
    exceed W pounds
  • vi , wi, W are integers
  • 0-1 knapsack ? each item is taken or not taken
  • Fractional knapsack ? fractions of items can be
  • Both exhibit the optimal-substructure property
  • 0-1 consider a optimal solution. If item j is
    removed from the load, the remaining load must be
    the most valuable load weighing at most W-wj
  • Fractional If w of item j is removed from the
    optimal load, the remaining load must be the most
    valuable load weighing at most W-w that can be
    taken from other n-1 items plus wj w of item j

Greedy or Not?
  • Fractional knapsack can be solvable by the greedy
  • Compute the value per pound vi/wi for each item
  • Obeying a greedy strategy, we take as much as
    possible of the item with the greatest value per
  • If the supply of that item is exhausted and we
    can still carry more, we take as much as possible
    of the item with the next value per pound, and so
    forth until we cannot carry any more
  • O(n lg n) (we need to sort the items by value per
  • Algorithm?
  • Correctness?

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Greedy or Not? (Cont.)
  • 0-1 knapsack cannot be solved by the greedy
  • Unable to fill the knapsack to capacity, and the
    empty space lowers the effective value per pound
    of the load
  • We must compare the solution to the sub-problem
    in which the item is included with the solution
    to the sub-problem in which the item is excluded
    before we can make the choice
  • Dynamic Programming

Huffman Codes
  • Huffman codes compressing data (savings of 20
    to 90)
  • Huffmans greedy algorithm uses a table of the
    frequencies of occurrence of each character to
    build up an optimal way of representing each
    character as a binary string

Prefix Code
  • Prefix(-free) code no codeword is also a prefix
    of some other codewords (Un-ambiguous)
  • An optimal data compression achievable by a
    character code can always be achieved with a
    prefix code
  • Simplify the encoding (compression) and decoding
  • Encoding abc ? 0 . 101. 100 0101100
  • Decoding 001011101 0. 0. 101. 1101 ? aabe
  • Use binary tree to represent prefix codes for
    easy decoding
  • An optimal code is always represented by a full
    binary tree, in which every non-leaf node has two
  • C leaves and C-1 internal nodes (Exercise
  • Cost

(Not optimal)
Constructing A Huffman Code
  • C is a set of n characters
  • Each character c ? C is an object with a
    frequency, denoted by fc
  • The algorithm builds the tree T in a bottom-up
  • Begin with C leaves and perform a sequence of
    C-1 merging
  • A min-priority queue Q, keyed on f, is used to
    identify the two least-frequent objects to merge
  • The result of the merger of two objects is a new
    object whose frequency is the sum of the
    frequencies of the two objects that were merged

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Constructing A Huffman Code (Cont.)
Total computation time O(n lg n)
O(lg n)
O(lg n)
O(lg n)
O(lg n)
Lemma 16.2 Greedy-Choice
  • Let C be an alphabet in which each character c ?
    C has a frequency fC. Let x and y be two
    characters in C having the lowest frequencies.
    Then there exists an optimal prefix code for C in
    which the codewords for x and y have the same
    length and differ only in the last bit

Since each swap does not increase the cost, the
resulting tree T is also anoptimal tree
Proof of Lemma 16.2
  • Without loss of generality, assume fa?fb and
  • The cost difference between T and T is

B(T) ? B(T), but T is optimal, B(T)?B(T)?
B(T) B(T)Therefore T is an optimal tree in
which x and y appear as sibling leaves of maximum
  • Define the cost of a single merger as being the
    sum of the frequencies of the two items being
  • Of all possible mergers at each step, HUFFMAN
    chooses the one that incurs the least cost

Lemma 16.3 Optimal Substructure
  • Let C C x, y ? z
  • fz fx fy
  • Let T be any tree representing an optimal prefix
    code for C Then the tree T, obtained from T by
    replacing the leaf node for z with an internal
    node having x and y as children, represent an
    optimal prefix code for C
  • Observation B(T) B(T) fx fy ? B(T)
  • For each c ?C x, y ? dT(c) dT(c)?
    fcdT(c) fcdT(c)
  • dT(x) dT(y) dT(z) 1
  • fxdT(x) fydT(y) (fx fy)(dT(z)
    1) fzdT(z) (fx fy)

B(T) B(T)-fx-fy
Proof of Lemma 16.3
  • Prove by contradiction.
  • Suppose that T does not represent an optimal
    prefix code for C. Then there exists a tree T
    such that B(T) lt B(T).
  • Without loss of generality, by Lemma 16.2, T
    has x and y as siblings. Let T be the tree T
    with the common parent x and y replaced by a leaf
    with frequency fz fx fy. Then
  • B(T) B(T) - fx fy lt B(T) fx
    fy B(T)
  • T is better than T ? contradiction to the
    assumption that T is an optimal prefix code for

Self Study
  • Section 16.4 Theoretical foundations for greedy
  • The Matroid theory
  • Note that the matriod theory does not cover all
    cases for which a greedy method applies
  • ex. activity-selection problem and Huffman coding
  • Section 16.5 A task-scheduling problem
  • Can be solved using matroids
  • PP. 371 376
  • Solve the activity-selection problem from the
    viewpoint of dynamic programming (Chapter 15).
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