Title: Hadron Correlations from Recombination
1Hadron Correlations from Recombination
Rainer J. Fries University of Minnesota
Workshop Hot Quarks Taos NM, July 23 2004
In Collaboration with S.Bass, C.Nonaka, B. Müller
2But first
a Short Tour of the ReCo Universe
- Partons created in a high energy collision have
to be converted to hadrons. We don't know the
dynamics non-perturbative QCD! - From ee- collisions fragmentation.
single parton ? hadrons - Generally works for pp etc.
at large transverse momentum. - What happens with the bulk of
the partons in a HI collision?
4From Fragmentation to ReCo
- Fragmentation 1 parton has to hadronize
- With more partons around multiple parton
fragmentation (higher twist) - If phase space is filled with partons
recombine/coalesce them into hadrons!
Dilute parton system High virtualities
Dense parton system Low virtualities
- Ideas going back to the 70s (BjorkenFarrar,
Anisovich, Hwa) - Leading particle effect recombination in very
forward direction (Hwa et al., Braaten et al.) - Recombination is dominated by the valence quark
structure (n2,3). - Are we dealing with constituent quarks?
- Where is chiral symmetry breaking?
- Baryons (3 x pT) pushed out
- further than mesons (2 x pT)
- ? baryon enhancement
- (compared to fragmentation)
fragmenting parton ph z p, zlt1
recombining partons p1p2ph
6ReCo Formalism
- ReCo of hadrons convolution of Wigner functions
- assuming thermal parton distributions
- minijets/showers or independent fragmentation
- Implementations by different groups available
- ReCo is very effective for thermal spectra
- Fragmentation is more effective for power law
7Solving RHIC puzzles
- Recombining thermalized
- parton phase pQCD
- Transition between 4 (mesons)
- and 6 GeV/c (baryons)
- Consistent description of all
- measured hadron species,
- RAA, ratios.
Greco et al.
8Elliptic flow
- Suppose partons have elliptic flow v2 before
hadronization - Meson/baryon elliptic flow (Voloshin, LinKo)
- Does it work?
- Yes
- Quark counting holds
- for K, p, ?, ?, ?, d (?),
- ? ( res correction ??)
P. Sorensen
9The Bigger Picture
- For single particle spectra recombination is
just a microscopic realization of the statistical
model! - (for PT ? ? and exponential spectra masses,
shapes of wave functions are negligible) - But who would believe the statistical model at 4
GeV/c? - ReCo pushes out soft physics
- by factors x2 and x3 !
- Clearly visible in RAA and v2
- measurements at RHIC.
- It is not a mass effect (?, K!).
STAR P. Sorensen
10Why can it work?
- (Non-perturbative) QCD dynamics drops out
- if the partons are (quasi) thermalized.
- if process is dominated by kinetic energies (PT
gtgt M). - Then recombination counting quantum numbers
momentum conservation. - Works from PT 2 GeV/c on, however obscured by
fragmentation at higher PT. - One can make it more complicated to extend the
range of validity ...
11Where is the QGP?
- Quark counting rules were once very useful to
convince us that there is a substructure in
hadrons. - RHIC 2003 A quark counting rule for an
observable that describes a collective
effect! - System must have reached state with detailed
balance at the time of hadronization ?
thermalization? - Parton deg of freedom collective behavior
thermalization ?? -
A classic example
counting constituent quarks!
12Some Final Thoughts
- We only see the lowest Fock state constituent
quarks? - Deep inelastic scattering average parton
- configuration, lots of sea quarks and gluons
- Exclusive processes hard scattering as a filter
in favor of low Fock states - Recombination is there a filter for low Fock
states? - Remember very low scale
- set by T!
- Where is chiral symmetry
- breaking?
Diakonov Petrov Bowman et al.
13Recent Developments
- Higher order harmonics (P. Kolb, Ko et al.)
- Hadron correlations Jets at intermediate PT?
No simple scaling!
14And now, correlations
15Associated yields
- Trigger hadron A, associated hadron B. Measure
pairs uncorrelated pairs (including flow) per
trigger. Associated yield as a function of
relative azimuthal angle - PT window for trigger gt PT for associated hadrons
(down to 1.7 GeV/c) - Clear jet-like structure at
- intermediate PT. Very similar
- to pp (jet fragmentation).
16ReCo and Correlations
- Claim hadrons coming from recombination are
always uncorrelated jets are seen down to 2
GeV/c. - This is true if we choose thermalized
uncorrelated quark distributions as input for
ReCo hadronization. - But we don't know these distributions. ReCo is
there to help us understand them. - So can there be correlations in the parton phase?
We know the answer YES - v2 is a good example for correlations in momentum
space. - From v2 ReCo even enhances the correlation
17Jets Correlations
- Fast partons in the medium experience strong
interactions ? energy loss, jet quenching - Wang, Gyulassy, Vitev, BDMPS, Zakharov,
Wiedemann and many more... - What happens to the medium?
- X.N. Wang 10 GeV quark loses 14 GeV/fm!
- Large energy deposition ? local heating
- Large momentum transfer ? directional information
- Jet quenching is followed by a phase of
dissipation. - Are the hot spots completely washed out?
- How global is thermal equilibrium?
- The hot spot is correlated with the remaining
jet. - Even if the hard parton is completely stopped,
the partons in the spot will be correlated.
18Experimental Evidence
- Strong jet quenching is established fact
- Entangling of medium and jets can be seen in
correlation measurements. STAR nucl-ex/0407001 - Hot spots from jets
- participate in the strong
- longitudinal expansion
- of the medium.
T. Trainor
STAR 2-point velocity correlations
hD h1-h2
away-side same-side
fD f1-f2
19Expanding the formalism
- Formalism so far factorize n-parton Wigner
function into 1-particle phase space
distributions - Sufficient to describe single hadron spectra!
- We take it one order further and introduce
2-particle correlations.
20Modeling parton correlations
- Our factorized ansatz for the correlation
function - Gaussian correlations in azimuthal angle ? and
rapidity y. - The two terms correspond to correlations from the
same jet and correlations from the recoil jet. - Widths and correlation strength can be different
for near and far side correlations - No attempt to have a microscopic theory. It's an
ansatz, but it is compatible with the jets hot
spots picture.
21Correlations from SS-SS ReCo
- 2-hadron yield
- Associated yield as a function of relative
azimuthal angle at midrapidity near-side only - using some simplification like narrow wave
function approximation, flat PT correlations,
only terms linear in v2 and c0 etc.) - Ni are single particle spectra
- C0 c0 Vc / V? rescaled normalization factor
Vc correlation volume - Q amplification factor
22Amplification and Background
- Amplification factor larger for
- baryons.
- Count possible 2-parton correlations between the
2 hadrons for effects linear in c0, only 1
correlation is allowed. - Background for NAYAB from SS-SS (for meson-meson)
4 pairings that lead to meson correlations
2 pairings without correlating the mesons
23Correlations from Fragmentation
- The correct way dihadron fragmentation (Majumder
Wang) - We estimate the contribution by a simple model
- factorization in 1-hadron fragmentation functions
D(z) - Gaussian smearing of the collinear limit in y and
?. - Associated yield for F-F
- Background from independent fragmentation (2
Minijet spectrum
?E average energy loss of parton a
24Soft-Hard Recombination
- Recombination of a medium parton and a
minijet/shower parton. - Is it necessary to explain measured hadron
correlations? - In the Duke reco model S-H contribution is very
small. Different for parametrizations by Greco et
al., Hwa et al.! - Simplest possible process for fragmentation
soft-hard recombination (F-SH) - There are even more processes for dihadron
production, e.g. F-SS, SH-SH, SH-SS ...
u thermal
Fragmentation u ? ?
u minijet
25The F-SH Process
- Our model for a?Ab (F) bc?B (Reco)
- v Vc/V? lt 1
- We calculate this process only for ?-?
production. - The process where the SH meson is the trigger
meson has to be taken into account as well.
26Numerical example
F-F and SS-SS with C00.08, VcNpart.
Large correlations from F-F, favoring baryon
F-F and SS-SS with C00.08x100/Npart (Vcconst.)
Lower associated yield when adding SS-SS without
correlations (C00), especially for baryon
F-SH (?-? only) v0.5
Calculations done using the Duke
27Baryons vs Mesons
- Non-trivial baryon/meson behavior by mixing of
F-F and SS-SS contributions. - But are there jet cones
- for baryon triggers?
- Centrality dependence given
- by the scaling of Vc.
- Yields for F-SH are
- negligible (using Duke
- parameters).
- Recombination provides an excellent description
of single hadron spectra, ratios, nuclear
modification factors and elliptic flow for all
measured hadron species. - Recombination enhances correlations in the parton
phase, similar to the amplification of elliptic
flow. - Jets dumping energy and momentum into the medium
- are good candidates for the origin of such
correlations. - There is a non-trivial interplay of different
hadronization mechanisms that can determine
flavor dependence and centrality dependence.