Title: First Affirmative Constructive
1- First Affirmative Constructive
- First Negative Constructive
Introduction Statement of the resolution Definitio
n of terms Inherency (Justification) Significance
Presentation of plan Solvency of the
plan Summary (PP. 25 26)
- Second Affirmative Constructive
- Second Negative Constructive
- Third Affirmative Constructive
- Third Negative Constructive
2Should the Ministry of Education (MOE) regulate
the higher education policy by setting a ceiling
of college and university tuition fees? (Two
persons in each team.)
Affirmative Ceiling for tuition fees is
necessary. Why? Proposition? Negative
Ceiling for tuition fees is NOT necessary. Why?
Rebuttal and proposition.
Write down your contents after the debate
3Should the college students from China be allowed
to come to Taiwan to attend universities? (Three
persons in each team.)
Affirmative Chinese students should be allowed
to come to Taiwan for advanced education.
Why? Proposition? Negative Chinese students
should be allowed to come to Taiwan for
advanced education. Why? Rebuttal and