Design Wind Speed Characteristics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design Wind Speed Characteristics


effective solidity. ratio. Importance/Safety. Multiplier. I , depend. ent on. structure type and ... Represented by Power Law or Log Law relationships. where ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Design Wind Speed Characteristics

Design Wind Speed Characteristics
  • Jon A. Peterka
  • Kirsten D. Orwig
  • 2009 Structures Congress

  • Wind load provisions differ worldwide.
  • How do they differ?
  • What do they have in common?
  • What are some unresolved issues?

Key Differences
  • Averaging schemes
  • Design speed definitions
  • Load multipliers

Key Differences Contd
Key Similarity
  • Assume Neutrally Stable Boundary Layer.
  • Dominated by mechanically generated turbulence.
  • Represented by Power Law or Log Law relationships.

where for neutral stability
Straight Line Wind
  • Durst Chart Gust Factor for Straight Line Wind
    from ASCE 7.

Unresolved Issues
  • Non-neutral boundary layers
  • Thunderstorm downbursts
  • Tornados

Non-neutral BL
  • Buoyancy and mechanically driven turbulence.
  • term ? 0
  • Example affects efficiency and durability of
    wind turbines

Stull, R.B., 1988.
  • Transient
  • Averaging difficult and event-dependent
  • Unique events (depend on storm translation speed,
    angle of descent, etc.)
  • Gust factors (3s/1hr) much greater than 1.53 used
    in ASCE

Downburst Contd
  • Simulated downburst profiles.

Chay, M.T., et. al., 2006
Downburst Contd
  • Averaging of full-scale downburst.

Orwig, K.D
Downburst Contd
  • Angle of descent example.

  • Transient
  • Complex wind flow (vertically and horizontally)
  • Unique events (single vortex, multiple vortex,
    translation speed, size, etc.)
  • 3s gust not 1.53 times 60min mean and Durst gust
    chart doesnt apply.

Tornado Contd
  • Profiles change in time and space.

Bluestein, H.B., et. al., 2007
Tornado Contd
  • Complex wind flow in and around tornado.

Fujita, 1971
Wurman, J., et. al., 2007
Tornado Contd
  • Each tornado is unique.

Single vortex grew in size and intensity over a
few minutes
Courtesy Kirsten Orwig
Courtesy Kirsten Orwig
  • Wind provisions differ worldwide.
  • Similarities include straight-line wind and
    neutral BL assumptions
  • Each is suitable due to associated multipliers.
  • Averaging times are critical for regions where
    other wind types dominate.
  • Downbursts and tornados may generate greater
    loads due to transience and complexity and remain
    to be addressed.

  • Stull, R.B., An Introduction to Boundary Layer
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  • Chay, M.T., Albermani, F., Wilson, R., Numerical
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    Eng. Structures, 28, 2006, 240-254.
  • Kareem, A., Kijewski, T., Time-frequency
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    Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 90, 2002, 1435-1452.
  • Orwig, K.D., Schroeder, J.L., Near-surface wind
    characteristics of extreme thunderstorm
    outflows, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., 95, 2007,
  • Holmes, J.D., Hangan, H.M., Schroeder, J.L,
    Orwig, K.D., Letchford, C.W., A forensic study
    of the Lubbock-Reese downdraft of 2002, Wind and
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  • Orwig, K.D, Examination of strong winds from a
    time-varying perspective, PhD Dissertation,
    Texas Tech University, in progress.
  • NOAA http//
  • Vesilind, P. J., The hard science, dumb luck,
    and cowboy nerve of chasing tornados, National.
    Geographic, 205, 2004, 2-37.
  • Burgess, D.W., Magsig, M.A., Wurman, J., Dowell,
    D.C., Richardson, Y., Radar observations of the
    3 May 1999 Oklahoma City tornado, Wea. and
    Forecasting, 17, 2002, 456-471.
  • Bluestein, H.B., French, M.M., Tanamachi, R.L.,
    Frasier, S., Hardwick, K., Junyent, F., Pazmany,
    A.L., Close-range observations of tornadoes in
    supercells made with a dual-polarization X-band,
    mobile Doppler radar, Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 2007,

References Contd
  • Wurman, J., Richardson, Y., Alexander, C.,
    Weygandt, S., Zhang, P.F., Notes and
    Correspondence Dual-Doppler analysis of winds
    and vorticity budget terms near a tornado, Mon.
    Wea. Rev., 135, 2007, 2392-2405.
  • Wurman, J., Richardson, Y., Alexander, C.,
    Weygandt, S., Zhang, P.F., Dual-Doppler and
    single-Doppler analysis of a tornadic storm
    undergoing mergers and repeated tornadogenesis,
    Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 2007, 736-758.
  • Wurman, J., The multiple-vortex structure of a
    tornado, Wea. and Forecasting, 17, 2002,
  • Bluestein, H.B., Weiss, C.C., French, M.M.,
    Holthaus, E.M., Tanamachi, R.L., Frasier, S.,
    Pazmany, A.L.,
  • The structure of tornadoes near Attica, Kansas,
    on 12 May 2004 High-resolution, mobile, Doppler
    radar observations, Mon. Wea. Rev., 135, 2007,
  • Hirth, B.D., Schroeder, J.L., Weiss, C.C.,
    Surface analysis of the Rear-Flank Downdraft
    outflow in two tornadic supercells, Mon. Wea.
    Rev., 136, 2008, 2344-2363.
  • Markowski, P.M., Mobile mesonet observations on
    3 May 1999, Wea. and Forecasting, 17, 2002,
  • Markowski, P.M., Hook echoes and Rear-Flank
    Downdrafts A review, Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 2002,
  • Rasmussen, E.N., Straka, J.M., Davies-Jones,
    R.P., Doswell, C.A., Carr, F.H., Eilts, M.D.,
    MacGorman, D.R., Verification of the Origins of
    Rotation in Tornados Experiment VORTEX, Bull.
    Amer. Meteor. Soc., 75, 1994, 995-1006.
  • Markowski, P.M., Straka, J.M., Rasmussen, E.N.,
    Direct surface thermodynamic observations within
    the Rear-Flank Downdrafts of nontornadic and
    tornadic supercells, Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 2002,
  • Sengupta, A., Haan, F.L., Sarkar, P.P.,
    Balaramudu, V., Transient loads on buildings in
    microburst and tornado winds, J. Wind Eng. Ind.
    Aerodyn., 96, 2008, 2173-2187.
  • International Code Council, International
    Building Codes, 2009.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum
    Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
    (ASCE 705), 2006.
  • National Research Council Canada, National
    Building Codes of Canada, 2005.
  • The Government of the Hong Kong Special
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  • Hollister, S.C., The engineering interpretation
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    Bureau of Standards, 1970.
  • Vickery, P.J, Skerlj, P.F., Hurricane gust
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References Contd
  • Durst, C.S., Wind speeds over short periods of
    time, Meteor. Mag., 89, 1960, 181187.
  • Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand,
    Australian/New Zealand Standard, Structural
    Design Actions, Part 2 Wind Actions, 2002
    (AS/NZS 1170.22002).
  • British Standards Institution, Eurocode 1
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  • Bureau of Indian Standards, Indian Standard, Code
    of practice for design loads (other than
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    3) 1987).
  • Texas Tech University, A Recommendation for an
    Enhanced Fujita Scale (EF-Scale), Revision 2,
    Wind Science and Engineering Center, Texas Tech
    University, Lubbock, Texas, 2004.
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