Title: Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for Behavioral Selection
1Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Maxim Likhachev and Ronald Arkin
- Mobile Robot Laboratory
- Georgia Tech
2Broad Picture of the Work
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Part of Multi-Level Learning in Hybrid
Deliberative/Reactive Mobile Robot Architectural
Software Systems project at Georgia Tech - Sponsored by the DARPA MARS program
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Constant parameterization of robotic behavior
results in inefficient robot performance - Manual selection of right parameters is
difficult and tedious work
4Motivation (contd)
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Use of Case-Based Reasoning methodology for an
automatic selection of optimal parameters in
5Evaluated on
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Simulations
- Real robot
- ATRV-JR in outdoor environment
- Nomad 150 in indoor environment
6Related Work
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- ACBARR, SINS and KINS systems
- use of case-based reasoning and reinforcement
learning for the optimization of behavioral
parameters - contribute to some ideas behind the present
algorithm - Automatic optimization of parameters
- genetic programming
- reinforcement learning
7Behavioral Control and CBR Module
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- CBR Module controls
- Weights for each behavior BiasMove Vector
- Noise Persistence Obstacle Sphere
8Input Features for Case Selection
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Vector of spatial characteristics of environment
- D - distance to the goal
- lts, rgt - degree of obstruction and distance to
the most obstructing cluster of obstacles for
each of K angular regions around the robot
9Input Features for Case Selection
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Vector of temporal characteristics of environment
- Rs - short term robot movement
- Rl - long term robot movement
10Computation of Traversability Vector F
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- F
- represents traversability of each region
- approximates obstacle density function around the
robot - independent of goal distance
- smoothed over time
11Input Features Example
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
12High Level Structure of CBR Module
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
13Case Example I
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
CLEARGOAL Spatial Vector D (goal distance) 5
density distance
Region 0 s0 0.00 r0 0.00 Region 1 s1
0.00 r1 0.00 Region 2 s2 0.00 r2
0.00 Region 3 s3 0.00 r3 0.00 Temporal
Vector (0 - min, 1 - max) ShortTerm_Motion Rs
1.000 LongTerm_Motion Rl 0.700 Case Output
Parameters MoveToGoal_Gain 2.00 Noise_Gain
0.00 Noise_Persistence
10 Obstacle_Gain 2.00 Obstacle_Sphere
0.50 Bias_Vector_X 0.00 Bias_Vector_Y
0.00 Bias_Vector_Gain 0.00 CaseTime
14Case Example II
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
distance) 5 density
distance Region 0 s0 1.00 r0
1.00 Region 1 s1 0.80 r1 1.00 Region 2
s2 0.00 r2 1.00 Region 3 s3 0.80 r3
1.00 Temporal Vector (0 - min, 1 - max)
ShortTerm_Motion Rs 0.000 LongTerm_Motion Rl
0.600 Case Output Parameters MoveToGoal_Gain
0.10 Noise_Gain 0.02 Noise_Persisten
ce 10 Obstacle_Gain
0.80 Obstacle_Sphere 1.50 Bias_Vector_X
-1.00 Bias_Vector_Y
0.70 Bias_Vector_Gain 0.70 CaseTime 2.0
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
Average travel distance
Mission success rate
ATRV-JR 12 average performance improvement
in time steps (
based on 10 runs for each system in outdoor
16Simulations real robot experiments Performance
improvement as a function of obstacle density
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
Nomad 150
Based on 10 runs for each system in indoor
17Real Robot Run with CBR
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
18Real Robot Run without CBR
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
19Trajectories of the robot
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
Robot with CBR module
Robot without CBR module
11 less travel distance
Spatio-Temporal Case-Based Reasoning for
Behavioral Selection
- Automatic selection of optimal behavioral
parameters results in robot performance
improvement (based on simulations and real robot
experiments) - Careful manual selection of behavioral parameters
is no longer required from a user - Future Work
- Automatic learning of cases
- identifying when to create a new case
- applying reinforcement learning techniques in
finding optimal parameters for existing cases - Integration with other adaptation learning
methods (e.g., Learning Momentum)