Title: Maritime Transport Regulation
1Maritime Transport Regulation The Five Years Ahead
Presentation to Portfolio Committee 15 June 2004
- The Approach
- The Focal Areas of Maritime Regulation
- Maritime Regulation Areas
3The Approach
- Pro-active trend analysis and response
development - Holistic and integrated approach to processes
- Greater emphasis on International alignment
within SADC, AU and IMO(International Maritime
Organisation) - Participatory policy and regulatory development
4The Focal Areas
- Safety
- Security
- Environment
- Economic
- Seafarer welfare
5Marine Environmental Protection
- Overall Agenda
- National Contingency Planning for prevention and
combating of marine pollution - Marine pollution and bio-diversity threat
management - Ship Emission Control
6Marine Environmental Protection (2)
- Outputs
- Ratification of the OPRC and the HNS Protocol
- Ratification of Ships Ballast Water Convention
- Ratification of Annex 6 of MARPOL Convention
- Amendment of the SAMSA Act and other marine
environment legislation. - Establishment of a co-operative structure to be
known as the Marine Environment Advisory
Committee (MEAC) consisting of Government(all
spheres) and private sector
7Maritime Traffic and Ports
- Overall Agenda
- Enhancement and facilitation of maritime traffic
- Enhancement of port system performance
- Promotion and facilitation of maritime bilateral
relations. - Promotion of coastal shipping
8Maritime Traffic and Ports (2)
- Outputs
- Development of a new framework that will ensure
simplification, minimization and harmonization of
documentary requirements at our ports - Enactment of the National Ports Authority Bill
and establishment of the Independent Ports
Regulator - Conclusion of traffic facilitation elements in
bilateral Agreements with maritime countries - Ratification of the Convention on Facilitation of
International Maritime Traffic, 1965 - Promotion of S.A. participation at the
Facilitation Committee of the IMO -
- Overall Agenda
- Alignment with appropriate international practice
- Growth of the South African registration of SOLAS
- Outputs
- A reformed SA ship registration framework that
attracts new ship registrations - Review of SA ship registration and related
legislation to accommodate among others,
incentives, subsidies and ship financing schemes - Establish the SA Ship Register Advisory Group
(SASRAG) - Alignment of RSA shipping legislation with
appropriate international practice
11Inland Waterways
- Overall Agenda
- Ensure safety on South African inland waterways
- Foster harmonisation and co-operation with
countries sharing RSA inland waterways
12Inland Waterways(2)
- Outputs
- To create a multi-sphere framework for safety on
South African inland waterways through
regulation, enforcement and awareness. - Inland waterways regulation reform to deal with
among other issues, safety, accident
investigation and possible creation of a
navigation control offices at local level. - Conclude co-operation and harmonisation
agreements with neighbouring countries bordering
on South Africas inland waterways - Encourage civil society participation in the
promotion and enforcement of safety on inland
13Maritime Safety
- Overall Agenda
- To ensure safety in the maritime industry
- Appropriately expand safety regulatory framework
to the fishing industry - Agency oversight of SAMSA
- Raising public awareness on maritime safety
14Maritime Safety(2)
- Outputs
- Ensure the continuous development and maintenance
of the maritime safety regulatory framework - Development of a specific regulatory framework
for the fishing industry based on ILO and
IMO(STCW F) treaties and standards - Ensure compliance by SAMSA with the South African
Maritime Safety Authority Act and other
applicable legislation - Integrated Maritime safety awareness programmes
among industry and the public - Performance management of SAMSA
15Maritime Safety(3)
- Amend SAMSA Act in order to clarify powers, roles
and responsibilities of of the institutional
arrangement - Establish the Maritime Safety Promotion Task Team
- Establish the Working Group on Fishing Vessel
16Maritime Industry Promotion
- Overall Agenda
- To enhance the profile of the South African
maritime industry
17Maritime Industry Promotion(2)
- Outputs
- Launching and publication of the maritime
industry Year Book and the Award ceremony - Production of a maritime industry video
- Observance of national and international maritime
18Maritime Industry Promotion(2)
- Outputs
- Launching and publication of the maritime
industry Year Book and the Award ceremony - Production of a maritime industry video
- Observance of national and international maritime
19Maritime Industry Trend Analysis
- Overall Agenda
- Ensure RSA Maritime Industry Relevance.
- Align transport development and planning to
emerging trends
20Maritime Industry Trend Analysis(2)
- Outputs
- To research and forecast shipping trends cycles
and their impact on the South African economy - Develop a quarterly report on emerging trends in
maritime transport industry and its implications
for policy, decision-making and infrastructure
planning - Develop appropriate legal response to emerging
maritime trends - Formation of a Committee with relevant
departments and agencies to consider the trends
and developments affecting shipping and
integrated policy responses
21Maritime Security
- Overall Agenda
- To ensure the full compliance with the
multi-lateral maritime security regime
22Maritime Security(2)
- Outputs
- Implementation of the ISPS Code and SOLAS
amendments - Implement the SUA Convention and its protocol
- Development and maintenance of the maritime
security regulatory regime - Review the Merchant Shipping Act in consequence
to the implementation of the SUA Convention and
its Protocol
23Maritime Security(2)
- Outputs
- Implementation of the ISPS Code and SOLAS
amendments - Implement the SUA Convention and its protocol
- Development and maintenance of the maritime
security regulatory regime - Review the Merchant Shipping Act in consequence
of the implementation of the SUA Convention and
its Protocol
24Maritime Capacity Building
- Overall Agenda
- To increase the number of historically
disadvantaged professionals within the industry - To facilitate the building of an internationally
competitive workforce within the industry
25Maritime Capacity Building(2)
- Outputs
- Career-pathing of suitably qualified HDIs within
the industry - Co-operation with various institutions (academic
and others) to ensure capacity building within
the industry - Promotion of learnerships in the maritime
transport industry - Supporting the enhancement of the Maritime
Chamber of TETA - Promote implementation and development of MOUs
with various academic and vocational guidance
26Seafarers Welfare
- Overall Agenda
- To promote maritime programmes or procedures that
emphasise the welfare of persons working in the
maritime industry.
27Seafarers Welfare(2)
- Outputs
- Conclusion of memoranda in terms of the STCW
Convention. - Harmonisation of SAQA/ TETA with the STCW
Convention. - Programs that enhance human performance in the
maritime industry. - Development and maintenance of a database on
South African Seafarers for crewing purposes - Facilitate the ratification of relevant ILO
Maritime Labour Conventions - Various amendments to the Merchant Shipping Act
- To promote maritime programmes or procedures that
emphasise the welfare of persons working in the
maritime industry.
28Maritime BEE
- Overall Agenda
- To ensure the industry properly reflects the
demographics of SA, in terms of share holding,
employment and personnel development
29Maritime BEE (2)
- Outputs
- Monitoring and implementation of the BEE
Maritime Charter - Develop appropriate legislation to promote BEE in
the Maritime industry
- Overall Agenda
- Facilitate the role of the South African
maritime industry in NEPAD - Ensure that the industry is positioned to
support NEPAD initiatives
31Nepad (2)
- Outputs
- Adoption of the African Maritime Charter
- Facilitation of the implementation of the
African Maritime Transport Charter - Ensure meaningful participation at
MARSCOM(AU) and PMEASA - Promotion of partnerships between south
African corporate entities and those of other
African states
32Maritime Policy
- Overall Agenda
- To develop a comprehensive and consolidated
maritime transport policy for SA
33Maritime Policy(2)
- Outputs
- Maritime policy consultative process
- Development of a maritime transport policy
green paper - Development of a maritime transport policy
white paper
34Search and Rescue
- Overall Agenda
- To develop and maintain an effective and
efficient Search and Rescue Co-ordination and
management capability in RSA and the Region
35Search and Rescue(2)
- Outputs
- Facilitate in consultation with the IMO, the
finalization of the Multilateral Agreement on the
co-ordination of search and rescue services for
the Southern African region - To ensure the appropriate regulatory environment
for SAR - To develop a programme to assist volunteer
organisations - Ensure compliance with the SR requirements under
multi-lateral institutions