Title: European Tripartite Seminar:
- European Tripartite Seminar
- The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Varna, Bulgaria, 19-21 September 2006
- Capt. Marin Petrov, Secretary General Bulgarian
Shipowners Association
2The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Why should States ratify this Convention?
- Bulgarian Shipowners view point
3Responsibilities for implementation of the
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Currently BSA members are complying with the
applicable maritime labour requirements as
follows - Bulgarian flag ships Merchant Shipping Code,
Labour Code, Ministerial Ordinance on Labour and
Related Interrelations Between Crew Members and
Shipowners, EA Maritime Administration
ordinances, Collective bargaining agreements with
the national unions, Seafarers Employment
Agreements, etc.
4Responsibilities for implementation of the
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Currently
- Foreign flag ships Flag State Labour Legislation
and requirements, ITF Collective Bargaining
agreements or national unions CBA (depending on
seafarers nationality), Seafarers Employment
Agreements, etc. - Irrespective of the flag PSC inspections on ILO
Conventions (based on ILO Convention No.147,
Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards)
Convention, 1976 and the 8 related thereto ILO
maritime Conventions)
5Responsibilities for implementation of the
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
- Upon Maritime Labour Convention 2006 entry into
force BSA members are to comply with - the new and amended Bulgarian legislation related
to seafarers employment, accommodation,
recreational facilities, food and catering,
health protection, medical care, welfare and
social security protection - the requirement for a valid Maritime Labour
Certificate and Declaration of Maritime labour
Compliance for each ship - appropriate SMS policy/procedures amendments to
ensure compliance with the new requirements.
6Needs and constrains
- Most of the Maritime Labour Convention
Regulations, Standards and Guidelines refer to
the Member State for specific regulations/practice
s/requirements to be set - BSA members need a clear and comprehensive list
of the Bulgarian Flag requirements, related to
each of the Convention Regulations/Standards as
well as a list of related national
legislation/normative requirements - The above is equally important for each Flag
State whose ships our members own/manage
7Needs and constrains
- It will be difficult to cope with inspections by
Flag State and/or PSC in addition to the existing
inspections for IMO conventions implementation
(if performed in a different time and manner) - The PI practices are somewhat neglected by
requesting direct financial security for more and
more shipowners responsibilities now a days (at
the end this will inevitably reflect not only on
the freight rates, but the employment fees as
well) ref. to the new EC Safety Package III
8Proposals and conclusions
- We hope ILO can facilitate the dissemination of
the different Flag States requirements (or links
to them) related to the implementation of the new
Maritime Labour Convention for use by the ships
flying the respective flag - The EA Maritime Administration (and other
related Bulgarian authorities) are urged to
initiate a GAP analysis for each and every
Conventions Regulation/Standard/Guideline
9Proposals and conclusions (cont)
- BSA members are ready to participate with
expertise and suggestions in the GAP analysis - Based on the above analysis, the definition of
white and shadow areas is to be reviewed and
agreed on a tripartite basis - Consequent legislative/normative amendments are
to be reviewed and agreed on a tripartite basis
before adoption - Full compliance to be achieved well before the
expected date of entry in force of the Convention
10Proposals and conclusions (cont)
- The use of ROs for the inspection and
certification process will be helpful, and this
shall be in the same way as the use of ROs for
IMO conventions inspections (not introducing
other RO bodies or procedures) - The PSC regime is to be also updated and adapted
in time in order to avoid proliferation of
inspections and introducing different
inspection/action/reporting procedures from the
existing PSC regime under IMO conventions (A.787
as amended).
11- Thank you on behalf of the
- Bulgarian Shipowners Association !
- Outside this seminar we are at www.bsa-bg.com
- shipowners_at_mail.bg