Title: Arrays
1Chapter 9
2Chapter Objectives
- Learn about arrays
- Explore how to declare and manipulate data into
arrays - Understand the meaning of array index out of
bounds - Become familiar with the restrictions on array
3Chapter Objectives
- Discover how to pass an array as a parameter to a
method - Discover how to manipulate data in a
two-dimensional array - Learn about multidimensional arrays
- Definition structured (or aggregate) data type
with a fixed number of components - Every component is of the same type
- Components are accessed using their relative
positions in the array
5One-Dimensional Arrays
- is the array subscripting operator
- Syntax to instantiate an array
- dataType arrayName
- arrayName new dataTypeintExp
- dataType arrayName new dataTypeintExp
- dataType arrayName1, arrayName2
- dataType arrayName1 , variableName1
- Syntax to access an array component
- arrayNameindexExp
- intExp number of components in array gt 0
- 0 lt indexExp lt intExp
6Initializing Arrays
- int list 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
- Creates the integer array list with length 5 and
initializes the components to the given values
7Array numint num new int5
8Array list
- Not necessary to know array size at compile time
- arrayName.length returns the number of components
in array - Loops used to step through elements in array and
perform operations
- Some operations on arrays
- Initialize
- Input data
- Output stored data
- Find largest/smallest/sum/average of elements
11How To Specify Array Size During Program Execution
int arraySize //Line 1 System.out.print("En
ter the size of the array ") //Line
2 arraySize Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine(
)) //Line 3 System.out.println() //Line
4 int list new intarraySize //Line 5
12Instance Variable length
- Contains size of array
- public member
- Can be directly accessed in program using array
name and dot operator - Example
- If int list 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
- Then list.length is 6
13Code to Initialize Array to Specific Value (10.00)
for(index 0 index lt sale.length index)
saleindex 10.00
14Code to Read Data into Array
for(index 0 index lt sale.length index)
saleindex Integer.parseInt(keyboard.readLine()
15Code to Print Array
for(index 0 index lt sale.length index)
System.out.print(saleindex " ")
16Code to Find Sum and Average of Array
sum 0 for(index 0 index lt sale.length
index) sum sum saleindex if(sale.l
ength ! 0) average sum /
sale.length else average 0.0
17Determining Largest Element in Array
maxIndex 0 for(index 1 index lt sale.length
index) if(salemaxIndex lt saleindex)
maxIndex index largestSale
18Determining Largest Element in Array
19Array Index Out of Bounds
- Array in bounds if
- 0 lt index lt arraySize 1
- If index lt 0 or index gt arraySize
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception is
thrown - Base address memory location of first component
in array
20The Assignment Operator, the Relational Operator,
and Arrays
21The Assignment Operator, the Relational Operator,
and Arrays
22Methods for Array Processing
23Methods for Array Processing
24Methods for Array Processing
25Parallel Arrays
- Arrays are parallel if corresponding components
hold related information
26Arrays of Objects
- Can use arrays to manipulate objects
- Example create array named array1 with N objects
of type T - T array1 new TN
- Can instantiate elements of array1 as follows
- for(int j0 j ltarray1.length j)
- array1j new T()
27Arrays of ObjectsClock arrivalTimeEmp new
Clock 100
28Instantiating Array Objects
29Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Data is sometimes in table form (difficult to
represent using one-dimensional array). Think in
terms of an 1-D array of 1-D arrays. - To declare/instantiate two-dimensional array
- dataType arrayName new
dataTypeintExp1intExp2 - To access a component of a 2-dimensional array
- arrayNameindexExp1indexExp2
- intExp1, intExp2 gt 0
- indexExp1 row position
- indexExp2 column position
30Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Can specify different number of columns for each
row (ragged arrays) - int twoD new int3
- twoD0 new int5
- twoD1 new int3
- twoD2 new int7
- twoD.length gives the number of rows
- twoDi.length gives the number of elements in
row I (number of columns)
31Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Initialization at Declaration
- int mine 2, 3 , 15, 25, 13,
20, 4, 7, 8 - Three ways to process 2-D arrays
- Entire array
- Particular row of array (row processing)
- Particular column of array (column processing)
- Processing algorithms similar to processing
algorithms of one-dimensional arrays
32Two-Dimensional Arrays Special Cases
33doublesales new double105
Two-Dimensional Arrays
34Accessing Two-Dimensional Array Components
35Multidimensional Arrays
- Can define three-dimensional arrays or
n-dimensional array (n can be any number) - Syntax to declare and instantiate array
- dataType arrayName new
dataTypeintExp1intExp2intExpn - Syntax to access component
- arrayNameindexExp1indexExp2indexExpn
- intExp1, intExp2, ..., intExpn positive
integers - indexExp1,indexExp2, ..., indexExpn
non-negative integers
36Loops to Process Multidimensional Arrays
double carDealers new double 1057
for(i 0 i lt 10 i) for(j 0 j lt 5
j) for(k 0 k lt 7 k)
carDealersijk 10.00