Title: SHAPED BY THE WORLD Cambodia and Suriname
1SHAPED BY THE WORLDCambodia and Suriname!
- By Danielle Shavit and Caterina Nicolini!
2Differences in their foods
- Suriname
- Pom
- Peanut Soup
- Rice
- Pasta
- Vegetable
- Fruit
- Cambodia
- Rice
- Corn
- Vegetables
- Wheat
- Soy
- Pepper
- Mango
- Banana
- Pineapple
Cantlin, Mary. veggies.jpg. Fall 2005.
Pics4Learning. 5 Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learni
3Food Similarities
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Rice
- Fruit
- Vegetable
Biddinger, Nancy. strawberries(1).jpg. February
2006. Pics4Learning. 4 Sep 2007
4Differences in their homes
- Suriname
- Wood, branches, grasses
- White wooden houses
- Cambodia
- Houses on water have stilts
- Beautiful Temples
5Housing Similarities
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Both have wooden houses!!!
Lilly, Vickie. sc005.jpg. . Pics4Learning. 4 Sep
2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learning.comgt
6Differences in clothing
- Suriname
- Women skirts, blouses, bandannas, sandals,
shirts, pants, dresses - Man light weight trousers, leather shoes, ties,
shirts, short sleeved buttoned shirts
- Cambodia
- Normal clothes
- Ragged and ripped clothes!
7Clothing Similarities
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Normal clothes!!!!!
- Like shoes, shirts, pants, short sleeved shirts
mostly made of cotton.
Folks, Tami. s4200293.jpg. July 2005.
Pics4Learning. 5 Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learni
8 Differences in their Geographical Features
- Suriname
- Tropical, forest, tropical grasslands, savannas
- Population 493, 000
- 33,000 Maroons, and 7,000 Amerindians.
- Languages English, Sranan Tongo, Creoles, Lingua
Franca, Dutch.
- Cambodia
- Kingdom
- Population 13,000,000
- Languages Khemer, French and English
- Dessert, plain, rivers and forest.
Wagner, David. cambodia.jpg. . Pics4Learning. 5
Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learning.comgt
Wagner, David. suriname.jpg. . Pics4Learning. 5
Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learning.comgt
9Similarities in Geographical Features
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Forest
Sullivan, Harry. treesinblarney.jpg. 2007.
Pics4Learning. 5 Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learni
10Differences in Natural Resources
- Suriname
- Clay,
- Timber
- Hydropower
- Fish
- Kaolin
- Shrimp
- Bauxite
- Gold
- Nickel
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Rice
- Iron ore
- Copper
- Platinum
- Cambodia
- Wheat
- Soy
- Pepper
- Mango
- Banana
- Corn
- Rice
- Timber
- Gems
- Rubber
- Natural gas
- Oil
11Similarities in Natural Resources
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Iron ore
- Timber
- Vegetables
- Fruit
- Rice
Hedges, Kathryn. bananatreesm.jpg. 2003.
Pics4Learning. 5 Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learni
12Differences in Economic Activities!
- Suriname
- Fishing
- Harvesting vegetables and fruit
- Export food like fruit,vegetables, shrimp, etc.
- Gold mining
- Cambodia
- Export Natural Gas and Oil
- Rubber from the Sap tree
- Tourism
- Garments
- Rice milling
- Fishing
- Wood products
- Rubber
- Cement
- Gem mining
13Similarities in Economic Activities!!!
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Mining
- Fishing
14Our Economic Projects!!!!
- Caterina (Suriname)
- I would encourage the kids to stay at school, so
that they can get a job and win more money for
their families, instead of working on their farms.
- Danielle (Cambodia)
- I want to help stop mining because their are a
lot of hurt people in Cambodia.
15Similarities in our Economic Projects!!!
- Suriname and Cambodia
- Help people for better lives
16Thanks for watching!!!!
- By Caterina Nicolini and Danielle Shavit!
Wagner, David. surinamefl.jpg. . Pics4Learning. 5
Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learning.comgt
Wagner, David. cambodiafl.jpg. . Pics4Learning. 5
Sep 2007 lthttp//pics.tech4learning.comgt
17Sources from Suriname
- "About the Peace Corps." Peace Corps. 15 Aug.
2007 lthttp//www.peacecorps.gov/ index.cfm?she
lllearn.wherepc.southamerica.Surinamegt. - "Surinamese Geography." Suriname's Geography. 24
Aug. 2007 lthttp//www.travelblog.org/World/ns-
geog.htmlgt. - "Type of Clothes." Surinam. 24 Aug. 2007
lthttp//www.east-buc.k12.ia.us/01_02/ LA/Sur/S
urin.htmgt - "Economy." Suriname-South America (Map of the
Republic of Suriname). 25 Aug. 2007
http//www1.sr.net/t102869/about20suriname.htm - "Type of Clothes." Surinam. 25 Aug. 2007
lthttp//www.east-buc.k12.ia.us/01_02/ LA/Sur/S
18Book Sources from Suriname
- Blackmer, Beatty. Suriname. New York,
Philadelphia Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. - Lieberg, Carolyn. Enchantment of the World
Suriname. Canada Childrens Press, 1995.
19Sources of Cambodia
- Cambodia." About the Peace Corps. 13 Aug. 2007.
13 Aug. 2007 lthttp//www.peacecorps.gov/index.
cfm?shelllearn.wherepc.asia.cambodiagt. - "Cambodia." Cambodia. 14 Aug. 2007. 14 Aug. 2007
lthttp//www.cia.gov/library/ publications/the-
world-factbook/geos/cb.htmlgt. - "Cambodia." Cambodia. 15 Aug. 2007. 15 Aug.
2007 lthttp//www.worldbookonline.com/wb/Articl
e?idar089140stcambodiagt. - Giraud, Herve'. Kradiji A child of cambodia.
North America Pemf, 2002.